
Past digging


From the past one month, I have been trapped between my studies and diplomacy training. I missed my friends Rahul and Mrinal a lot. Although, I used to see Alex every day but we couldn't talk to each other due to Mr. Miller's presence. I missed the light moments of our conversation. I have seen glimpse of him on the window pane of my office which reflects his balcony.

I found him staring in the office's direction many times. I felt that he also missed me but why it mattered to me.

'The feelings I am harbouring about him are not right, I have big responsibilities on my shoulders. I have to own a big bungalow and a Mercedes like Alex. I have no time for teenage romance.' I tried to convince my reflection in mirror and retired for the night.


"Hey, beautiful! What are you doing here?" he asked while holding my boxing glove.

"Stop checking me out Miller, right now!"

His tall frame towered over me. He lifted my chin gently to make me look into his blue orbs. How dare he touch me?

I raised my right knee to hit him in the middle but he grabbed my knee and made me fall.

"You bastard" I kicked him with both legs when I hit the ground and he fell opposite to me.

He lifted himself up in one jump like me and we were again facing each other.

"Stop fighting me Gawri. I don't want to hurt you." He crouched when I raised my leg to kick him in the chest.

"I am not a plaything Miller" I tried to punch him across his face but he again grabbed my wrist and spun me in a swift motion.

He put his right arm around my neck and locked my left arm behind my back. I tried hard to get out his hold but he was strong.

"I swear I will kill you" I shouted at him.

"You have already killed me by taking my heart honey" he whispered.

Eww, what a cheesy line but wait I should mind about how he has trapped me in his arms and not about a cheesy pickup line.

He has started kissing my nape and my body shuddered under his touch. No, how could he do such a thing but it was feeling very good and right with him.

"Alex" I moaned his name.

"Hmm, I am listening" he fanned my ear with his warm breath and my heart raced.

"Please stop it Alex" I moaned but my heart wanted more of him. He pulled me more into him and my back touched his chest.

He kissed the scar on my right shoulder leaving a trail of kisses towards my collarbone and I don't want him to stop. Then I heard a gunshot and his arms loosened around me. I turned around and saw him falling on the ground.

"No, no Alex. You can't leave me" I put his head in my lap. I was crying for help but there was only darkness. He was dying before me and I could not help.

"No Alex, please don't leave me. Alex, Alex, Alex" I shouted his name on top of my lungs.


I opened my eyes and found myself drenched in sweat. I looked at the clock and it was showing 4:40 am. No god, please show mercy on him.

Older people say that the early morning dream become true and if you have them then you should sleep some more. I prayed to god and tried to sleep again.

Later that day, I tried to ignore him because whenever I glanced at him, the morning dream flashed in front of me like a movie clip and it was damn hard to concentrate.

Whenever my eyes meet his blue oceans, heat starts radiating into my veins. I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to change my seat.

"Hey Mrinal, can I sit with you today?" I asked her with nervousness.

"Why, he bites?" She pointed in direction of Alex who was sitting on my desk.

"Err, actually I missed you and I can't catch up with you these days so I thought I can spend some time by sitting with you" I lied to her but it was not a total lie. I really missed her.

"What a thoughtful idea. You are always welcome here. Come, sit" she patted the empty seat beside her.

'God, why is she grinning like that but I love to see her like that. It's typical Mrinal, full of life.'

"Rahul, you sit with Alex. I am sitting with my dear friend today" She requested Rahul and he gladly turned towards my desk after greeting me.