
Chapter Sixty-three

Clifford, Albert and John rushed into the room when they heard Eva's voice. Clifford was the first to rush to Sofia and hugged her.

" Albert " ...

" John " ...

Clifford was very happy to see Sofia awake. He hugged her and kept on touching her face, feeling her temperature and the others, oblivious of the man standing few distance away from him, eating vinegar.

" I want to see my Aunt. " That was the first thing Sofia said when she woke up. She broke into tears again when she recalled the state she saw Aunt Mary as she was wheeled to another ward. 

" Please be calm, ok? " Clifford told her, but she wouldn't listen. Tears streamed down her face as she thought of a mother, so dear to her. Sofia refused to be consoled even after the pleadings from Clifford. 

" Ma'am. You..." Eva was interrupted by Albert who walked to Sofia's bed, climbed the bed and grabbed Sofia's face. And the next thing, the duo was already kissing in front of everyone.

" Clifford "...

" John " ...

" Eva " ...

Everyone went numb at the instant including Sofia. She wasn't expecting such a move from Albert. The two loverbirds kept on kissing, ignoring the other three in the room. Eva and John was grinning from ear to ear as they watched the two in their lovemaking world. It was Clifford who appeared hurt as he couldn't understand what was actually happening.

* Clap * Clap *

Clifford clasped his hands together to interrupt the two but felt hurt again when he was ignored. Sofia tried to pull off from the kiss but Albert persisted and so they continued till they were satisfied. ( A/N : Should i say satisfied? Or ? They weren't. They stopped because of the rest in the room ) Eva was all red at the end of the day that she felt like jumping on John. 

" What's going on here? And why did you kiss miss Sofia? " Clifford asked Albert furiously.

" What prevents me from kissing my wife? " Albert asked him, straight-faced.

" What! " Clifford was shocked when he heard Albert say that. He looked at Sofia for any sign of disapproval but saw none. 

" This is crazy. I mean... " Clifford was going crazy. He was confused and needed to be cleared on certain things.

Albert refused to go into details. He only gave him the basic information. At least, he was now aware that Sofia is married.

Clifford felt cheated. No one told him, not even Sofia. He stood up and was about to leave when Sofia called him back and began apologizing. 

" I am neither your boyfriend nor your husband. But, I deserve to know. " Clifford told Sofia and she apologized again. Clifford maintained his distance after that. He didn't want to disturb the couple, so, he was careful with whatever he was doing.

It was getting late. The sky was losing its brightness to a dimmed colour. Everyone in the room was exhausted. They needed to eat and also freshen up that night. Eva was told to go back home with John and Clifford. But, they ( Eva and John ) persisted to stay in the hospital that night.

" I'll go and get you meals for tonight. So, everyone should write down what he or she needs. " Clifford told them and they did as told. Clifford left the hospital after that. 

Albert continued to stay with Sofia as they discussed in a low tone. Eva and John exercised the opportunity for their lovematch talks. They left the room for the couple on the bed.

" I don't like this place. I only wanted to be with Ma'am Sofia. " Eva told John as they strolled through the hospital corridors.

" I'm used to this place because my Mom was a nurse before she kicked the bucket. " John said and forced out a smile. 

" I'm sorry. " Eva said to him and he nodded. Eva felt sad for making John to remember his Mom. She apologized again and John accepted. The duo continued to walk around before they went back to check on Sofia. 

Clifford was about leaving the room when they walked into the room. He showed them their own food before leaving the hospital that night.


Lady Lily and Mira were greatly worried about Sofia. They got news from the maids around, about Sofia. They decided to call Aunt Mary but her line wasn't connecting. So, they had no choice than to pace up and down within the compound. While they were waiting for any news from Sofia, or the others that left the house, they heard a car honk outside the residence. Lady Lily and Mira rushed towards the gate. 

Clifford drove into the compound as soon as the gateman opened the gate. He alighted from his car and met Lady Lily and Mira.

" Please talk to us. Where is Ma'am Sofia? " Lady Lily pleaded in tears. 

Clifford promised to narrate all that had happened if they would calmly walk into the main building with him. They strolled towards the entrance door and went up the stairs. 

Valerie was also around watching. She got the information that something bad had happened to Sofia but didn't know what exactly.  She decided to find out for herself. Whatever be the problem, she knew it relates to her team.

" I need to know what is actually happening. " Clifford said to Lady Lily and Mira. " For some reasons, Sofia is Albert's wife. How? " Clifford questioned Lady Lily and Mira. He didn't want to disturb Sofia who hadn't recovered completely. So, he decided to ask Sofia's closest friends and maids. 

Lady Lily and Mira exchanged glances and kept quiet. Clifford felt hurt by that reaction. He wanted to also ignore them but he decided not to after a while.

" She's in the hospital. Aunt Mary had an accident. " Clifford told the both of them. He unlocked his door and went in without sparing them a glance. Lady Lily and Mira left when they heard the door clicked shut. 

Valerie came out of hiding as soon as they were out of sight. She knocked on Clifford's door on reaching his room.

" Who's that? " Clifford's voice rang out of the room.

" It's me, elder brother Cliff. " Valerie responded. Clifford opened the door when he heard his sister's voice.

" Are you okay Brother? " Valerie asked Clifford, pretending not to be aware of anything. Clifford began narrating everything that happened, from the accident scene till the hospital and now at home. Valerie pretended to be sad. She expressed her remorse towards Sofia and pleaded with Clifford to allow her accompany him to the hospital the next day. 

" That's my good and lovely little sister. " Clifford said to Valerie as he ruffled her hair affectionately, making Valerie laugh. 

Clifford was so exhausted. He decided to freshen up for the night. He went into the bathroom and took his bath. After a while, Clifford reappeared with a bathrobe on and hair ruffled down. 

" I want to dress up. But, my sister seems to like me so much that she wants to watch me dress. " Clifford teased.

Valerie gathered the pillows on the bed and began throwing them on Clifford while he dodged the attack.

Clifford hurriedly took out his nightwears from his wardrobe. He winced as he received the attack with pillows from Valerie. He ran into the bathroom and locked the door behind him. Then, he dressed up and came out with his hands up. 

" I'm sorry. " He apologized. Valerie threw the last pillow on him before she backed off. Clifford went back to his drawer and brought out his phone. He dialed a line and waited for the receiver to answer the call.

" Hello Honey. " Clifford said sweetly to the person at the other end of the line. Valerie looked at her brother in amazement as she had never seen him that way.

" How are you today? " Clifford enquired, neglecting his sister's facial expression. He kept on talking and talking till he exhausted his airtime. 

" Congratulations to my Dear elder brother. " Valerie said clapping her hands as her lips curled into a devilish smile.

" Fill me in please. Who is she? " Valerie questioned him. 

Clifford was somewhat embarrassed, telling his sister about the lady he's in love with.

" I'll like to meet her soon. " Valerie told him.


Eddie was all red after the call. She felt a feeling that propped up in her heart about him. " I'm in love. " She mused as she held her chest smiling. She kept on looking at Clifford's name on her phone without knowing that Annie had been watching her. Annie cleared her throat to make her realize she was not alone in the room.

" I can see that my friend is no more with me in this world. The world of love is about to take you away from me. What about Clifford? " Annie asked her.

Eddie blushed when she responded to Annie. She kept on recalling that Clifford called her, " Honey. " 

Annie was indeed happy for her friend that she promised to take Eddie to a boutique to get stunning wears for her.

" You know, that you have to look sweet for him. He's better than Albert. " Annie told Eddie.

" Hey! " Eddie hit Annie and they both burst into laughter.