

Chen's life came to an end when her family decided to sacrifice her for the safety of the kingdom. she was married to the most feared alpha King who also hated the witch. Pains as the Alpha King tortures her for the sins she knew nothing about but at then her stupid mind won't keep on longing for him. Will she forget about his hatred for her and make him fall madly in love with her?

DaoistXterian · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
61 Chs

Chapter 11


I dragged myself out of his presence. Once again, the Alpha king is being himself. I didn't let his words get to me but no matter how hard I tried, a part of my heart still ached. That guy is just so mean.

I feel like a piece of thrash that no one wanted and it's as if a dagger was passed through my heart. The pups were excited to see me but as Longwei said, I was a witch and I do not have the right to interact with them.

I saw the pain in their tender eyes as I walked away. I had walked away not because Longwei's words were too powerful but because I didn't want to put those poor pups in trouble. They are too pure for that. The presence of the Alpha made them tremble and grip the hem of their clothes. Unfortunately, there was nothing I could do about it.

I was not going to allow that brute of a guy to trample upon me. I didn't want this union as much as he does. I know that he is powerful but I will face him anytime he tries to bully me.

I've been bullied too much in my life because I can't fight back. Because my grandmother had to strictly warn me not to show anyone how much I can do.

If being with him was a temporary thing, I would have endured all his bullying but then, it seems it's going to be for a long time, well, that's if I don't get killed by him.

As I was going back to the room silently battling with my thoughts, I crossed paths with my sister and she brushed past me, hitting her shoulders on mine.

"What was that for?" I asked her, turning my face towards her. She raised her eyebrows, facing me squarely.

Jie is supposed to be a solace in this unknown land but then she's even worse than those who hated witches.

"Why are you wasting your time, Chen? What are you still doing here?" she asked the question simultaneously.

"I don't understand what you mean by those questions, Jie," I responded, trying to wrap my head around what she meant by that.

"Of course you won't understand. Always playing the dumb one every time," she fired at me. Her eyes ran through my body as if she was trying to look into my heart.

"If this is about the Alpha King, please just stop it," I pleaded, feeling pissed already.

I don't want to start envying her. I had told her many times to go tell my stepmother that she wants to be the Luna of this terrible Alpha King. I don't see how it is my fault that she got refused.

She smiled cockily, moving around me in circles. She leaned towards my ear region and whispered to me.

"Why do you keep following him when you know he doesn't give a damn about you?" she asked, sending shivers of anger down my spine.

"I am not following him about, Jie. Look, I know you love him but don't you think this is too much?"

She let out an annoying laughter from her lips and I became disgusted. I was her sister for crying out loud. Why does she have to behave this way? Not even in an unknown land.

"You know I love him but you remain with him. He will never love you," she said to me. I felt a hand on my shoulder and she pointed in the direction of the Alpha King.

"Do you see his cold eyes? It will only consume you. He can't tolerate someone like you," she disclosed and my heart raced fast for reasons I do not know.

"You don't have to tell me all these, Jie. You know the reason for our togetherness…," I tried explaining but she cut me short that instant.

I was trying all I could not to give her the piece of my mind. Grandmother is the cause of all these

"Oh, fuck that. Fuck those bullshits. We both know they have been feeding you with lies. If you want to have peace, leave him," her words blasted onto my ears. Her voice was stern as if she was commanding me to leave the Alpha king.

"Do you think I won't give my left arm if that is possible? You know I can't do that. I can't just leave him," I answered with a calm voice. I wanted her to see reasons with me. But the more, I tried explaining, the more the envy grew in her eyes.

Her teeth clamped together and she shot me a glare.

"You can't leave him because you are praying he will change his attitude towards me. Swear you aren't doing so!" she raged.

I could feel the anger emanating from her. I still don't get what this was about. Why was she acting so obsessed?

She should know that if I try to leave if the Witch Queen does not find me, these werewolves will find me. Why then will I waste my time?

She knew that even if she moved close to the Alpha King, he would never choose her. She's a witch just like me and yet her mind is clouded by the feelings she has for him. I just pitied her.

"Jie!" I called her but she turned her back on me with so much swiftness. "Have you no shame? I am your sister," I said softly. I don't know how I managed to be this calm while talking to her.

"Of course, I have no shame. I will keep advising you as your sister. Soon, you will discover I was right all along."

"Keep your advice to yourself," I snapped and stormed out of her sight. I didn't want to draw any attention to us.

Seeing two sisters arguing over a man is nothing but an eyesore. What will people think about us? It is not even when the man is the man I hate the most. A very annoying and arrogant one.


The sun had already gone down a long time ago and everywhere was thick black. The crescent room shone brightly, radiating its light to the earth.

Despite that, one could barely see in the darkness. It was obvious to everyone it was time to go to bed.

The noise in the house died down as everyone scampered to their various rooms, leaving me outside.

With my little finger in my mouth, I paced around from one end to another, indecisive about what to do. I didn't know if I should go inside or not because of what I did.

I had burned the bed with a witch's fire without thinking. Although that was fun, the repercussions are now out. I don't even know if I should go in.

The way he looked at me when I was with the pups was really scary. I don't know if he would strangle me to death if I go in.

The squeaks of rats and the clicks of the high-pitched voices of the bats resounded into my ears which made me growl in anger.

I might be a witch but I hate darkness. My grandmother had tried all she could to make sure I don't fear darkness but I do. Right now my biggest fear is that he shouldn't tell me to sleep outside in the dark.

He is the Alpha King, and this is his territory, he can do whatever he wills. I moved towards the door and when I tried turning the knob, I took some steps backward.

"No, I can't go in," I muttered to myself. The night was cold and chilly. The breeze blew across the environment and a rush of cold air penetrated my skin causing goosebumps all over me.

I shivered but nothing could make me go inside. Not even if it rains fire and brimstones. Come heavy rain, come sunshine, I won't leave here.

Longwei hated me more than he hated the trash and what I knew was that he would never tell me to come inside. He is known to be very heartless towards all witches, especially me. Not even now that I have angered him the most. Truthfully, sometimes I do hope that was not the case.

It was glaring in my eyes now. Perhaps, my stepsister was right. Maybe I should run away to a place where no one knows me. Where I can just be an ordinary person with no witch power. Maybe I can forget everything my grandmother told me. I shook the thought out of my head knowing that I can't do it. I shouldn't do it. I might put all witch land at stake here.

"Jie just wants him, nothing else. I shouldn't fall for her trick and make her put me into more trouble that I wouldn't be able to correct," I assured myself.

I wrapped my hand around me and squatted on the floor beside the door. I was shaking because of the cold air but no one seemed to care. Those guards didn't even try to ask me why I'm seated outside. All these people are just as cold as their Alpha King.

While I was still squatting there, trying to put myself to sleep. I heard a sound and I raised my head, thinking in my heart that it was Longwei that came looking for me but it wasn't.

My stepmother's figure appeared and I pierced my eyes through the darkness to see her.