
Secret Road

Step up on the higher ground with me.

DaliborSapina · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


Chapter Twenty

As he looked at his bed, he had in mind one fact.

"Now I will rest."

He lay down in the bed and began to sink into sleep.

Suddenly flashes occurred in front of his eyes.

He tried to open his eyes, but he couldn't.

His eyelids were glued.

He wanted the move

He could not move.

He was frozen in place.

The flashes are becoming increasingly faster.

Something began to pull him to the left.

Something had pulled him from his own body.

He had no control.

He could not resist the invisible force.

The force that ripped him from his body.

He was traveling.

Everything was white in front of the eyes.

He started to understand.

He accepted the whiteness.

He accepted speed

He began to understand the speed.

He began to realize that he is constantly accelerating.

Time passed.

He could not specify how many hours, days, years, millennia, or eons have passed.

He heard the voice in the form of a spark

The spark that started to gain shape.

He started to understand the spark.

Spark has brought him a message.

A message that he understood.

A messing that tell him.

"You have arrived."

Speed is gone.

The whiteness is gone.

He is on the hard ground.

He opened his eyes and looked ahead.

He saw himself.

It was the most perfect scene that he saw in life.

It was the perfection that is found after infinite understanding.

He began to understand why is he there.

He began to understand where he was.

He went to a large window on the spacecraft and looked through it.

He sees a sea of chaotic energy.

The energy that has not found a purpose and formed the sea of chaos.

He saw from the sea of chaos as the universe emerge.

The universe looked like a blue bubble soap.

He looks around.

He saw more than a dozen universes as they climbed to a height of infinity.

The universe that was further away from the sea of chaos, the color was golden blue.

Up at the top was the perfect universe.

The universe in which to rest the universe merged.

He looked down to the sea of chaos.

He saw his universe.

The universe from which he comes.

The universe was half red.

It was the only such in existence.

The universe who chose the worst path.

The universe in which murders occur.

Destruction from stupidity.

The universe in which man's stupidity invented evil.

He knew that his universe can not connect in this state with a perfect universe.

He turned around and again looked in perfect himself.

Flash started before his eyes.

The force started to pull him.

He traveled.

He has found himself in his body.

In his bed.

He stood right up out of bed and headed to the courtyard.

In the yard was a cat.

He bent down to the cat, reach out to pet the cat, and whispered in her ear.

"From today, you are beginning to understand the meaning behind the meaning.

Infinite understanding awaits those who continue to search."

Cat looked at him with love and run around the corner into the hidden passage.