

Jaguda is a brave man in the kingdom he dwells. His fore father left the power of the peace of the kingdom to him because he think he's the oldest that can secure the position perfectly well before he kick the bucket. He showed him the power and taught him everything no one should know because it's a power a person can carry and should only know unless he's about to leave the earthly world that's when he can give it to his successor and the successor must be a man. Jaguda grew more older and he use the power to control the peace of the land as it should be done. He always do the ritual rite and all sacrifices it needed yearly. Everyone in the kingdom bow for him not because of his power alone but, his scary personality he always potray to the people in the kingdom. They respect him and fear him at the same time. Whenever they saw him coming from afar, they are to bow while kneeling till he's out of the premises. Jaguda became the famous peace controller in the kingdom. The king can't control him. Even while speaking on his throne, jaguda will do his woth. The king can't do anything because jaguda his holding one of the most important thing the kingdom need to survive. You know a Kingdom where peace didn't dwell in, is place where calamities set in. The kingdom continue flourishing in milk and honey. Peace reign like it was invented in the kingdom. The people lives happily like it should be. Months grew, years go. Jaguda became more older that it became time to live the world and set in another successor to take over him as a peace controller of the kingdom. The reminder whose name is kan appeared like an angel to jaguda on a faithful day, calmly narrate how he had been living his life and blew the announcement to him that, he's leaving the world soon that he should brew in new peace controller to the kingdom, that he knows the drill. Jaguda was surprised. He couldn't believe his endship of life on the earth will be over soon. He became angry and bravely ask who the person was to project his endship life on earth. Kan kept on replying in parables that jaguda could not help it that he nearly hit him with that he was holding. Kan held his hands firmly and push him over the war and said "You will be miserable like you've never imagine". Jaguda have never seen someone so brave like that in his life. He look at him and calm his nerves. He already knew he's not an earthly person through his voice. kan voice echoes whenever he talks and even more scarier when he yell. "How can I live forever?" Jaguda kneel and ask kan. Kan explain that he should leave it that he can't live forever. But jaguda insisted on Kan telling him how he could live forever. Kan explained that he could live forever if and only if he could pull through the challenge to SECRET OCEAN! Will jaguda embark on this journey? Will he pull through the challenge? What's the challenge like? Get those answers in the captivating novel. ________ Get your popcorn stocked in your big bowl and your drink because you are about to dive into captivating and enthralling fantastical novel. leave your comment and share to your friends!

Lateef178 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs


Jaguda glance at him and shook his head like a little rabbit that is tired of eating carrot. He smiled at the king horrendously. He surely knew today is peace sacrifice day. Nobody should fight and abuse theirselves. It's the law from the oracle according to the rule of the power of peace. They believe the oracle is powerful and it's the second to gods. Jaguda didn't say nothing to the king's question. He literally take an eye roll off it.

One of the chief could not bear his mischievousness any more. He stood and walk to his side.

"Do you realize it's the king you are talking to?" The chief ask angrily.

"Do not spew anything again for if you do, consider yourself a dead person In a living"

jaguda audaciously said to the chief who is standing in his front. "King,I want you to listen and listen good.." the chiefs disrupted his speech "can't you just sound venerating for once?" He didn't even look at them as he continue his speech "I'm the king of peace of this land and there is nothing anyone can do about it" He smiled and continue.

"I could not be anything again in this world but, I have earn this position forever. Nobody on earth can take this from me. I'm the real owner and the best controller"

he laughed after saying that. "I don't know what you are saying and I abet you not to send anyone to me because,they will get nothing but a sound of wind" he gather himself to kneel properly "I might be aging older but I will not die for anyone" his mood changes after saying that.

The king couldn't believe the ludicrous statement he said last "everyone he's going to die. When my time reach, I'm going to die and another person will take over. When your time attain,you will die and another will take over. That's the reason why I call you to yearn another person of the knowledge. Nobody can live forever,you know" The King said calmly.

The king must have realize the rule of today, which is the sacrifice of the peace day. His voice changes and his mood switched immediately. The chief glance at the king as they plocard that. "Ahh...ahhh..ahhh" jaguda laugh out loud annoyingly.

"I can never kick the bucket. I'm the king of peace so,I have the control of me to live long forever" he said with a grave face. "We know there is nobody that can take over but,if you teach them now,they could get it Before you pass away. No offense, I'm wishing no bad. But, everyone will die one day. You are getting much older everyday. Take a look at your grey hair and listen to your uproarious voice and look at your shrink body in the mirror. You could see how old you've become" one of the chief said to him.

Jaguda's face changes "Did they know I'm dieing soon?" He ask himself innerly. He wonder why they all focus on death issue. He glance at the chief and smile hoarsenessly. "You don't body shame people. I'm going to rule till forever and ever and ever and ever.." the king cut him short "You can't live forever. Who is lying to you that you can live forever? Only God live forever!" the king yell at him.

"Can I leave? After all,I have bless your kingdom with peace. What else?" He ask. "What is wrong with you? You don't want tell anyone. Now, I'm not just saying, I'm commanding you to reveal the knowledge of the peace of this land to the person I will send to you. If you don't, consider yourself a nonliving" the king of bal lashes out to him. "You dare not do anything funny,and if you do,I Know you can't even try to wrath me" jaguda said bravely to the king. "Guards!!!" The king scream in anger. "Buddle him now" he order the guards.

The guards walk hastily to jaguda's direction to buddle him. He look at them and smile. "Who among you wants to die Young?" He ask the guards. They all look at theirselves surprisingly. They couldn't say nothing. "I said buddle him now!" The king yell at the guards. "Don't die now through hypertension and don't push me to the wall. You know I'm very..very..." He calm his nerves as he remembered today is peace sacrifice day. He look at guards and ask them to get out of his sight. His voice startled them that they all fall down in shock.

"Look at your guards, they can't even stand my voice. You should know I'm the king of peace" he laugh out loud. "I'm the right owner of this position. Is not that I'm not doing my job. Is not that I'm not doing all necessary things that needed to be done as a peace controller of this land. So,why want me dead?" He ask. "Nobody want you dead. Remember, everyone life Is limited in this world. We can't live forever you know" the king said in a calm voice. Immediately the king said people can't live forever, he remembered the dream again and and quoted what the stranger said to him in the dream "You can live forever" he said to himself innerly.

"Jaguda,i am your king. Where did you see that they have two kings in a kingdom. it's very impossible. You dare not call yourself a king again!" he said to him. "I will think about it,king of bal" he said and stood up . He walk close to the king and bow saying "Can I leave now?" He ask bravely. The king didn't expect that at first. He look at him and said "You can leave. But don't forget I will send someone to you to reveal the knowledge of the secret of the peace power before it's late. You know, nobody knows tomorrow" the said. "I will think about it " jaguda said as he turn his back to leave the palace.