
Secret Of The Past

Welcome to Katilyna world. She’s a 17 year teen with a lot of past trauma that’s trying to hide her past but staying invisible. Just like any other teenager she has had ups and downs. Her family recently moved into a better neighborhood with her moms new husband and her siblings. You can read to find out how she adjust to her new environment WARNING IN LATER CHAPTERS THINGS WILL BE A BIT MORE GRAPHIC AND EXPLICIT PLEASE READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION.

Kiana_Dehnert · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
1 Chs

Chapter 1


Today was the first of many for Katilyna she had just moved into a new city with no friends and very unsure of how her life was going to be now.


BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP "ahhh freaking hell why me" she said annoyed that it was time to get up and get her ass ready for a visit to the new school to get paper work finalized to begin her senior year. They had just moved into the new house yesterday, her sister Adriana, her mother and new step dad Jeffery and let's not forget the favorite child her older brother Ross. Adriana her younger sister who was also starting off her freshman year in high school was more excited than she was about the move. "MS WILLIAMS AND MCLANE GET YOUR ASSES DOWN HERE FOR BREAKFAST" came my mothers yell. She was a very complicated woman. One day I can tolerate her and other days I couldn't. My mom name is Maracel she's the most loved and feared. "IM GETTING READY MOM BE DOWN IN A FEW" came my instant reply. Adriana on the other hand didn't give much of an answer as she had already rushed into the shower while she prepping her mind for the days bullshit. I was happy that I finally got my own room because sharing a room with the devil in the bathroom was not ideal. I quickly picked out my outfit for the day a red crop top, navy blue distressed jeans and my black denim jacket. The day had finally come where she could get some freedom from her annoying sister, they had been bickering since she came to the U.S when she was 12. I shook my head trying to subdue the memory of that day, I have better things to do. I heard the shower turn off and my Adriana running to her room with was across from mine. About freaking time she got out the girl acted like she was the only one that needed to get ready for school I had to remind myself to wake up earlier tomorrow because I was not going to be waiting for her to take forever. Luckily I had taken a shower last night so I just needed to freshen up a little and be on my merry way. I stepped out of my room and walked into the bathroom. I loved our bathroom it was so bright with cream tiles on the floor, a long horizontal mirror and a beautiful view of our backyard. I hopped in the shower quickly making sure to wash my body throughly and wetter my hair a little because today's hairstyle was going to be natural. After about 15 minutes I turned the water off and stepped out the shower feeling that cold air hit my skin giving me goosebumps. "Shit shit chicken shit why is it to freaking cold" I voiced out loud. I wrapped the towel around my body quickly wanting to feel some type of warmth. "Hurry up Kat I need to shower too" came Ross annoyed words " I'm coming out now. Not my fault fish face took forever in here" I heard his light chuckle outside of the door. "You could have just used moms bathroom you know" I said trying to distract him while I plugged the blow dry my hair real quick so that it wasn't dripping all on my clothes. "You know mom doesn't want us using their bathroom" came his reply "she would let you use it though if you asked" I said trying to distract him from rushing me out the bathroom. I could just blow dry my hair in my room but it was too much moving about when the dryer was already in here and I wanted to be a little petty today. "Fine I'll go ask her, you better be lucky I love you big head or we would be fighting" I turned out off the blow dryer seeing that my curls had set in. I opened the door and walked into my room, looked at my phone sitting on the night stand next to my bed. "Hey Siri what time is it?" The phone vibrated " It's 7:15" came a robotic reply. Good I had enough time to get ready plus I didn't need to waste time figuring out what to wear. I quickly put my lace bra and red booty cut panties on, then my crop top which I might add looked great on my complexion. Next came my jeans, pushing my legs into the pants then glancing at myself at the mirror attached to the back of my door. I look dam good I thought to myself. My 5 ft 9 inch height made the outfit looked so chic, lightly tan skin, black thick curly hair and my light chocolate brown eyes pulled this look together. I sat in front of my vanity trying to decide what to do with my hair. Maybe I'll just leave it out like I had planned to. Glancing over the dresser i picked up the Cantun hair curling cream, opened it and took out a generous amount. Placing the container on the vanity I quickly rubbed my hands together then running my hair through my hair in my I applied the product. My hair was still slightly damp but that okay the cream keep my hair from frizzing out and looking like a lion as my brother would say. "HURRY YOUR ASSES UP, I DONT HAVE ALL DAY" came a sudden yell from my

Mom. She was getting impatient waiting for us to get ready for school because today she also started her new job and she did not want to be late because of us. "COMING DOWN IN A SEC MOM" I heard my brother yell, he's such a mommas boy. I picked up my make up not that it had much in there, just my concealer, highlight, bronzer, lip gloss, mascara and brow pencil and a mini shadow pallet. I decided to do my brows first because I cannot leave the house without my brows, then I put my mascara followed by highlight and setting pray to keep my face moisturized. I quickly pulled a pair of white socks out from the draw in my big dresser on the opposite side of my closet. Stuffing my socks in my pocket then grabbed the black jacket and bag pack that was next to the vanity, I rushed out the door to head downstairs. "About time" I heard my mom say as I placed my bag on the floor and grabbed a seat the small round table. "Good morning, Why don't we eat in the dinning room mom" I asked, "because that's for special occasions" came her remark. She walked over to me and placed a plate of eggs and sausage on the table. Yummm I thought, "where is Ross and Adriana?" She asked like she didn't know they take the longest to get ready. Before I could reply " I'm here mom the gold fish is still upstairs putting on her face, I don't think she'll be ready any time soon" came Ross reply as he descended down the stairs and into the kitchen. I would have laughed out loud but I was busy stuffing my face with food. " good morning bird nest" he said ruffling my hair, I quickly smacked his hand away "don't do that you're going to mess my hair up" I grunted out through my teeth. He knew I hated my hair being played with. "Enough you two, in about 10 minutes I want you to go get your sister so we can leave and your father will be dropping you girls off today, I'll take Ross to school so we can see whether or not he'll be staying on campus or commute" mom said trying to divert the conversation. I merely gave a sound of agreement. She walked over to my brother and placed a plate of eggs, sausage and pancakes in front of him. Spoiled ass I thought to myself, I tried to shift my thought to something else as I was done eating. I got up placed my dishes in the sink, opened the fridge grabbed a bottle of water and walked out the kitchen and back upstairs to tell Adriana it was time to go. Ask I neared my room I heard her chatting on the phone. "Ugh I hate that bitch I don't know why mom didn't just leave her in Venezuela, I thought having a sister was nice but she's such a stick in the mud and her ugly face just makes me sick sometimes", she said with a disgusted tone in her voice "don't say that she's your sister" came a muted reply. " mom said get downstairs now we're about to leave" I said through the door " whatever" came a snarky reply. I quickly glanced into my room to see if I forgot any and saw my phone sitting on the charger by the bed. Shit I almost forgot this I said to myself. I walked into my room grabbed my phone, placing it into my back pocket and walked out closing the door behind me. Trudging down the stairs I sat on the last step to put my stocks on. Moments later Adriana came walking down the steps giggling to herself as she talked on the phone. "Get out my way" she said rudely. I rolled my eyes and got up wanting to avoid any type of conflict, I was just ready to go to school so I won't have to be around her. I don't know where Adri thought she was going , to school or a photo shoot. She was dressed in a light blue skinny jeans, black halter top and a long black sheer robe looking like thing. " Is everyone ready to go" came a deep husky voice from the office. "Yes I'm rea-"

"Of course dad I'm ready, I was just waiting for Katilyna god she takes forever" Adriana interjected interrupting my response. Today was going to be one hell of a day if I don't get away from this girl. I walked past my step father and sister, picked up my bag pack and headed towards the garage to grab my red huaraches that is in the laundry room which connected to the garage. After putting on my sneakers i walked opened the door and walked into the garage and realized the door was open. Jeffery had already parked the car on the drive way.

"I'm sitting in the front you can go sit in the back I don't want to see the back of your head or for you to be in my personal bubble." Ariana said while opening the passenger door. I would have replied if Jeffery didn't out of the front door as soon as I was about to give the little brat a word of advice. I walked to the other side of the car, and sat being the driver side so I didn't have to hear anything else from her.

"Okay ladies are we ready to go? I hope you girls are excited to be in a new school, make new friends and enjoy High school" Jeffery said entering the car. Before I could reply Adriana already gave her unwanted opinion. "I know I'm ready. I'm not sure about her in back, she didn't have much friends in the first place", I clenched my fist and turned my head to look out the window. "Im sure she'll make some new friends now that she'll be in a better school. Don't you think so?" He asked directing his question towards me. "Sure," I said giving a short reply to end the conversation.

"See dad she can't even socialize and hold a conversation. I don't know why me and her have to be in the same school. Can't I go to a different school?" Ariana asked in a sweet time trying to get her way as always but Jeffery didn't seem to convinced about that idea giving that Adriana had already tried to talk mom into letting her go to different high school, saying that I would ruin her reputation of being the freshman beauty by having a ugly sister. I didn't think I was gorgeous or tuning but I definitely wasn't ugly either. She just didn't want me being associated not that anyone would ever think we were unless they came over to our house. Myself and Ross has the same last name while Adriana had her dads, so there was no way of knowing we were real were because she also looked nothing alike. She had big hazel eyes, small nose decent lips, a pretty smile and light brown hair with dark chestnut color high lights while I on there hand had small light chocolate brown eyes, a cute nose and full lips. I do admit Adriana is pretty but that's not something I would admit to her in this lifetime or the next.

To pass time in this uncomfortable car ride I pulled out my phone and heads that were in my blue bag pack. Unlocking my phone I open the pandora app and clicked on Chris brown radio station. Music helps me keep stay calm and I can go into my own world. As the song Run it by Chris brown came on my dazed off into my own world as the two in the front continued their conversation. We were just about a few minutes away I could tell because there was slight traffic heading towards the school and also we where here last Friday to register into the new school. As we got closer to the school I pulled out my left earphones and turned down he music. The houses and cars zoned past my vision then past some dense trees I can see the outline of the school. As we got closer waiting in line to make a left turn into the school grounds I noticed a ground of football players walking up the hill goofing around high diving each other probably talking about the up coming season. There was one guy in particular that stood out like literally. He was a few inches taller than the rest of his teammate, he had the cutest smile I'd ever seen, dark brown hair with a nice hair cut I might add and than skin. As I was about to see the rest of his face Jeffery drove up and turned into the school which I should say was a little disappointing. I shook my head clearing my thoughts now wasn't the time to be distracted, I placed my earphone back in a glanced out the window again, we were close to the main entrance of the school, we just had to wait for other parents to drop their sons and daughters by the door. The school has a big circular drive in that would allow easy in and out of school grounds. On the right and left of the schools building there is huge parking lot space, one was for the teachers and visitors and on the right was for students. As Jeffery pulled into a visitor parking spot some of the students glanced and whispered to friends. Lord knows about what but I hope that this was not going to be a recurring thing. I opened the door and stepped out of the car with my bag pack swung over my left shoulder, reaching my arm up to close the door.

"-at that car, I always wanted a black Tesla X, I wonder if I can convince my mom to get one for me for my birthday" came a voice

"Man what would be so freaking sick, then we can have all the girls attention" said a reply to his friends words. I pretended not the hear their conversation being that I only heard the jist of it when I turned my music down. Tsk tsk why do guys think just because they have a fancy car girls will come running to their feet.

" who's that fresh meat in the black top she so pretty" I heard when Adriana stepped out the car.

" I don't know but I wouldn't mind trying to talk to her maybe she's a new senior, I hope she's in my class so I can talk to her" his friend replied. I had to cover my mouth to keep from laughing too loud, little did they know she was only a freshman.

"Come on ladies we have a 8:30 am appointment and it's already 8:25" came my step dads voice. We both followed him to the school entrance then to the front desk.

"Hello good morning my name is Jeffery McLane I have a 8:30 appointment with Ms. Jane Anderson."

My step father said as he approached the front desk.

"Oh of course sir good morning and welcome to Jackson liberty high school, I'll let Ms. Anderson know you're here. As I look around it was a nice office located on the right hand side of the main entrance.

"Ms. Anderson said she's ready for you, if you can just walk out the door look straight ahead and you'll see and door that says counselor's room. Go there and tell them you have a meet, but they should be expecting you." Mrs. Smith said after hanging up the phone.

" thank you for your assistance and have a great day" my step dad replied.

Jeffery and Adriana walked out the office, I followed behind them as they lead the way. As we stepped into the office someone swung the door open which almost hit Adriana in the face because she was starring down at phone doing god knows what. Luckily she bumped into the person than being hit in the face. Not going to lie but that would have been the funniest thing this year.

"Shit my bad I didn't see you" came a deep husky voice. I couldn't see who it was, all I saw was his red and white jacket with the number 23 on the side. My step dad was in my of seeing who it was as he was 6ft 2" tall and muscular.

"Watch were you-... oh I'm sorry it was my fault I should have been looking ahead of me" came a sickening sweet voice. I knew that voice it was Adriana "flirting" tone. Blaaahh that shit made me cringe.

"Naw it was totally my fault, here let me get the door for you guys" came a reply.

As they walked in I came to finally see who it was that almost made my day and to my surprise it was a football player. He looked like a nice guy hazel colored eyes brown skin curly hair that was in a decent hair cut. He gave me a smile and I smiled back in return.

"Thanks" I said trying to get away from his as quickly as possible be I knew I was about to start blushing.

"It's cool yo and welcome to JLH" he replied then turned to meet up with his friend I guess because there was a group of guys waiting a little ways down the hall.

I wondered why he said welcome JLH like he could tell we were new. I didn't have much time to think about that because Ms Anderson came out her office to greet us

"Welcome Mr. McLane and ladies we're happy to have you join us this semester and the rest of your high school adventure" she said in a professional tone.

"Pleasure is ours, this is a wonderful school and it was better than the older that's in Jackson. I'd like you to meet Katilyna and Adriana they will be joining you guys this school year. Adriana is going into her senior year and Adriana is starting her freshman, I hoe you can help them adjust to being in this new environment." Jeffery said as Ms. Anderson lead the way to her office.

"If you can just take a seat we can get started, so they can be some what there for the first period" Ms. Anderson said. Jeffery and Adriana sat on the chairs in front of her desk while I stood by the door.

Noticing this Ms. Anderson asked if I wanted her go get me chair but I declined saying it was fine and I much prefer to stand. She nodded her head and continued to talk with my step dad.

The meeting took about 40 minutes because she had to get our schedule fixed and the paperwork had to be signed. After the whole process I eager to start my classes. I had creative writing first period, calculus second, gym third, next food nutrition and study period last with 45 minute lunch in after gym . This was awesome. It was a good idea to do my pre calculus class this summer so I can get extra credit since calculus was considered a college course.

"I'll take Adriana and Katilyna to their class and have someone assist them throughout the day" came Ms Anderson voice interrupting my train of thought.

"Great, I'll leave them in your care. Good bye sweetheart," he said giving Adriana a hug then glances at me with open arms " bye Katilyna, have a great first day" I appreciated the gesture although it was unnecessary. I gave him a quick hug and followed Ms. Anderson our the office. We watching him walk out the main entrance door waving good bye.

"Okay ladies lets hop to it Adriana I'll take you to your classroom first because it's closer. Your classroom is on the second floor you have algebra first period." I followed being them making mental notes as to where some things were located. After waking out the office there was a huge space out in the hall on the right was a auditorium and wide space big enough to hold a party that lead to three different route. We walked straight ahead towards the left, walking past a music room and lockers then towards the corridors where students walk through to get from on class to another. I knew I was definitely going to get lost today. Looking both ways there was not anything student in site. Of course not silly I thought to myself it's class time. Anyway he headed up the stairs and made a left turn. Past three doors on the left we stopped.

"This is your first period Adriana class is going to end in about ten minutes, I just need you to know where to go. Okay" Ms. Anderson said as she her hand on the door handle. Adriana gave a smile and said "thank you for your help." Once the door was opened they both walked inside. I stayed outside the door and listened to the commotion start as soon as they entered. Students were yelling hellos and good morning to Ms. Anderson. She seems to be well liked, that's a good thing the last counselor I had was so rude and snarky. Anyway back to reality.

"Okay you next ms.Williams," before she can continue her statement I cut her off

"You can just call me Kati being called my last name makes me feel old ... no offense," she gave out a short laugh and responded " None taken, its a habit sometimes." Our conversation continued and I was content with that.

" I'll be taking you to your calculus class because first period is almost over, if you need assistance tomorrow finding your first period class just come to the office and I will call someone from that class to come and help you, does that sound okay with you?" she said in a polite manner

"Sure that would be fine, better than me getting lost and being late." I replied. We had turned and walked The opposite direction from when we came up the stairs. As we walked past the classrooms I noticed that they had numbers next to the door. My class room number was 327, when I looked down at my schedule which I had in my hand. Ms Anderson knocked on the door then entered the class room was empty but there was a teacher inside.

"Hello good morning Mr. Jones this is your new student Katilyna Williams she'll be joining you for her senior year." The middle aged man sitting at the desk reading his news paper seemed surprise at our sudden arrival.

"Good morning Alison nice to see you and same to you Katilyna I'm happy to have you with us," came his cheerful reply

" I know your class hasn't started yet but I wanted her to escort her here first because the troublemakers get here." Just as she finished her sentence three loud chimes was heard throughout the building signaling that first period was over in a few minutes students would be walking in for class.

"Not a problem, you can take a seat wherever you like Katilyna seeing that we've had you standing there while us old folks talk." Mr Jones said looking at me. Ms Anderson playfully hit is arm saying a something about how she's not old enough to be called a old folk.

I smiled and took a seat in the second row from Mr Jones desk. I sat in the second seat as well that way I'm not too far from the teacher. At my old school everyone loved to call me teachers pet because I always did what they asked me to do. Which made me not well liked among the students but very well appreciated amongst the teachers and staff. Mr Jones glanced at me like he was going to say some thing to me butbut it was interrupted when a few student started entering the classroom. He quickly finished his conversation with Ms Anderson who waved good bye and greeted the other students while she left the class room.

I decided to get ready for class so I took out my black note book along with my pencil case which had a few pencils, an eraser, sharpener and ball point pens. As the student filed in Mr. Jones greeted them, some of the students looked at me strangely but I decided to avoid eye contact. I'm not usually a shy person but I'm not very comfortable with people staring at me. After a few minutes two chimes was heard.


" Alright good morning class my name is Mr.Jones and I will be your calculus teacher for this semester. Some of you are repeating this course from your junior year and some of you are new to my class."

After his introduction the students had quiet down and paid attention to what he was saying. From the corner of I eye I saw someone at the door but didn't pay it any attention because mr Jones was in the midst of telling us his grading system and curricula for the rest of the year.


Everyone turned their attention towards the door.

"Why welcome back to my class Mr. Eastwood, we're so happy you can join us. Now take a seat and don't disrupt my class you know the rules and I'm only going to give you warning for being late. Same goes for you too Mr. Johnson "came Mr Jones remark.

"Sure sir I apologize I had to talk to Ms Anderson about something important." One of the guys replied. When I looked up on of the guys was from earlier in front of the Counselors office and the other that spoke to Mr. Jones seems familiar but I couldn't remember where I saw him from.

The guy I saw before that almost smacked Adriana with door came to the first row and sat behind me on the left and then the other guy sat behind. As he walked past I smelled the faint scent of his cologne which I'm not going to lying smell pretty nice. Why am I even thinking about this guys cologne I don't even know him.

Mr Jones words pulled me out of my head.

"Today we have a new student joining us she's a little shy so I would like you guys to be on your best behavior and listen to her and help her adjust to this new environment."

"Oh I'll help here adjust alright" came a sly remark which earned him a few chuckles. The voice had come from behind me but I didn't turn around to see the assholes face. Mr Jones looked at the student and gave him a stern stare shaking his heading is disapproval.

"Ms. Williams can you stand in front the class by my side and introduce yourself?" I noodles my head to his question just wanting to get this over with. Hopefully I won't have to keep repeating this for the rest of my other classes. I nervously stood up and walked toward the front of the classroom. I looked up towards the faces of my classmates and realized that some of them were smiling some were looking at me with an annoyed expression but for the most part it wasn't all bad. The guy that is seated behind me gave no sign of emotion which I found was strange but I didn't want to dwell on that for now because everyone was looking at me in anticipation of what I would say. Clearing my throat I looked all the way towards the back of the class to avoid looking at anyone.

"Hi everyone my name is Katilyna, I'm seventeen. I'm from Pennsylvania and I'm excited to meet to get know everyone." After my introduction I hurriedly went back to my seat. As few students clapped and said nice to meet you but not much else.

"Well Ms Williams thanks for that very short introduction and let get started with class"

I would like everyone to tell me what they think of the first chapter and if they want more chapters. Thanks for reading ?

Kiana_Dehnertcreators' thoughts