

The cool morning breeze couldn't put off my burning anger when I reached the school gate. Kids of all ages were cheerfully entering the school premises reminding me my school days back at home. I also used to run to my friends in past but my single mistake has left me all alone in a different continent, in a different and weird culture.

I was feeling like an outsider as students were staring at me while they pass beside me. It was really pissing me off.

'Don't they know that staring is a bad habit? Huh!'

"Son, this country is little different. You will get lots of stares but rather than getting annoyed why don't you enjoy the whole attention" A warm hand covered my right shoulder and I got out of my reverie. Pair of hazel eyes was looking softly at me.

"Hi Alex, I am Ramesh, Ramesh Sharma. Your dad's friend and principal of this school" I immediately greeted him back and got a smile in return.

"Sorry Mr. Sharma, I did not notice you. I was occupied in some thoughts" I replied hesitatingly.

"That's okay. Now let's solve your problem" I raised my eyebrow in response.

'What kind of problem he is talking about.' I was confused

"Alex, I know you are annoyed with this staring process. Why don't you do a thing, whenever they look at you, just smile at them and then see what happens" I smiled a little on his suggestion.

'Has he gone nuts? But what is the harm in using his trick.' I smiled on my thought.

"There is my cabin. Let's go" Mr. Sharma indicated towards a red building and walked ahead.

A girl passed by my side while staring at me and I smiled at her. She blushed and gave me a shy smile in return. A young boy halted to look at me and I smiled again. He also grinned at me and I found it amusing.

I started enjoying that trick and walked confidently with a big smile plastered on my face. When I entered into my new classroom with the principal, it was interesting to see faces of my new classmates.

The girls were seemed to be fascinated by me and guys had "okay I am ready for the competition" look. But my desk partner didn't spare me another glance and occupied herself in her book. She also didn't seem to be much interested in me like others while the principal was introducing me.

Till recess, all students were engaged in either lectures or with their friends. I was feeling left out so I was trying to focus my mind in my text book. My attention was diverted by a gorgeous girl who offered her hand for a handshake.

"Hi Alex, I am Neha Diwan." she introduced herself sweetly.

"Can we become friends?" she fluttered her eyelashes and flashed a smile.

"Hi and of course, we can be friends. By the way, I am Alex Miller." I shook her soft hand and smiled.

"Can I show you our school so you can." she got interrupted by a guy who gripped her shoulder.

"We will show him the school dear BUT together!" uneasiness was clearly visible on her face. She was terrified like she has been caught red handed in some wrong act.

"Darling, won't you introduce me to your new friend" the guy slowly moved his hand around her slender waist and smirked at me.

"Oh ya! sh.. sh.. sh.. sure. Alex this is Mayank, Mayank Dheer, son of the steel tycoon Mr. Vivek Dheer. He is a year senior to us." Neha introduced him while stuttering in between.

"I am also your boyfriend janu (My life)! Why are you not adding this to your introduction?" The Mah-yankh guy glared at her.

He was possessive and clearly giving me a message that his girl was off limits and I shouldn't show any interest in her.

"We will see you after the school Alex. Can I borrow my girlfriend from you? I want to have a word with her" He asked me like a gentleman and I nodded in yes. I didn't want to make enemies on my first day.

I smiled back and he took her away by dragging from her spot. I could not control my laughter when they were out of the hearing zone. I laughed freely but turned behind when I heard some other guys laughing at the same time.

A couple walked towards me, their eyes were holding the same amused expression as mine. The girl had wheatish complexion and her eyes were beautifully lined with kohl and eyeliner.

The guy was taller than her but shorter than me with jet black hair, black eyes and average built. As they approached near me, we shook hands and they introduce themselves.

"Hi, I am Mrinalini" the girl introduced herself sweetly

"Hi Mm, Me, May! Oh I am so sorry, can you please tell me how to pronounce your name? I don't want to end up with some wrong name and hurt you unintentionally." I was having great difficulty in pronouncing her name. God, it was a name or a tongue twister.

"Oh that's okay, I can understand. Just call me ME. It will be easier for you" ME giggled and looked at the other guy.

I thanked her and looked at her companion. I crossed my fingers and prayed to god that the guy didn't have a complicated name like his friend. I didn't want to embarrass myself.

"Hi Alex, I am Rahul." we shook hands and I noticed that his grip was strong like some fighter's hand.

"Hi Roul" They started laughing again when I greeted him back.

"Its Ra Hul NOT Roul my friend" he tried to correct me but I failed again in my next attempt.

"Hey just leave it, I think I can adjust with Roul too. It sounds so cool. Isn't it Mrinal" he grinned and the girl ME nodded in agreement. Finally I took a sigh of relief.

"So Alex, how did you get admission in midterm? Our school is very strict in case of admissions and forbids any new entry at this time." Roul asked with a friendly smile.

"Hey, Can we talk in the Cafeteria? I am famished" ME whined and we decided to continue our conversation on the way.

Everybody was staring at me while we were passing the corridors. I used the smile trick again and enjoyed the whole attention.

I was surprised to see the world class infrastructure and the buzzing crowd in the cafeteria. It was a big hall and round tables were arranged neatly in lines. There was a food counter at one end and a huge digital board was displaying the menu. I thought that the Indian cafeteria would provide only native cuisine but it had varieties like a restaurant. Roul might have read my mind and smirked at me.

"Dude, our school is the most prestigious school in this country and has the international standards of teaching and facilities" Roul proudly informed me. Well I can notice that!

"What would you like to have for lunch?" Roul asked

"A chicken burger and coke" I gave him my credit card but he told me to keep it back.

"Hey, Today's lunch on me" I and ME took the nearby seat and waited for Roul.

He returned with the same menu for three of us. I really liked their company. They were so warm and welcoming.

"My father, Mr. James Miller is the British high commissioner here. Your principal is a very good friend of my father since their college days and that's why I easily got the admission in midterm." I explained them and they slightly nodded in understanding.

"My dad had to move here due to sudden demise of the earlier high commissioner. I didn't want to come but he insisted." I scowled a bit remembering about his order.

It was like a punishment for me when mom told me that I am going to India to complete my studies. Actually, it was a punishment of my foolishness, for trusting and loving someone blindly but I couldn't reveal the real reason to my new friends.

"Are you here man?" Roul waved his hand in front of my eyes. I must have zoned out.

"Look, I don't know why he wanted me to study in this country. But he always tells me that you will learn the lessons of life in this country. In his view, some things cannot be explained or learn but it can be gained only by personal experience and blah blah blah" I said remembering each and every word of my dad to them. They chuckled on my last words.

"But" I started after finishing the half burger.

"I cleared him that if I didn't find anything as he has described then I would leave this land as soon as possible and he agreed on my condition. He ordered me to score well in my studies and when I will complete one year I can go back to my home. But there is a little problem" I wiped the crumbs of burger from my lips.

"What problem?" they asked in unison.

"You see, I got admission in midterm. How would I cover the whole syllabus?" I sighed.

"Guess what, you are very lucky" ME smiled secretly.

"How" I was happy and curious at the same time.

"Because the school topper is sitting with you" she grinned.

"What? Who? Wait a sec, Are you talking about that girl, I think I vaguely remember her name." I squeezed my eyes but neither her face nor her complete name clicked in my mind.

"What was that? Umm GARY, GORY, GAY" their faces became red with laughter and I joined them too. I have really made a mess of her name.

"No, No, it's Gauri. Don't call her like that otherwise you will have a REALLY hard time" ME said while controlling her breathe.

"Okay Gory" I corrected and they laughed again.

"Then please tell me how to pronounce her name correctly. I don't want to get on the wrong side of my saviour" I requested ME and she looked at Roul who slightly nodded like he permitted her to go ahead. She looked back at me and licked her lips.

"Ok I am telling you how to pronounce her name correctly." She tried to control her laughter.

"Have you ever seen girls when they look at some cute puppy or kid? How do they react" ME asked me.

"I think they say AWWW baby" I imitated like girls do and they were controlling their laughter.

"Okay, like AWW you have to say GAW then RI. GAWRI, now pronounce it" ME said.

"Ok GAW, is this correct" I asked her, she smiled and nodded in yes.

"Ri" I repeated the last words.

"GawRi" I finished the name, Roul and ME clapped a little. I just hope when I meet her I can address her with correct name.