
Secure. Contain. Protect. Dead By Daylight

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  • 11 Chs
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  • NO.200+

Ghostface ends up in the SCP universe as an SCP, not remembering anything before waking up in a hallway. Ghostface must recover his lost memories, of course causing some chaos along the way, and maybe find out what exactly he’ll do once he does have his memories. If he can even do anything, the life of an SCP is difficult, but also unbelievably easy! (Warning! This is a M/M Ghostmyers fic! If you do not like then DONT. READ. If you do, then proceed as you were!)

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Chapter 1Chaos Begins

A dizzying sensation washed over Danny as he swayed, gravity pulling his body towards the ground. He placed a hand on the wall, steading himself as the metallic smell of blood wafted through the hallway. Red lights flashed while an alarm rang incessantly, taking a moment to ground himself, he took in information of what was around. Noting the pile of uniformed dead bodies blocking the left side door, he'd probably be amused if he wasn't on the verge of puking.

He found it eerie that he had no memory before waking up here, the only clue he had was the leather Ghostface outfit he's currently wearing. It wasn't much, but it might have to do with how he got here. Either way, waking up in a hallway with a pile of dead bodies is definitely not a scene you want to be caught in. Especially while wearing a Ghostface outfit.

Moving away from the wall, Danny made his way to the door on the right. Someone spoke over the speakers, saying something about an SCP-106. Whatever that was, then the speakers beeped a few times before an audio played. There was a quiet crunch before screams of agony echoed through the building, it sent a delightful shiver through Danny's spine.

'Whatever this place is, it definitely isn't normal .'

Looking at the scan pad beside the door, he placed his hand on it. The door slid open and he was immediately greeted by gun barrels, the guards seemed just as surprised, one nearly shooting Danny's head off. Glaring at the guard, he grabbed the knife from his right thigh sheath. Stabbing him between the helmet and Velcro, the other gurgled on his blood as Danny pulled the knife out in a swift motion. Moving to end the others in quick succession, the alarms and flashing lights had stopped by the time he was done.

Wiping the blood off of his blade onto his glove, he took in the layout of the new room. Noting the three possible doors he could go through, unfortunately, he didn't get to that point. Because in the next moment, multiple guards came from all three doors.

"Target sighted, unfamiliar entity. Proceed with caution." The middle guard spoke as Danny flipped the blade in his hand.

"Entity? Ah, that reminds me of something. But what?" Humming, he slid the knife back into its sheath.

"Target is sentient, able to communicate. Perceive threat level as Euclid, entity possesses melee weapons but does not seem to be naturally aggressive. Prepare containment."

Danny tilted his head to the side, glancing around before backing through the door. He hid off to the side, peeking his head out to stalk as the guards watched him cautiously. Guns still aimed steady, this continued for a few moments before more guards and a doctor appeared. The doctor took the lead, standing in front of the group and the closest to Danny.

"Hello, my name is Doctor Kneel. If you wouldn't mind, would you come with me?"

The man had a slight British accent, and wore a spiffy miniature bowler hat atop his curly auburn hair. All he was missing was a handlebar mustache to tie the look together, as the stubble of a five o'clock shadow didn't quite match.

Danny stalked the man for a moment before moving out from his cover. The doctor smiled as he turned around and shooed the guards from the door, motioning his hand for Danny to follow. Passing the guards, he heard the loose threads of his outfit wave in the air behind him. It seemed to put off the others, their shoulders tense as they followed behind down the hallway. A few took their places beside the doctor as protection.

'Is this a science facility? There's definitely a lot of dark secrets in here. I can feel the hatred and pure bloodlust throughout this place.'

Dr. Kneel eventually stopped inside a room, it seemed to be freshly cleaned and furnished. The shine from the wall suggested a one-way glass, tilting his head. Danny joined the other inside the room, amused by the hurried slam of the door closing behind him. Looking around the room, it was painfully plain. The walls, ceiling, and floor were all a murky white. The only things serving as furniture was a bed as plain as the room, and a desk with two chairs. The doctor took a seat before motioning to the other one.

"Please, take a seat." His tone was light and joyful as he crossed his legs and picked up the clipboard from the table.

Danny pulled the chair out from under the table and sat down, watching as the other wrote something on the clipboard.

"Alright, if you wouldn't mind. I would like to ask a few questions."

Danny hummed, "Sure, but only if I get to ask questions as well."

Dr. Kneel paused for a moment, clicking the back of the pen a few times. Nodding, he started this "interview".

"What is your name?"

"Ghostface, what is this place?"

"Hm, it is a facility. Where and when were you born?"

"That's a vague answer, doctor. Florida, and I'm 24." Tilting his head at the other, he watched the pen move as the doctor continued without looking up.

"My apologies, I'm afraid I can't share much about my job or this place."

"Too bad, what's the date?" The doctor looked up at this question.

"5.12.2022." He said carefully, eyes searching Ghostface for any reaction. Danny simply hummed, "Do you have family?"

Shaking his head at the doctor's question, he stood up and walked over to the bed. Pressing down on it to test the comfortability, he laid down on it. Crossing his hands behind his head as he crossed his legs.

"What about you doctor? Do you have people at home waiting for you?" The question was vaguely threatening.

"If I do?" The doctor glanced up from his clipboard, but continued to write.

"Then why work in a sketchy place like this? I can feel the bloodlust, I'm surprised. This place has decent security, other than the probable frequent jailbreaks that must happen. If 106's attempt earlier is any suggestion, you probably see plenty of people die and get replaced."

"You can feel bloodlust?" The tone was curious.

"Mm, almost taste it. And I don't appreciate you avoiding my questions, but I understand. People probably die here all the time, there's no point in dwelling on it."

"Yes, I agree. Is there a particular reason you were hiding behind the door earlier?"

Danny turned his head to look at the doctor, casually rolling off the bed and rolling under it. Easily disappearing into the dark, he let the shroud of darkness envelope him as he watched the other stand up and walk over. Crouching down to peer under the bed, his eyes darting around but failing to find Ghostface. Panic filled his face as he hurriedly stood up and ran over to the door, just as the guards entered. Danny rolled back out from under the bed, sitting criss-cross on the floor as Dr. Kneel visibly relaxed. Releasing a breath as he checked the watch on his wrist, Danny supposed high blood pressure is fairly deadly as well. Tilting his head, he chuckled.

"My, did I frighten you doctor? My apologies, I was simply demonstrating."

Dr. Kneel motioned the guards out of the room as the two took their seats at the table once again, the doctor took a moment to calm down and write on his clipboard as Ghostface crossed his arms and stared up at the ceiling, finding it interesting if only for lack of entertainment.

"Do you know what particular abilities you have?"

"No, to be honest. I hardly remember much before appearing here, It feels like I'm missing something… Important , but I don't know what." He hummed and tilted his head, legs crossing.

The doctor seemed to think for a few moments before continuing. "Hm, alright. I suppose some tests may help."

Danny lowered his head to look at the other, head still tilted as the doctor stood up. He spoke to the guards before motioning for the other to follow. Leaving the room, they walked down multiple hallways before Ghostface was escorted into a large empty room. A large window was in place, console's and chairs visible in the room behind.

'The observation room.'

Danny stood in the middle of the room, looking around for lack of anything else to do. When the door opened again and a person in an orange jumper entered, the man looked confused as he watched Danny. There was a number on the jumper, Danny noted.


The man pulled a note out from his pocket and carefully approached Ghostface, stopping a few feet in front.

"Uh- Do you mind if I touch you?" He raised an eyebrow at the paper but kept his eyes on Danny.

Crossing his hands behind his back, he tilted his head and rocked back and forth from his heels to toes. Smiling at the other, although not visible to the number tagged man.

"Sure~!" He spoke in a sweet tone, the other man seemed to relax, if only slightly.

The man came closer, hand reaching out as his fingers brushed against the leather. Surprisingly, instead of grasping the leather. The others hand passed through it, the material had dispersed into a pitch black fog. Easily reassembling immediately after the disturbance, the tagged man wore a surprised expression. As did the doctors, Danny pushed away his surprise and instead settled to tilt his head to the opposite side.

The tagged man tried again, this time his hand passed through Danny's abdomen. The fog almost seemed to shiver at the disturbance and Ghostface moved backwards, head tilting down to look at the fog regrouping into the gap. It felt very normal , but also very wrong . Like Danny was simply in a vapor state.

"Ah, sorry. I suppose touch does not work in this state."

Concentrating a bit, he felt the fog come together and condense. Sort of like putting puzzle pieces together, he formed the fog into a ball in his core and filled in the gaps. He stepped forward again, removing one of his hands from behind his back to grab the other's.

"There we go, my, your hands are quite rough." Danny inspected the callouses and scars.

"Ah-! Um…?"

"Oh, it's a compliment! Don't worry, rougher hands means you simply work a lot with them. Were you perhaps a mechanic?"

The tagged man's eyes widened as his mouth hung agape.

"Ugh, y-yes…? How?"

"You have a very strong smell of oil, despite however many times you've showered." His tone was chipper and you could clearly hear a smile in his voice.

Danny removed his hand from the others and pulled off his glove, the garment dissipated into fog and disappeared back into his body. Holding out his hand to the other, he slightly waved it. The tagged man furrowed his eyebrows as he looked at the tan unblemished skin.

"Don't do a lot of work with your hands, do ya?" The man noted.

Quiet giggling suddenly sounded from the masked figure, it bubbled into loud unbridled laughter. The tagged man was clearly confused by what the other found amusing in his words. The previously outstretched hand moved to sit against his mask as he shook his head, lifting it to look at the other as fog moved over his uncovered hand to conceal it with a glove again. Before anyone could react, the D class was stabbed repeatedly. The man fell to the floor gurgling blood as his face twisted in pain and horror. Sitting on top of the limp body, Danny tilted his head at the mutilated flesh of what was once the man's face.

Sighing, he wished he had his camera. Standing up, he pinched the blade between his fingers and cleaned off the blood. Unconsciously activating night shroud as the doors opened. Multiple guns aimed at him as Dr. Kneel tried his best to divert his eyes from the body.

"Not a fan of blood, doctor?"

Tilting his head he put his knife back in its sheath and stepped away from the body, the blood had fallen off of his clothes after his body turned to fog.

"Not really, might I ask. Why did you kill him?" The doctor flattened his tie while pushing down a queasy expression.

"Hm, he was amusing ."

Dr. Kneels brows furrowed at the answer. "You killed him, for being amusing ?"

Ghostface nodded, confirming the otherwise bizarre answer. Two guards took the body away and two D class personnel were assigned to clean the mess, they were also there for more "tests". Which Danny didn't mind, he was told this would be his room from now on, so he asked for furniture and of course, a camera. He was granted his requests and eventually, he was sitting on a soft couch across from the two previously cleaning D class.

'Expendable lab rats, basically.' Danny noted.

The first one seemed to be tasked with touching , and the second asked questions. It was quite strange, one was seemingly massaging his hand while the other simply asked what he liked to eat.

"Hm, I'm assuming there's no typical food regiment here for those classified as SCP . So I'll simply say any food you would eat, though not limited to only what you would eat. As tastes do differ between people and things. But it's easier to say that then list exactly what many things I do or don't eat."

The 1st D class simply blinked a few times at Danny's response before slowly nodding and writing it down, the other had moved to massage his bicep. The 2nd D class was certainly a master at it, Danny was confident that if he was anywhere near normal. That he'd be melting into the touch.

"Are you human?"

Danny tilted his head, "How would one classify themselves as human? Because biologically, yes I am human. Or at least was ."

"How did you obtain your anomalous abilities?"

"Now that's a difficult question, even I don't know the answer to! As far as I'm aware, I've always had them, or, well. Not always , I wasn't, then I was. Now I am."

The 1st and 2nd D class were both staring at Ghostface dumbfoundedly, when 2 suddenly reached for his mask. Danny grabbed his wrist, slowly turning his head to glare at the man.

"It's rude to touch without asking." His tone was dark as the two D class froze.

The 2nd D class was stabbed multiple times in quick succession, blood spilling onto the new coffee table as his body fell limp to the ground. Danny quickly stood up and moved to the side, grabbing his camera and snapping a gold picture of One's terrified face splashed with blood. And Two's body limp on the ground, hand held up on the edge of the coffee table in a permanent thumbs up.

Snickering to himself as he looked over the photo, One could only sit frozen, waiting to be next. Danny walked back over, climbing onto the coffee table and crouching down to face One. Tilting his head, he flicked the terror frozen man in the forehead. Standing up, Ghostface walked away, waving back at him.

"Apologies for the mess, if you wouldn't mind cleaning it up. You can be on your way, thank you~" He sing songed to the D class before flopping onto his bed. "Oh, and ask them to bring some tea. Or coffee, I'm not picky."

The D class shakily stood up and quickly disposed of the body, cleaning up the blood before practically running out of the room.

'SCP, hm. This place is ver—y interesting~' Ghostface chuckled to himself.

' Let the fun begin~ '

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Dead_Poole · Jogos de Vídeo
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Sort of shameless review for my own story, yes this is a Ghostmyers fic, if you don’t properly read the synopsis, this review, or even the literal romance tag warning you of what’s to come, that is your faul. So read with discretion! I’m not going to claim that this is the best thing in the entire world. Because it’s definitely not, but I definitely recommend giving it a read! It’s a more “out there” au/universe crossover I know, but it seems to work. Ngl, got this idea after reading a bunch of Ghostmyers fics then obsessing over SCP fics. I was 100% unsure how this would go, but I uploaded it to ao3 and received some good feedback. So here we are, this is definitely a winged fic. Pretty much all the characters aren’t mine and belong to their respective creators. None of this is following any type of canon, and any names used for staff personnel are randomly thought up and have no correlation to any existing personnel in the SCP universe/fandom. It’s also not just one and done smut—else it wouldn’t be uploaded here—and actually has a plot, one that is also partially being winged as I write more chapters. I would appreciate if you give this fic a chance, as long as you enjoy the ship. I’m 100% shameless for what I’ll write in this, I can only warn that you should prepare a bible and holy water. Or grab your favorite choice of liquor for the later spicy chapters. I mean, you’re choosing to read this, you should be prepared for what will happen. Especially with these murder husbands. Anyway, read or don’t this was mostly written for myself. Enjoy! Or leave while you can.