
Seduce the hero's mother (GL)

I am reborn as a minor character and the mother of the main character, the deposed ruler Leriana Ashford. My husband's younger brother will stage a rebellion against him, and only my young children will manage to escape. And the unfortunate Queen Leriane faces a bleak end. According to the plot, my heroine will sacrifice her life during the rebellion to save her children. Except she won't! Dying at twenty-seven is too soon for me and I'm going to change the tragic plot of this novella. I was lucky enough to be reborn ten years before the events of the novel began. At a time when the future King Philip and his brother Razor had just fallen in love with me at the Royal Academy, and their fight for me led to a feud. To survive - I decided not to become queen and live a quiet life with my father the Duke. And in order to rid myself of these two, I had to go to extreme measures. I decided to start dating the daughter of the cursed Duke, who is feared and hated by the entire academy.

Meredit_Yuri · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
196 Chs

Chapter 24. Attack

Despite the fact that Rachel refused to obey me to the last, I still managed to persuade her to go with me to the school doctor.

The girl's illness seemed strange to me for obvious reasons, and unlike her, I was not ready to give up so easily. Every cause has an effect, and I wanted to find out.

So after Rachel got much better, I decided to take her to a professional. Although she resisted, explaining that there would be no point in the examination.

The doctor's office was in a separate wing of the academy, and we went there through the academic building. Just in case, I even held Rachel's hand so she wouldn't run away. In response to this, the girl only sighed indignantly.

«I said it's useless,» she snapped, «What do you want from a useless imperial doctor?»

«For him to examine you,» I said, «aren't you interested in finding out what kind of diagnosis this is?»

— Not interesting.

Rachel said this with such indifference that I was surprised how much she didn't care about her own health.

— What if it's something deadly?! — I burst out, — Really, you don't care?

Rachel frowned.

— Well, I'll die and die… something to shake the air.

I exhaled. Arguing with Rachel on this topic was completely useless. What can I say, if for so many years she endured such pain, and did not even think to turn to specialists.

Okay, Rachel, she's all clear. But how could her father be so indifferent to what was happening?

«Did the Duke really say nothing?» — I asked, — Maybe he knows something about your illness?

— I have no idea what this old man has in his head, — the girl said irritably, — He just said it was family.

— Family…?

It seemed that it became pointless to ask any more questions. If Rachel herself did not know the details of her condition, then only a doctor could give her the right diagnosis. At least, that's what I hoped. After all, if this is really some kind of family ailment, then no doctor of the empire will be able to help her.

We were walking along a semi-deserted corridor, where students rarely met, casting sidelong glances at us. Since most of them had already left for classes, we were almost the only freshmen at the academy.

On the one hand, it was very convenient, because there were half as many whispers around. And on the other hand, a strange atmosphere was created when there was dead silence in such a huge building.

Anyway, it was only for three days, so I didn't pay much attention to what was happening. You can perceive it as a kind of short-term rest.

While I continued to make sure that Rachel didn't sneak out of here, I had a strange premonition.

Which came true in the next few minutes.

A guy I vaguely recognized suddenly appeared in front of us. And how could you not find out: it was to him that Rachel almost tore off her hand in our first meeting at the academy. It was really hard to forget.

I haven't seen him since that day, but now he suddenly showed up in the middle of the corridor. Getting in the way of Rachel and me.

Rachel frowned. Unlike me, she didn't recognize the man she beat up a couple of months ago.

— Who else are you? «What is it?» she asked coldly.

— You crippled me and didn't even apologize! — the student declared, — And now I have come to demand compensation.

Rachel chuckled and was about to pass by, but he called out to her:

— If you do not compensate for my physical and moral damage, I will report you to the Ministry of Education!

— Yes, do whatever you want. It's still the first time I've seen you.

If someone had dared to present something to Rachel earlier, she would have immediately attacked him with obvious motivation. But since I was with her this time, she decided to hold back. I couldn't help but appreciate this gesture.

«How can you pretend you don't remember me?! — the guy got angry, — Because of you, last time I almost lost my arm!

— I don't remember every insect that gets in my way.

After Rachel threw those contemptuous words at him, I hoped everything would work out. But no. In the next second, this guy made a fatal mistake.

He put his hand on Rachel's shoulder in an attempt to stop her.

— I haven't finished yet…!

The girl turned to him with a terrible expression on her face. She hated it when someone else touched her.

At that moment, I was seriously afraid for the fate of this unfortunate.


One blow was enough for Rachel to send the student flying away from her by a couple of meters. After that, she was going to get rid of him with an understandable bloodthirsty motive.

«It looks like you really don't need a hand, since you're trying so hard to part with it.»

The poor student shrank from horror, because there was nothing he could do. It was too late to even call the teachers before Rachel seriously hurt him. This time, he probably won't get off with just a broken arm.

I watched what was happening from the side, and I realized that I could not help but intervene.

I was not afraid to approach her at that moment, and before Rachel started to deal with her «victim», I grabbed her by the arm.

— Don't! — I shook my head pleadingly, — Rachel, leave him alone!

— Get off! Do you think I can let this bastard go?!

When Rachel was angry, it was extremely difficult to get her to listen to anyone's opinion. And yet I tried.

— Just once! — I asked, — Do it for me!

If Rachel started another bloodbath, I was afraid to imagine how it would end. Even if Duke Cassius funded this school, the headmaster couldn't turn a blind eye to her actions forever. Therefore, she couldn't act so recklessly.

Despite the fact that I tried by hook or by crook to make Rachel come to her senses, it didn't work for her. If someone touched her, it automatically triggered as the strongest trigger for uncontrolled aggression. Even my pleas were powerless in this situation.

Then, I decided to use my last trick. Although, from the very beginning, I did not hope that it would work.

— If you hit him now, then I… won't talk to you for a month!

— what?

Rachel was taken aback.

— Just try it! — I declared, — I won't even greet you later!

The girl hesitated. Obviously, her first intention was to tell me to fuck off. But later she thought about it when she realized that I wasn't joking.

To be honest, I didn't really believe that it would help. After all, it always seemed to me that Rachel herself was waiting for me to leave her alone. Probably, in her eyes, I mattered no more than the same guy lying on the floor.

Another insect that irritatingly got into her life.

I just wanted to try.

But surprisingly… The rage burning in the girl's eyes subsided.

— You really won't?

I was surprised that she asked about it, but stammered immediately answered:

— O-of course! I don't throw words to the wind either!

My words made Rachel think.

— Won't you come to me for a month?

— Exactly!

Rachel looked at me strangely. After which, something trembled in her expression.

She looked at the guy who was still lying under her feet and waiting for his death sentence. Then, with displeasure, she threw:

— Okay… Today, you stay alive.

After saying that, Rachel turned to me. At that moment, my heart skipped a beat for the first time.


After Rachel Cassius almost took his life, a student trembling from head to toe on wobbly legs tried to get out of this place as soon as possible.

Convulsively inhaling the air, which he began to miss sharply, the guy noticed a figure that was waiting for him behind the dormitory building.

Despite the fear of everything he had experienced, he had to go there.

There were no strangers here anymore, so the student and his employer were left alone.

— Well? How did it go? Crown Prince Philip asked expectantly.

He shrank even more frightened.

«Y—Your Highness, I was unable to fulfill your assignment.»

— What?!

— You said that if I asked, Rachel Cassius would compensate me for the damage! But she was suddenly going to attack me!

Philippe Blanche pursed his lips. According to his original plan, this was exactly what was going to happen. Knowing about the uncontrolled aggression of the daughter of Duke Cassius, he hoped that this guy would not return to him on his own two feet. But for some reason, he was still alive.

«You say she wanted to attack you?»

— Yes…!

«So why are you still alive?»

This question confused the student.

«L-lady Ashford was with her… She stopped her.»

After learning about this, the prince became even more angry. This was not at all what he had hoped for when he made this plan. And especially since Leriana will intervene in this matter.

It was not difficult for Philip in a short time to find a person with whom Rachel Cassius had previously had a conflict. It would be a reliable proof of her guilt.

A couple of months ago, this student, unaware of Rachel's terrible reputation, called her eyes «scary» for which he almost lost his arm. Rachel herself forgot about this incident the very next day, but the guy kept the grudge for a long time and longed for revenge.

The pretext of Crown Prince Philip was a good case. He promised him that he would do everything possible to make Rachel pay him for the beatings he had committed. But first, he has to talk to her himself to call her to account.

It was at this step that Philip expected Rachel to snap and kill him. That would be the perfect reason to kick her out of the academy afterward.

However, because of Leriana, this never happened! She intervened at the wrong time and ruined his plan.

Philip sighed, ruffling his hair irritably.

It seems that this time, too, he will have to do everything himself.

«Your Highness! — meanwhile, the guy timidly addressed him, — But will you help me anyway? You promised that you would take my side!

Philip looked at him and smiled.

— of course. I always keep my word.

In the next second, the Crown Prince's personal bodyguards came out of the shadows — three big men in knight's armor. They stood menacingly behind him.

The student was scared, not understanding what was happening.

— I will really be on your side, — continued Philip, — At the trial, I will say that you were the victim attacked by Rachel Cassius.

— What…?! — he asked with horror, — «A victim…»?! But Your Highness…!

Philip looked at him coldly, not letting him finish the sentence. After a moment, he gave a clear order:

«Tomorrow, this guy's body should be found in the main hall of the academy.»

— Yes, Your Highness!

After throwing these words, the Crown Prince turned around and left, while his bodyguards attacked the student.