
Chapter 58


Stranger was exactly what I was searching for when I awoke. I had lost track of the ache in my neck and head. I was concerned about my husband's well-being. He put me to sleep, so I know he did something. But where did he pick up the skill? How did he figure it out?

Emma was sitting calmly in the living room as I entered. She appeared as if she was deep in thought. She didn't even notice that I was already in front of her.

"Emma!" I exclaimed.

She looked as if she had seen a ghost.

She said anxiously, "Master Black."

"Just Jenny. What happened to you? And where is everyone? Did you see my husband?"

Emma quickly bit her lower lip so my forehead furrowed at what she did.

"Tell me the truth, Emma. Where is my husband?"

"Come to Logan's rescue," she answered and avoided her eyes from me.

Suddenly I felt annoyed with Stranger. How can he do this to me! He can be punished when the lifter finds out. I don’t know how to save him.