Froom Blood and Ashes. (A God of War Fanfiction.) PT BR.
Language PT BR.
Boy finds himself lost in nothingness,
Boy meets girl,
Boy discovers girl is dead,
Boy does not discriminate because he also died,
Boy and girl meet ROB,
Boy agrees to reincarnate in the girl's body by ROB,
Girl (boy) gets new body and gear,
Girl (boy) goes on an adventure.
If it wasn't already clear, this is a genderbender fanfic!
I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just pointing it out because I don't want any confusion, some people don't like that, like me who don't like fanfics or novels with pokemon harens and edgelords. Everyone has their own taste, the important thing is that I understand you, you understand me and we all understand each other, no conflicts here.
The cover isn't mine.
MangetsuTH · Jogos de Vídeo
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