
Secret Road

Step up on the higher ground with me.

DaliborSapina · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs

Her Life

Chapter Sixteen

She flew out into the rainy street all in tears.

Her heart and soul ached.

After so many years of living together, with love, and trust ... he brought another woman to their apartment.

To their safe haven.

In their little paradise.

In their holy bed.

She walked down the street aimlessly.

The rain-soaked her all over.

A bright light flashed before her eyes.

She was lying on a deck chair, under a tree.

The sun was shining in the sky and it was a beautiful day.

She was in a bathing suit.

Her skin was beautifully tanned.

It had a bronze color.

50 meters away you could see the blue sea.

The man came out of the sea and headed towards her.

The man was of excellent physical build and tanned body.

He came up to her and kissed her.

She all shivered with excitement.

His full lips gave her well-being and happiness.

The man went lying on a deck chair next to her.

She was in heaven.

She lived in peace and excitement at the same time.

She was in a perfect life.

Suddenly a bright light flashed in front of her eyes.

She was in a taxi.

She was wet and cold.

Her life was ruined.

She gave so many years of her life for the man who brought another into their lives.

In their bed.

She will never be able to enter her apartment again.

She will never be able to sleep in her bed again.

The bed, which she changed into the most beautiful bedding she could buy for years.

The bed, which had her scent.

The bed where the other woman is now.

Her heart ached so badly that she couldn't stop sobbing.

At one point she began to choke.

The taxi driver handed her a bottle of water.

She drank the water and calmed down a bit.

Enough not to suffocate.

The taxi driver asked her if she should be taken to the hospital.

She didn't want to.

She told him to keep driving on.

A bright light flashed in front of her eyes.

She was in the sea.

The sea was at a perfect temperature.

In the distance, you could see the open sea and seagulls flying.

She turned and saw the green shore.

She set out to swim towards the shore.

She felt something touch her leg.

She looked into the depths of the sea and the man emerged.

He laughed and kissed her passionately.

He turned to the shore and told her to catch him by the back.

He swam hard, and she clung to him.

He was her speedboat.

When they reached the shoals.

He told her to stand on his shoulders and he dived lightly.

She climbed on his shoulders, and he threw her into the air with such force that she took off.

While she was in the air she was filled with happiness and adrenaline.

She landed in the sea and dived.

When she emerged from the sea, a strong light flashed before her eyes.

She got out of the taxi in the rain.

She looked at the hotel in front of her.

The porter ran toward her to usher her into the hotel.

She felt miserable.




She took the room and went into it.

She took off her wet clothes.

She stood in front of the mirror and saw herself.

She didn't recognize at first how miserable she looked.

She always considered herself an above-average beautiful woman.

She had long legs and a slender body.

Her beautiful eyes always radiated goodness and security.

All that could be seen now was pain.

The pain in her throat.

The pain gripped her heart.

Pain that ruined her soul.

She poured herself a glass of water.

She drank the water and calmed down enough not to faint.

A bright light flashed before her eyes.

She was sitting on the terrace at a table.

He was in a great mood at the table.

They ate fresh mussels in white wine.

They laughed at the shells, at each other, at their happiness.

After eating, they went for a walk along the shore.

Her step was so easy that she flew.

They were alone.

There were no people around them.

They came to a small bay with a beach dotted with white round stones.

They landed on the beach.

She had the feeling that she was walking on small pillows.

The silver moon illuminated the surroundings.

He came up behind her and hugged her gently.

She was safe.

She was loved.

She was happy.

His hands stroked her gently.

His lips kissed her juicily.

A white light flashed before her eyes.

She was standing in the hotel bathroom.

She filled the tub with warm water.

Her head ached terribly.

She opened the locker and found aspirin.

She drank a handful of aspirin.

She lay down in the bathtub, in the warm water.

Everything hurt.

Her heart was pounding.

Her soul was broken.

She took a razor and cut herself on the wrist.

She cut her other wrist.

The bathtub began to fill with blood.

The water was red.

She leaned her head back and closed her eyes.

Blackness filled every corner of her body.