
Seducing a King: Irresistible Temptation

....he turns around and walks closer to you. His hands are inches away from yours and he searches your eyes. You smell his musky scent and it prickles all your senses. You don't know if it's his dark brown eyes staring into your heart or the way his face glows for you, but you feel excitement brewing. "Lady Winters, it's so kind of you to see into my soul and show me your affection for my trouble. This is what attracts me so. You don't just see the King, but you see me. I have a lot of troubles, Lady Winters but when I'm with you, every last one disappears...." It's the 19th century. The King is betrothed to Princess Catherine since infancy. You're a woman of nobility and the King is head over heels for you...

Mrssmithwriter · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
84 Chs



He tries to fall asleep and get a good night's rest but the entire night is consisted of rolling around and staying awake. He has so many things on his mind about the Kingdom, about leaving you alone, about you being alone for the night, and that he is not able to be by your side. He thinks about how deep this tyranny is going and how he missed it all along.

He can not help but feel like a bit of a failure of a King. There are so many things going on in the Kingdom and he was the one that was supposed to have everything under control. But he realized that he might have focused a little too much on his sickness and saving the Kingdom from poverty instead of looking after the people.

The words of Lord Walton keeps on playing in his head. How one small choice made such great trouble and how misinformed he was about his father's life. Then, just when he is ready to fall asleep he sees the sun rising in the east.