
The Hunter Who Killed Immortals (23)

(Northern Region- The Gobrean Jungle)

(Secret Underground Space)

Xu Lu cautiously stretched out her hands and tried to sense if there was anything different or changed about her body.

She lifted up the mask that covered her face and gently touched the flesh that lay beneath the metallic surface.

No… she could still feel rough patches of skin and horrific scar tissue. Xu Lu placed the mask back on her face and let out a small sigh.

Even though she was by herself and only took off the mask for a second... she felt the original Xu Lu's emotions flood her mind.

Self- hatred and disgust. She was a monster. A monster.

No... stop that. Think about something else.

Anything else.

Fuse? Okay... think about fusion. She had just fused with some unknown egg.

But she felt no different. 

Maybe fusion only worked for spiritual creatures?