

Chen's life came to an end when her family decided to sacrifice her for the safety of the kingdom. she was married to the most feared alpha King who also hated the witch. Pains as the Alpha King tortures her for the sins she knew nothing about but at then her stupid mind won't keep on longing for him. Will she forget about his hatred for her and make him fall madly in love with her?

DaoistXterian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 1

I walked reluctantly to the pack house. We should have shifted in our wolf form but my father forbade me never to shift. As a werewolf, since the day I shifted to know I have a wolf, my father had warned me never to shift again till he told me to. I don't know why he said this but I've never disobeyed him and my wolf never tried to come out. I didn't even get to know the colour of my wolf.

Being that I couldn't shift, I used a sword instead. Myen were walking behind me. Not that I would mind if they decide to leave me behind. In fact I am more than grateful to have the whole walk to myself but as their prince, they wouldn't leave me. They just kept walking behind me.

I couldn't help but to keep on thinking about what the witch said about the prophecy. I've never heard of such a thing before. Not even my mother made the mistake of mentioning it to me. I wished I couldn't believe the woman but her words were so alive in me. I kept wondering what this prophecy has to do with me. I just wished it's not what I'm thinking. Wished that the witch was lying just to get me disturbed.

After the long walk, we arrived at our destination. It seems so fast in my eyes because of what I know I'm going in there to face, but to my men it was indeed a long and tiring walk. We were only a few that left for the war which also got me thinking that my father really wanted me dead. In a short time I was right before my father who was seated on his throne explaining things to him.

"How dare you disobey my order!" He roared after he asked me of the woman he told me to bring and I told him she's dead.

"I didn't Alpha. She killed herself" I defended myself.

Knowing the kind of father I have, I know if I do not defend myself, I'll not be able to get out of trouble easily.

"You liar!" He roared again.

This was getting me angry. He called me a list as if he had any evidence to prove that I truly lied. Not that I wasn't prepared for his wrath but it's still getting on my wrong side.

He is my father. At least he should be considerate about things here.

"I'm not lying" I said between gritted teeth.

My father stood up from his throne. " How dare you speak while I speak!"

He moved closer to me and gave me a slap and I stiffened at the pain it gave to my poor cheek.

I could hear murmurings rising from those in the room. This was all new to them. I know they would have thought me to be the bad one because my father is all loving outside but not inside.

"You are just so useless," he pointed at me.

I look at him and then back to my feet saying nothing. I just stood there to hear him speak of how I'm a threat to the peace of the kingdom just because of one mistake I made. It's not as if I knew the woman was going to kill herself. This made me wonder what he needed the woman for.

His words were making me boil with anger. If he wasn't father, I would have ripped his head off and put it in his hands.

"If it was so easy as you speak, why did you then sit comfortably on your throne instead of going out there to bring her yourself?"

It was until I heard gasps that I got to realise I was the one that spoke to the Alpha King in such a manner. I don't even need anyone to tell me that I'm so dead. Not even a single Alpha in our province would dare speak to the Alpha King the way I just did.

We are a Chinese breed and that automatically makes us Chinese. According to the story my mother told me, she said that it was when our ancestors were cast out of their original home that they came to dwell in the province of Hubei. Then the place was so peaceful that not so many werewolves were here. Now we dominate Hubei. We are well hidden in the forest of Hubei. We also do have a lot of wolves that spread across China. Our ancestors made sure we are rarely noticed by humans but notwithstanding we still have things that hunted us until centuries ago that we made them believe we've been wiped out. Now they don't even know of our existence.

My father, Gui Jinhai, was so wrought with my words. I looked so scared because I was sure I didn't say those words. He looked at me with anger. I felt like pleading but I know that won't stop him from punishing me. It will only boost his power to torture me to death.

"Do you want a death wish?" He said with his Alpha eyes beaming red.

I shook my head to tell him no.

"You are an Alpha King. You are ten times stronger than I am. So you should be the one out there fighting, not sitting here lazing around and still getting angry and scolding me for running your errands' '.

This time no one needed to tell me that I was the one who talked. I could vividly feel my mouth moving. It's as if my mouth now has a mind of its own. This is going to send me to doom.

"What the hell is going on with me!" I screamed in my head.

I wasn't like this before what happened to that witch. So I'm blaming this strange occurrence on her. This is nothing but her doing. If she had wanted me dead, she should have done it herself, instead of planning to make me suffer this way. Now what is happening is greater than death.

"What the hell are you doing!" My mother screamed in my head.

" I don't know what is happening to my mother" I cried to her.

I was looking at my father who was equally looking at me. I know at any moment, there would be an attack. I wish I had a mirror before me to see what I'm looking like. I don't trust any part of my body again. I don't know if my eyes now have a mind of their own like my mouth.

The look of my father changed to a fierce smile. I know that smile very well. He does it whenever he's at his best torturing me.

"You plan to challenge me boy?" He said.

" No," I shouted in fear.

Now that's the real me. Forget that I'm huge, I'm so afraid of my father. That's why I felt like this is all a dream.

"I just want to know about the prophecy. The old witch talked about the prophecy and said it has something to do with me" I pleaded.

Then I saw my father's eyes change to bright red. He seems to be as angry as a beast. I don't know why what I said got him angry again. Or does he have a link to the prophecy too?

"Will you shut your mouth?" He growled.

"No I won't. I have to know every details" I argued.

Before I knew it, my father dashed at me and hit me so hard that I flung to the wall and hit the floor so hard. Pain ran through my body. I could hear my mother's scream.

"Longwei Shen!"

Yes, that's my name Longwei Shen. I looked at her and saw her running towards me. My father stopped her and shoved her aside so that she fell hitting his chair.

I roared in anger. That woman is the only thing that gives me happiness. I rushed at my father and held him by the throat lifting him off the ground.

"Longwei, please" my mother's voice soothes my anger.

I looked at my and threw the man even though he was choking and was still filled with pride. I thought what I did was a message enough that I'm not so restricted or lame but instead, immediately he landed on the floor, he stood up and went to grab my mother. He dipped his claws in her neck.

"Ahhhhh" my mother screamed in pain.

"No!" I shouted and wanted to run to her but his words stopped me.

"You move close, I'll rip her head off in seconds" he threatened.

I was surprised. That's his Luna for crying out loud. Not just his Luna, his mate. The woman he married and loved. Who exactly is this man called my father? I always thought him to be just a tough man but now he seems more than a tough man but a demon. I couldn't help but look at him with wonder.

"Pick your sword," he commanded.

I looked at him suspiciously. Why would he tell me to pick my sword in this kind of situation? I could use it against him. I looked around briefly to those in the room. They had all scurried to a corner, even those that are my fearless warriors. They were all looking so afraid. I obeyed him with my eyes on him.

"Now dip it into your heart," he said.

"What!" I couldn't help but exclaim.

I looked at him like, is this man serious? When did it get to this? Why will I want to kill myself? I begin to doubt his fatherhood. Why will he want me dead? Just because of this little mistake he wants me dead?

"He has always wanted us dead but he was afraid to do it himself" my wolf said.

The realisation was done on me with those words. All those torture he do give to me were so deadly but I survived all. But why? What have I done to warrant death?

"Don't listen to him Longwei. Let him kill me" my mother cried out.

He then dipped his claws more in my mother's neck and she screamed. That scream got into me and I know I have to do something. I wasn't ready to die neither do I want my mother too, not the man who is my father and is acting so strange right now.

I made sure to distract him by staring into his eyes and when I got my clue that he was so focused on me, I swiftly ran to him and pulled him away from my mother and I held him down with all my strength.

"Why are you doing this?" I shouted.

"You can never fulfil the prophecy. You are nothing but a powerless human" he breathed out.

Another strange revelation.

"Human?" I was confused.

A human doesn't have a wolf. How then did he classify me to be human. All this is driving me crazy.

"Yes, don't be fooled to think you are one of us. You are not a boy. You have nothing to do with that prophecy. I should have killed you when I had the chance to" he said with much vile.

Looking at the way he's struggling to be free, I think my father is connected to this prophecy. Now I'm so desperate to know about this prophecy. All about it.

"Tell me the prophecy" I ordered.

"Not in your life. It will follow you to your grave" he said.

He then with all his strength pushed me off him and launched an attack immediately. I fell hard to the ground. He dipped his claws in my chest to dig out my heart. With all my strength, even those I was in serious brain wrecking pain, I pulled out his claws from my chest. Then he bit my neck so hard that I screamed in pain.

My mother was crying bitterly. With one side of my eyes I could see people holding her so that she won't interfere into the fight. I was grateful to those people because I won't forgive myself if anything happens to her.

I know if he succeeded in biting off the amount of flesh from my neck, I'll suffer a lot and that's if I do not die from it. I used both of my hands to hold his neck so that he couldn't breathe. He couldn't help but to release the flesh and gasp for breath.

I made him face me while I was still choking him. Shock was registered on his face but there was still a cold blooded man.

"Who exactly is this man I call father?" I asked myself looking into his eyes.

He might be wicked to me but I didn't want to kill him. I hit him so hard that he spits out blood.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked.

I still couldn't believe that my life just changed in a matter of minutes. This all feels so wrong and scary. I'm in such a dilemma.

"Even though you kill me, you will never be able to kill him. He's more powerful than anything all of you can think of" he said, coughing.

" Who is he?" I asked.

Instead of his reply, he took my sword and stabbed himself.

"Why are they all using my sword?" my wolf asked in anger.

Everyone in the room gasped.

Is that hidden man's life weightier than my father's that he has to sacrifice himself for him. I watched as his blood spilled to the ground and then gathered together to form a certain symbol. The symbol looks like an earth that has fire in it. That I don't understand. It vanished as it came and my father, Gui Jinhai died.

I was supposed to feel guilty and pained that my father killed himself with my sword just like I felt for that old witch but I didn't. I tried to feel something but it won't come. I just watch his lifeless body on the floor as if it means nothing.

I looked at my mother. She would be so devastated. The mating bond will make her miserable. I really pitied her that she was given to such a man.

Then suddenly I felt awkward. I felt like some strange thing was building inside me. I felt dizzy but there was nothing for me to hold so as not to fall. I fell to the ground, groaning in pain.

"Longwei!!!" my mother shouted.

I could hear people calling my name but none could come closer to me. Before I knew what was really happening, I transformed. I was standing on my four paws. Looking at my legs, I was as white as snow.

No one made a sound in the room. It was as if none was there.

I had wanted to see my wolf for a long time and now is the opportunity. I walked to the window, to take a look at my reflection. What was so disturbing wasn't because I was a huge white wolf but the disturbance was that, I'm a big white wolf with wings. I've never heard that in history. This must have something to do with the prophecy.

One part of me was surprised the other part of me wasn't. I turned around to see the people watching me. Not even my mother was standing. They all bowed to the ground.

"I am returned" I said unconsciously.

I'm no longer an ordinary Longwei Shen. Now I'm Longwei Shen, the wolf with wings.