
Dear Old Ronald Weasley


"I am going to kill Ronald Weasley" Ginny screamed as she slammed the front door to their house behind her. Both she and Harry had dropped Dora off at her mother's house before they came home because they didn't want her to be involved or to hear this argument. Plus, Ron and Astoria were coming over tomorrow and it gave them a perfectly good reason to see them and scream and shout at the pair.

"Let me join you" Harry replied, though not a psychotic as Ginny had been. He hated his best friend, sure, but not as far to the point of death. He knew Ginny was being deadly serious and would probably have to take away and hide her wand before they arrived at the burrow.

"I can't believe he pushed Hermione out of our life for eighteen years and turned us against her when it was all him" she shrieked, filling the house with her echoing cry.

"I know Ginny, but..."

"But Harry Potter, but what; he has done nothing but turn us against our best friend for eighteen years and then married the girl he cheated on her with. Who was none other than Hermione's current husbands, my bosses, ex-girlfriend; who was his girlfriend when they saw each other behind their partners backs"

"Right" Harry said, slightly confused by what his wife said. She huffed before storming upstairs.

"Well I'm going to bed, they say that the earlier you go to bed the quicker tomorrow comes; and damn do I want it to turn up soon"

"Hey mum" Ginny said, hugging her mother as they entered the burrow. 

"Hello Ginny, you're early"

"Well, I'm an early riser. Is Ron here yet?"

"Well yes, he's in the living room but..."

"Thank you mum, oh yeah, and keep Dora away. Things might get nasty" She marched through the living room door to see Ron and Astoria watching their eight year old daughter CeCe playing with their three year old son Scorpius. She smiled sweetly at them as they looked up. Ron grinned back.

"Oh hey Ginny, Harry"

"Ron, Astoria" Ginny said bluntly and sat down next to CeCe who beamed at her with the perfect white teeth she had inherited from her mother.

"Hello Aunt Ginny"

"Hello petal, can you take Scorpius into the kitchen with your grandmother because Uncle Harry and I need to have a private chat with your parents?"

She nodded her head vigorously and picked up Scorpius before taking him into the kitchen. Astoria looked at her in confusion. 

"What's going on Gin?"

"Oh don't you Gin me"

"What do you mean Ginny?" Ron said in confusion, looking at Harry for assistance, but he just glared back at the couple on the sofa. 

"We know about your little eighteen year old secret because we met the victims. My boss in fact"

They both froze as they realised who this meant.

"Draco told you I cheated on him"

"Oh yes, and Ron. Do you remember your ex-girlfriend? Well, she told me too"

"You saw Hermione" he said anxiously and Ginny raised her eyebrows before nodding.

"Yes, we currently had a meal with them, in their house"

The shock on the couple's face changed vividly at those last three words. Then Ron blurted out.

"They live together"

"Of course, for about the last sixteen years actually"

"That's insane, Draco hates Granger"

"That's not what the diamond and emerald ring on her left finger said, oh yeah, and the golden band along with it"

Ron's mouth flew open and Astoria's eyes widened in shock. 

"They're married" they said in unison and Ginny smirked.

"Weren't expecting that were you, now, back to the real meaning of the story, Harry" she turned to Harry and smiled to him kindly, he nodded curtly before rounding on Ron. 

"You lied to us Ron"

"No, I-I..."

"You pushed Hermione away from us and out of our lives for eighteen years because you made one big huge mistake and couldn't bear to be the bad guy. Well tough luck Ron because it turned out like that anyway. Did you seriously think we would live the whole of our life without knowing the truth?" Harry yelled, his voice rising with every word. So much to the extreme that Mrs Weasley ran in.

"What is going on in here?" she bellowed and Ginny grinned at Ron evilly before turning to face her mother.

"Harry and I found Hermione"

The shock on Mrs Weasley's face was a beautiful picture, she squealed in delight like a child on Christmas day and began planning the meet up.

"Oh my goodness, we can have a big family get together in the garden for Christmas and Hermione can come along and see us all again. It will be great"

"I don't think that will work mum, because Hermione doesn't like being in the same room or space as Ronald here"

Mrs Weasley's face fell as she smiled at Ron weakly "Oh Ronnikins, I'm sorry, I forgot about what she did to you"

"Funny thing is Molly, Hermione did nothing to Ron at all" Harry added, smiling wickedly as his ex-best friend shook his head, telling Harry not to do it. He ignored him. 

"What do you mean dear?"

"What Harry means mum, is that Ron was the one who cheated on Hermione. With her" she pointed a perfectly manicured finger at Astoria who gulped under pressure. Her brown eyes still wide in nervousness and surprise "And what Harry means mum, is that Ron should no longer be part of this family; goodbye Ronald Weasley" Ginny teased, waving her long slender fingers in the direction of her brother.

"Don't believe her mum, she's lying..." He tried to reason but Harry just laughed.

"What, like you did to us and your entire group of friends and family for the past eighteen years" he turned to Mrs Weasley "Actually Molly, I think that meet up would be great. I want to see Draco beat this piece of lying crap up. What do you think Ginny?"

"I think we should start planning this event" she teased before looking down at a terrified Astoria and Ron, raising an eyebrow evilly.

"Mummy" Hyperion squealed; hurling himself at his mother as the Hogwarts express stopped at the platform. She mused his hair playfully and hugged him tightly; he took in her musky scent of perfume as she held him tightly.