
A Weasel and a Swan


A week had passed since the Potter's visit to the Malfoy's and the plans for the reunion were beginning to form. Harry had banned James and Albus from playing Quidditch until they told him what they had done to Lily at the Malfoy's. They had told him immediately and even though he was angry at the pair, he had promised not to tell Ginny what the boys had been up to whilst they were playing Quidditch; besides, he had found it quite funny how they had put puking pastilles into the tin of sweets, it would definitely be a story to tell their Uncle George at the reunion, maybe he could add it to his pranking wall.

At the beginning of this year, George Weasley had set up a huge wall in his shop where you could bring in slips of paper and pin up what kind of tricks you had gotten up to with his franchise. It was supposed to be a fun and friendly way of remembering Fred, Harry was quite certain that the boys' pranks would probably take pride of place on the wall.

They were, in fact, visiting George and Angelina today. James had been banging on and on about seeing Fred and Roxanne ever since he had gotten of the Hogwarts Express; it was surprising how similar James and Fred were to George and Fred's namesake. It was like the twins had returned to Hogwarts with the way the teachers spoke about them.

As James was seeing his friends, Albus had been begging Harry over and over again to let him invite Hyperion, Lily had Roxanne, and Dora played with them anyway. Harry had agreed almost instantly, giving him a good reason to see Hermione again when she dropped him off at Weasley Wizard Wheezes, she and Ginny were apparently going out for a coffee anyway.

Ginny was looking extremely forward to this coffee, one reason was because Hermione was one person she could go on and on about the reunion to and wouldn't change the subject to Quidditch; Ginny might like Quidditch but she knew when enough was enough. The second reason was because Hermione had said that she was going to invite one of her close friends out with them; Ginny didn't know who that was yet but Harry had a pretty good idea, considering Hermione was married to Draco Malfoy now.

At half past eleven in the morning, the Potter house was like a Care of Magical Creature's lesson where Hagrid had decided they would play with Blast-Ended Skrewt's again.

"James, are you ready to go?" Ginny yelled up the stairs as she pulled on her winter boots. The faintest trickle of snow was in the air and the sky was completely white, meaning that a lot of snow was on the way; Dora was extremely excited due to this snow and usually woke up at six in the morning just to see if it was snowing, if it was she would end up having some kind of fit.

"Yeah" James yelled back, just as he emerged from his room, pulling a Mrs Weasley speciality sweater over his head. It had a large J in blue on the front, as blue was James' favourite colour; so much for Gryffindor pride?

By noon, the Potter's were piling out of the Weasley-Johnson's fireplace in Diagon Alley. Angelina smiled at them as they arrived.

"Oh hey guys, I was beginning to think you had forgotten" she said, walking over to help Lily up. The minute Ginny was out of earshot she leant down to whisper in her ear, "How did your scratching go?"

"You heard about that?" Lily whispered back and Angelina nodded

"Yeah, James sent an owl to Fred the minute he arrived home" she tittered lightly at how close the two boys were before letting go of her niece's hand and returning to her cooking.