

🥀happy reading🌹

For the following days, life has been going on good. As much as Dee wants to be happy, sometimes she is happy and excited but sometimes, she is sad, moody, and feels like the world is caving in on her. She feels like any situation is going to render her lost forever. She is not close to any truth and the fact that the connection is almost dead and she is still lingering in position three was eating her up. She thought this was an opportunity for her to tell the world a story of who she is, and what she is made up of but turns out there are other people who have that ability apart from her. Maybe she wanted too much from this, maybe she wanted so much to be recognized but she is not going to receive that award. All she was left with was the old drama, her old self lost in the big world where people throw you at your place and all you can do is nothing, nothing at all. 

Sometimes, she has Jade to keep her sane. They will play together after picking her up from daycare and most of the time, Jade preferred to stay with her at home, play, and read with her. This helped her and lifted her emotionally.

As much as she wants to reconnect with the world she can't do that emotionally, she is still drained, and she feels the world is not her place. Today is the last day for Jade around. His dad was coming to pick him up. She needed some alone time too. She has to make sure that she is doing everything in her will to prove to the world that she is someone, though that was not necessary she needed the vote that is going to put her in that place. She has a story to tell not to sell. She aimed to make more people aware of who she is and not to buy whatever she is selling. She wanted to tell other girls, they can make it despite other challenges they are facing. She smiled with every second she had with Jade but for the other time when he was softly snoring on her lap and laying on her chest while she typed into the laptop, the world was like a hawk waiting to grip her and tear her away.

"He is enjoying too much, sometimes I wish I was the one being held like that you know. "

Dan is on her side, but she doesn't feel the need to bother him a lot. Though he is willing to risk it to tell the world about Dee, Dee prefers to be anonymous after she realizes that she is not going to make it out after all. Her name was soiled and there was no way to save her 

 She was far from salvation. She knew another drama, she will be in hell, burning in fire.


"We were all here at some points and at that point, we all fell disgusted. I think he is the only one whom I feel is brave enough to stay like this, suck his thumb and be a happy man. Not many of them love being here, they will prefer to play, and soil themselves and after that, they will cry that they are hungry. We all don't appreciate some situations until we realize how important they were to us, Dan."

Dan was trying to get a wind of her words. What did she mean by those words? She seemed lost while saying all those words. He assumed and thought that maybe she was just trying to make sure she praises, Jade once against because when he is with her, he is a good boy who appreciates everything he has. 

"I need you to sign these documents, while you put him to sleep. Are you ready to give your speech for the mega celebration today? There is going to be a debate, remember?"

Dee raised her brows thinking of what the debate will be all about. She has been to a lot of conversations, and conferences where they had to support women and agree that they deserve a chance. They had to make sure They talk about women in business.  Looking at the documents, the big heading was about Women and Power, she didn't have anything in mind, all she had in mind was the idea of other women letting her down, other women pointing fingers at her for being who she is. She wanted to shake her head but Dan had already printed the full ceremony pamphlet and pushed it her way.

"You've got the power and the brain, I know you are good at public speaking after those four years. You will make it even though you are still in position three. I know you have made some great improvement in your life Dee and there is no reason to panic."

'Why are you believing in me all this time? Don't you for once thinking I am going to fall you after all the effort you have put in place, Dan?'

Dee wanted to ask him that question but she realizes there was no way she would ask that. She would drag him down too. She smiled and picked up the pamphlet. With Jade on her lap she enjoyed reading everything that was inside, she got an opportunity to know what the debate would be all about and everything that is going to be talked about that debate. She keenly underlined the important key features to make sure she has everything in order. 

"Help me Lawd, I don't know if I am going to make this or I am going to fail and end up useless?"

She said to herself while winding up on the several pages of the pamphlet. She didn't have anything too far, but in her mind, she has everything to think about. There was a section making sure you ask your rivals some questions and there was a section where the audience was going to ask some questions. She didn't know what to ask her rivals because they didn't place them in order. They didn't categorize who is going to sit with who. She only knows there is going to be a debate for the contestants. 

She patiently waited for the Day to wind up as jade was done sleeping and was now on her laptop trying to play some game with him. They quickly played several games before she heard a knock on the door. Though Dan was still in the office she wondered who might be knocking softly today. For the past few days, it was either someone jumping into the office to shout at her, or Dan was trying to rush down while breathing heavily to prevent them from getting inside. There Was a change, a soft knock on the door.

She allowed the person in, Dominic. She was excepting him but why the soft knock. She settled herself nicely on the chair and Jade jumped to go to him. He was supposed to have picked Jade one week ago but he had two weeks with him and Dee. 

Jade being the jovial one, explained to his dad everything that he has done, and what he used to do when he went to playgroup and the day he didn't go which were told earlier by Dee. His dad nodded and smiled at him. He held him up and placed a kiss on his cheeks. 

"That's my son, so what do you want to do today? "

He still had all the attention on his son. 

"Want to see mum and then come back to aunty Dee."

Dominic nodded and sat down in the chair that Dee had offered him. He was comfortable sitting there because there was nothing to fear. 

"How are you doing? "

Dominic was concerned though he knows that Dee can take care of herself in any way possible, there is nothing that can hinder her.

"Doing fine, how about you, is everything okay? Is Claire okay?"

She doesn't care whether you are not talking with her, all she cares about is if everyone is okay. Those are the same people who fed her and she is not going to let them go just like that. They can be enemies but that doesn't mean that they can't talk.

"Everyone is fine Dee, she is good and I know she owes you an apology and she is thinking of every way she is going to say sorry. It's a bit odd for her but she is trying all she can to say it. Let's say she is gathering courage. "

Saying sorry can be hard but, if you gather the courage of telling the people that you were wronged, everything is going to get better. It doesn't mean that people are going to forgive and forget but at least the huge burden is lifted off your body and you are now free. 

Dee smiled listening to Dominic say that. It's not like she wanted Claire to say sorry. She wanted the family back, she wanted to make sure that Claire is not angry at her, that Pete is not mad for anything that she did and she knows she will achieve that. She doesn't know how to do it but she is trying all she can to make sure that she gets her family back. 

"Thanks, Dominic, she doesn't need to say sorry you know, we all mess up and we don't know that we have messed up. I agree with her if she feels bad but she doesn't have to be afraid of me. I am okay that she recognized what she did."

       Dominic looked at her and shook his head. 

"I think I will just tell her to teach you how to shout at people because you are not that hard on people who have wronged you. You need to punish them too. They need to say sorry, Dee. People have hurt her and as her husband, I support that she should apologize for her behaviors. Stop giving people an easy time, they will always hurt you siz."

Dee knows everyone is there to hurt someone. She doesn't dwell so much on people after the same people she knew almost messed her over. They messed her. She has stopped expecting too much. Too bad, no one knows how to read Dee. She is a secret book. People are too quick to judge her, they think she is soft, but she is not. She has this power in her, this hardness in her, and the person who has experienced a little bit of that is Jake. He has seen a piece of her bad side and if he was to see everything, he would have feared Dee.  

"I will keep your words in mind, Dominic. You don't want me to be hard on people though, I know what that will do to them. They will fear me and they will think I am going to pounce on them for no reason. I know when to release my anger, I know when to shout and be the bad girl but right now, your wife is good at being the bad girl, for me, let them think I can't hurt a fly."

Dominic and she laughed as Jade also joined them though he couldn't understand what his parent and aunt were talking about. Dominic waved her goodbye and so did Jade. Jade had to place a peck on her cheeks before saying some thousand goodbyes. She was all alone in the office, though Dan wa on the other side, she still felt the loop in her heart.

"You are ready for tonight? I have several dressed for you to try out and we are going to make sure you pick the best. I got a new designer and he is the best."

Dee nodded though deep down she had her doubts.

On the southwest of the same city, your girl, Fern Kings was unbothered. She was still laying in bed after failing to achieve her orgasm for the hundredth time this week. She can't handle Jake and she is thinking of several ways to eliminate him. She knows very well it's going to be a hard task but she has to deal with it. 

She looks on his side of the bed, there lays the man whom she wants to eliminate, lies in bed unbothered, clothed in handsomeness, he is breathing steadily while his abs moving slowly in his body. 

"I just need that award, I know I will get a lot of things with that award. You are my key to that door and right now, I am doing everything possible to open my legs to your dick without any problems. After this event, you won't see the light of the day. No man sees the light of the day with me!"

She says to herself while looking at Jake who is peacefully asleep. She turns again and looks at her phone when she hears a shuffle, she quickly places her phone under the blanket and pretends to be asleep. She knows it's morning glory time and Jake will get what he wants without any problem.  Sleeping is the only way she is going to escape it. She is pretending so that everything can pass. Jake can't force himself on her if she is sleeping. 

Jake grabs her and pulls her to his side, he is trying to wake her up but she is 'asleep.' His little brother is raging trying to kill him. When Fern falls to wake up. He sighs and walks to the bathroom. With the towels on his waist, he pretends to be showering. He lathers his hands with the shower gell and puts it on his manhood. Soaking it while pulling it gently, inside his head, the pictures of Dee during their last encounter flood. He can't help but groan her name silently to avoid annoying Fern.

In ten minutes,  he is satisfied after throwing a huge creamy paste on the bathroom wall. He lets the water pour on himself as he showers. Putting the facet on the wall to clean the cream paste, he makes sure everywhere is clean and nothing will be thrown back at him. Done with his shower, Fern is shifting in bed. She 'hasn't woken up.: Jake feels his phone vibrate and he looks at it. 

The notification is for the debate for the competition. The final two people will be left to contest among themselves. They will question each other. He is concerned about who are the two others and when the realization hit him, he realizes that he might have Dee and Fern on the same stage,  something, he is not ready for. The only thing he can do is to make sure Fern is kicked back to number forty or Dee is taken back to number seven.  He hates himself at this point. He hates that he had to decide who is going to sit with him on the high table and who is going to have a life and cry themselves to sleep after being thrown back. 

"Dee has every right to be in her position but for Fern, I know I am working hard to put her in the position she is in. Maybe this time around, let the debate decide on what and who is going to make it. I can't just be giving people a chance and they are blowing it.."

He finished the lamentation while blowing his hair. Then it dawned on him that he will require Dee's services before the debate. He quickly check fur her number but after several calls, Dee is unavailable, he checked again.

"Did she click me? If all the things she decided to block me?"

He was irritated that he was blocked by Dee. He didn't know how to reach or call her.  He tried her email but still, nothing was going through. He decide to get to google hangout maybe she had not blocked him there. He was blocked from every site with Dee. The only person he had was Fern who doesn't know when to help or when to act like a baby.

        "Fuck, I will have to go there on my own!"