

Everyone including Harrison turned to see who she is and Harrison felt like he had seen her somewhere but couldn’t recall because of her beauty and then it popped out of his head that he earlier saw her at the entrance of the restaurant a while ago.

Elena came in with her cousin brother who have just arrived the arena immediately she ended the called with Gracie.

“Hey girl, Come over and greet the guest.” Elena’s Mom said

“Here they are, my daughter and her cousin brother.” Mr. Morgan added.

Jams and Elena shook their hands respectively.

“Hello, my name is Elena and beside me is James. Nice to meet you all today.” I said with a lovely smile.

“Meet my Son, he’s name is Harrison and it’s nice to meet such a girl like you today.” Mrs. McCall said to Elena with a smile too.

“Thank you Ma’am” Elena said with a smile.

“YOU ??!” James said shocked seeing Harrison

"YOU..! What are you doing here?” Harrison asked James.

“Dinner as you can see with my Cousin Sister.” James answered

“Wait a sec, do you guys know each other? Mr. McCall asked

“Yes Dad, we coincidently met in one of my business in the states.” Harrison replied.

“Yes Sir, we sure did meet for some business proposal.” James added.

“Ok, ok, it’s fine. Let’s all get seated and get down to the reason why we are here.” Mrs. McCall said.

As they talked about how their businesses is… Mr. Harrison suddenly stood up attempted to make an announcement. “Hello everyone, heads up I wanna make an announcement about the upcoming marriage of our lovely kids.” Mr. McCall said as Harrison and Elena was heads up and nervous at the same time, staring at Mr. McCall.

“Actually, Harrison and Elena will be getting married by next month.

“WHAT!!!” Harrison and Elena exclaimed together which made the both of them shocked at the same exclamation.

Even if within me, I kinda like it that I’m gonna be with this beautiful girl but I have to act tough.. you know and I think I’ve got an idea. I think I will pretend that I have a girlfriend to see their reaction on this,

“Dad, Mom ... Marriage you say? But I have a girlfriend already.” Harrison said to see their reaction.

“No you don’t have any girlfriend. Or are you telling me that all the flirts that I see around you are your girlfriends huh..??” My father scold

“Harrison, what’s wrong with you? I thought we have talked this out huh.?” Harrison’s Mom said.

“My dear, you don’t need to say anything ‘cos my decision is final” Mr. McCall (Harrison’s Father) added.

Harrison glared at Elena giving her signals to say something to stop the arranged marriage and luckily Elena understood his signals and said, “Dad, Mom.. I… I actually have a boyfriend and I love him too.

“Oh yes my dear, you indeed do have a boyfriend and that boyfriend is no other person but Harrison.” Mrs. McCall chipped in.

“But Aunt, uncle … I can’t g—et marr---“ Elena said and she was cut short by her cousin brother.

“Why not, you don’t have any choice though and the decision had been made already.” James added.

James and the two pairs gave themselves a killer eye especially that of Harrison.

“But, dad why should I marry her huh..??” Harrison asked

“Because, she is meant for you and also for the success of both family businesses and I’m sure you guys want it too right?” Mr. McCall explained.

“Okay, fine. I agree with you” Harrison said and stare at Elena on more time.

“It’s not as if I had any chance anyways.” Elena mumbled.

The both families were done with their discussions and they came into conclusion for the marriage preparations. After they finished their dinner, everyone was ready to go to their various homes.

“Uhhmm… Mr. & Mrs. Morgan, I’m sorry but may I borrow your daughter for a while. I wanna have a little discussion with her.” Harrison asked.

“Sure. You don’t need to ask ‘cos she will be all yours very soon.” Mrs. Morgan said giggling.

“I will ride her home afterwards.” Harrison added.

“Okay then.” Mr. Morgan agreed.

“I think we should head home now, it’s getting late.” James suggested.

“Yeah, James you’re right. Let’s go then.” Mrs. Morgan agreed.

The both families hugged themselves and headed home.

“Get in the car now.” Harrison said coldly.

Elena went in immediately and they drove down the hill.

“Why are we here?” Elena suddenly ask.

“To have a discussion ... what else do you think?” Harrison replied

“I’m not thinking of anything, I just want you to be fast about whatever you wanna talk about because it’s getting dark already.” Elena said to him.

“Okay fine, I wanna state the rules in our marriage.” Harrison said.

“What !!!” Elena exclaimed

“Yeah, Firstly, “We are not allowed to fall in love with each other and I don’t think I will for you either because this marriage was an agreement between both families and not between us ok.

Two, We are gonna sleep on different rooms after marriage.

Three, you must kept everywhere tidy ‘cos I hate to see dirt in my home.

Four, you have to stop schooling for the time being because I don’t share my wife with the sight of other men and perhaps I was told by my dad that you are done with school a year ago and it’s just that you wanted studying another course that was why you started going to college for that huh..” Harrison stated.

“What, why will you do that huh.? I won’t agree with that option.” Elena argued

“You have to agree with that my dear and it’s a MUST. If you want to continue that course I can arrange for that or precisely pay the amount you will earn working.

Five, Never have a crush or date on anyone or in total see any other man after our marriage and last but not the least is Never let any of the family members including our parents know of this rules given today ok.” Harrison concluded.



