

Chen's life came to an end when her family decided to sacrifice her for the safety of the kingdom. she was married to the most feared alpha King who also hated the witch. Pains as the Alpha King tortures her for the sins she knew nothing about but at then her stupid mind won't keep on longing for him. Will she forget about his hatred for her and make him fall madly in love with her?

DaoistXterian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 9


I was very happy with what I did. This man has been tormenting me since I came but now I'm ready to give him back the taste of his own medicine . At first, I had thought of throwing the fireballs at his face. It would heal since he is a werewolf but then I remembered that he is also a very strong one, my plan to hit him might fail and he would launch for me.

Then I changed plans. Isn't this bed one of the things that is making him behave almighty? Then I looked at the fireballs in my hand and I threw them into the bed setting the bed on fire

As I saw the bed burn, I was very happy. I looked at him and I saw his look like that of a raging Lion so I knew that Chen, it was time to run.

Before he got to me, I took to my heel shouting fire. The people who heard me quickly ran to the scene.

As they were trying to put off the fire I stood by the door watching. I noticed him while talking to his mother and he looked at me. I didn't fail to give him a smirk before I disappeared.

He is not the only one that knows how to bully. I too can be a bully if I want to.

Although I didn't know where I was going to sleep tonight because I couldn't enter his room. He wouldn't kill me but then I was satisfied.

I walked out to the plain, where people train to see what was going around in the palace. The sleep in my eyes has cleared. I then found myself where many pups were training. I didn't know if I should be here but then I was so enticed by how the pups were training.

"If you don't stick well, I will break your bones" I heard one man shout.

I felt he was too harsh on the child. Looking at the child, I realise that the child isn't a male but a female. She was crying as she hit the stick.

I moved closer to the pup and held her hand.

Immediately the man who was training them saw me. He bowed.

"Luna Queen," he said.

Just as he said that all the pups too did as he did and bowed.

"Luna Queen" they chorused.

I looked at the man and smiled.

"What's your name?" I asked him.

"I am He Zhou," he replied.

"He Zhou, can I ask you something?" I said with a smile.

I knew what I wanted to ask in my mind would be a very difficult thing but I was sure to be very polite. Well, I'm the Luna Queen and even if it's obvious that their Alpha doesn't want me, they won't dare to disrespect me.

"Yes Luna" he replied.

"Can you give me just a little time with these pups, I just want to know them" I said to him.

I love to be around pups. I think they are more friends and pure in heart than those adults that don't know more than spite.

I could see He Zhou's face turn into a frown.

"Luna, I can't do that. It is their training hour and if they slack the Alpha will scold me" he said.

Looking at him, I know he is a high-ranked wolf.

"What's your rank?" I asked him.

I saw that his mood changed immediately and I wondered why. Is he so sad about his rank that he didn't want me to know?

"If you don't want to tell me, it's fine," I said to him.

" I'm the Gemma" he replied.

"Oh," I said looking at him.

Now I know why he frowned.

A Gemma is a protector of the Luna and always does the Luna's bidding. He must not have liked that their Luna is a witch. That's why he hasn't shown himself to me. Well, I wasn't angry. I wasn't happy to be the Luna as well.

"So Gemma, I'm not asking you this as a Luna Queen, I'm asking you as a common person who just wants a few minutes," I said, looking at him.

I was looking at Gemma to see if he would continue to decline. Well, even if I want to use the power of a Luna on the Gemma two things can't make me.

One I haven't been marked by the Alpha King and two I didn't even know how Luna controls the Gemma. I'm just a novice here.

"Fine, " he said at last and I almost jumped for joy.

He looked at the pups and said to them,

"Hey little armies, it is an honour to have the Luna Queen come to visit you. Now she wants to have a few words with you. You have to behave with honour and dignity. Am I clear?"

" Yes Gemma" they all chorused.

I wondered why there were too many words just because I wanted to say hi to them.

He then looked at me.

"They are all yours, Luna" He bowed and then stepped aside.

There were a lot of pups and I didn't know where to start. Then I decided to make them come around me.

This made me sit on the floor and beckon all of them to come. I could see shock registered on all their faces and I'm sure that the Gemma too is not left out even to the guards by the door.

I didn't mind any, I just made the pups gather around me and sit on the floor.

"You must be very tired?" I asked them.

They first looked at their Gemma before they nodded slowly.

I begin to look at their beaten body one after the other. I know one thing that werewolves, when they are pups, especially when their wolf is not out, they tend to heal slowly.

I pitied the pups. Not that little witches don't go through hard training too but then pups own are more vigorous.

"For the hard work of today, let me give you all some candies," I said.

No little one would hear about candy and not be happy. So are these pups right in front of me? They didn't shout but I could see happiness in their eyes.

I put my palm together and closed my eyes. I chanted a spell in my mind and then a lot of candies poured out of my hands and this wowed the little one.

This is one of the things I enjoy doing the most. Creating candies for little ones. This is one of the reasons I was said to have no useful magic. Because what they saw me do most is make candies

"Wow! Luna you have magic," one of them said.

"Of course, she will. She is a witch" another replied.

I wondered how the pup knew that I'm a witch. I don't know what they might have told the pup about me.

"But witches are evil," another said.

"Wait, everyone! Do I look evil?" I asked.

Even if everyone in the pack doesn't accept me, if these little ones do, I will be more than satisfied.

The pups looked at each other and then some shook their heads while some said nothing. I then took one of the candies I made, unwrap it, and put it into my mouth

These pups are scared of me and I should at least gain their trust.

"Don't think of me as a witch, think of me as a fairy. Fairies are beautiful creatures, aren't they?" I asked them.

" So is the Luna," one little boy said, smiling at me.

They seem to agree that I am beautiful and I beamed. I love receiving comments from little ones.

"Then let's be friends," I said to them.

One after the other they nodded and before I knew it, we'd all bonded together. We shared candies and they asked me to make a lot of things.

I was making sure that I wasn't showing them too much magic. If they asked for greater things, I'll just tell them that a fairy doesn't do that.

Many times when the Gemma came to me to release the pups to go back to training a bit looking at the pup's faces, I declined him. After a while, he gave up.

We were so carried away that I didn't know when the Alpha King walked into the arena. He stood there watching with an angry face.

"How dare you use magic in my Kingdom and to my people!" His angry voice came.

Everything and everyone came to a stop. The pups seeing their Alpha ran behind me. Because there were many, they hid behind themselves.

"Is he also treating these little ones badly?" I asked in my heart.

He walked slowly towards us. I would have moved back if those children weren't hiding behind me. I looked at the Gemma who gave me a very sad face to show me that I had gotten him into trouble.

"You have a lot of nerves don't you?" He asked me.

I don't care about what he wants to do to me but I would never let him touch these little ones. I guided them like a mother hen and he looked at those pups that were hiding behind me.

"Did you bewitch my pups!" He scowled at me.