
Lady Of The Night (32)

(Outskirts Of New Atlantic City)

(Castle Eden- Palace Library)

Mary hummed softly to herself as she sat down on a wooden chair and adjusted her posture. 

She was currently alone in the vast library and surrounded by hundreds of books.

There was an inherent peacefulness to this place that always made her heart feel at ease. 

Maybe it had to do with the fact that Camilla never came here so this place felt like her own personal sanctuary. 

Speaking of Camilla…

Mary let out a small groan as she tried to ignore the mixed feelings that the beautiful female vampire stirred in her heart.

Stupid… you see one pretty woman and it's like… boom… your brain stops working…

She's the enemy. 

Don't forget it.

Mary opened one of the books in front of her and read its contents desperately in an attempt to distract herself.

This text contained a vampire hunting technique known as 'the Iron Body'.