
Seeking Our Soul

Teen age is the time when we feel the most pressured. May it be studying or dealing with any situation, we always feel burdened. This novel shows the life of an unlucky teen girl who undergoes many ups and downs to turn the tides and be what she really wants to be. In this process of regaining her freedom and finding herself, she meets various people, experiences many hardships and finally opens up her heart which was seemingly closed for a lifetime... I hope you can relate with it.. This is my first time sharing my work so please root for me.. And please give your reviews so that I can improve it.

Starlight_ish_12 · Urbano
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7 Chs

The Cursed Day !

"Nothing could have been worse than this".....

There is always a day in our life, which is far more miserable than the woes of our entire life.


"Surrounded by the bars of terror, covered by the darkness of protection, Emmie was brought up in a silver cage ".

She belonged to a seemingly rich middle class business family.

One night as she stood by the window blind gazing at the infinite dark she murmured "the sky must be feeling the same way as me, since there is no star tonight. I watch the stars when I am under the weather, I wonder what the sky gazes at to feel elated !!"

She always felt as if the four walls she was surrounded by had ears, the ceiling had eyes and her every move was being recorded. She felt like she was going to be devoured by her own room. She was fed up of all her two faced family members and their schemes she had to deal with. They were like wolf in the skin of a sheep. This added fuel to her hate for joint families. There was no way she could call this devious place her home.

She marked a black cross in her calendar and went to sleep. It was only 10 days since her 16th birthday.

Next morning she went school with a cheerful look, but it was all washed away in a single blow. The whole class was in panic, as they looked at the notice board. It displayed the date when the results of high school board examination were going to be announced !!!!

Emmie stood in the centre all pail because that date was exactly the same as her birthday!!

"Oh my ! Why in the world am I so unlucky ??" She wailed while walking towards her girl gang.

Everyone was low sprited as they went back to their classes. But unfortunately, Emmie was encountered by a creepy, dark aura. Of course, it was the aura of the class's topper as well as her cousin Arnel. His smirk was enough to make her go completely crazy.

She knew she was going to be compared to him at home again. They were only compared in studies because Arnel was better. This thought made her angry as she was obviously better than him in every other thing. She looked at him with murdering eyes but deep down she was scared to go back home. That whole day she couldn't concentrate on anything that was being taught in the class. The whole class was silent due to terror and anxiety.

But the recess bell broke all the silence and the gossip about the results continued.

The break time overed in a flip of eye, and now it was time for the last lecture.

"Wait, where is Emmie ? Wasn't she in the class before the break ?? " Her friends panicked.

Teachers just thought that she must have bunked the school, and they carried on teaching. No one really ever cared for her in school, except her basketball coach. But, he wasn't in school that day.

Amidst all the hither-thither, there was a huge thud that left everyone dumbfounded. Everyone curiously ran out to see what had fallen, but were freaked out seeing one of the girl (Yena) of their standard was lying down there. Teachers jumped out to check her pulse, though she was severely hurt but thankfully she was alive as she fell down from the first floor. The ambulance was called right away.

To save the image of the school, her parents were convinced and briebed to let the school investigate this matter.

The most shocking part was that no way it could be a self attempt as she was one of the top students. So everyone concluded that the person who tried to hurt her was probably someone who was jealous of her.

Everyone was just casually gossiping and speculating who could it be, when suddenly someone from the crowd shouted, " It must be Emmie. She wasn't in the class. Also, she is friends with Yena. They must have had a fight, so she tried to hurt Yena to take revenge."

Soon these senseless and illogical words flew all over the school like wild fire !!! And the worst part was that teachers actually believed all this crap.

Since, Yena was unconscious she couldn't testify. But the question was, where exactly Emmie was?

The quest to find Emmie had begun. An ignorant girl had suddenly become the hot topic of the school !!!

"And this is how, based on some ridiculous rumours, Emmie become a criminal, with the charge of attempting to hurt her best friend ".

To add worse to the worst Emmie was still unaware of all this mess !!!

"But what if, it was really her ??"

This is my first time sharing my work so please root for me..

Stay tuned for next chapters..

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