
A Psycho called Dolohov


"Are you sure you don't want to come Hermione? You'll be awfully lonely here by yourself, without both the kids and Draco,"

Hermione smiled thankfully at Ginny before shaking her head, she wasn't needed at work today since it was a Saturday but wanted to get on with some paperwork she'd had stacked up on her desk for a few weeks. Draco was away for the weekend on a business trip to try and open a MalfoyIndustries in America which would hopefully start a chain reaction which would make them end up with them all over the country. That was the plan anyway.

"Thanks for asking Ginny but I'm afraid not, I really want to get on with some paperwork that's been stashed up for Merlin knows how long?"

Ginny let out a little chuckle before saying goodbye to Hermione and shuffling Quinn and Astrum out of the front door so they could head to the park. It was quite a mild day, considering it was February, so Ginny and Pansy were taking the kids to the park for a picnic and a few games. Ginny had asked if Quinn and Astrum would like to come at which they both replied with a quick 'yes'. She then asked Hermione who declined the offer.

Being in a completely quiet house, she still didn't regret her decision.

Once Ginny had left, Hermione ran a hand through her hair and went to the kitchen to fix herself a hot beverage and a snack. She needed a strong coffee to get her through the stacks of paperwork she needed to complete and she was also beginning to get cravings for cinnamon swirls because of her pregnancy, something Draco had stocked up on since she ate a whole box in one day.

She let the kettle boil as she sat down with the Daily Prophet, flicking her wand and summoning an unopened box of cinnamon swirls, she ripped it open and tucked in.

She scanned through the pages of the Daily Prophet, the same things appearing on every page; the ministry is sending out a new law... something about Harry... breakout in Azkaban...

Wait what?

Hermione's eyes drifted back to the article she had just seen and she gasped. There had been a breakout in Azkaban, only one person but still a breakout.

Hermione jumped and dropped the paper in surprise as the kettle pinged. She closed her eyes and took in a deep breath, composing herself before setting the paper back down on the table and getting her coffee ready. More than half the nation didn't know where she was which meant there would be no way an escaped convict would find her.

Then she remembered her children, they were out in the open at a park with Ginny, Pansy and their children. They could be easily found and taken away. She rushed out of the room to find her phone, forgetting about the boiling coffee in her hands and letting it drop to the floor with a smash, the brown liquid seeped across the stone floor, creating a puddle where Hermione had just been stood.

She rushed around the huge house, trying to find her mobile before deciding that she could just summon it. She reached for her wand but a loud bang shocked her. She dropped the wooden rod and spun around.

"Ginny? Pansy? Is that you, are you back?"

When there was no reply Hermione started to worry, it wasn't herself she was worried about it was her unborn baby. She bent down awkwardly and picked up her wand when she heard a disturbing noise.

It was a kind of scrapping, like a chair being pushed back against a stone floor. Hermione didn't feel safe anymore and raised her wand up in front of her. The only thing she could think of was that she wished that Draco was here to protect her and their unborn baby. She was just about to rush for the phone and call him home when the creaking of a door opening sounded through the silent house. Hermione froze and wrapped her free hand around her tummy absentmindedly. That was when the creaking door slammed open and a figure stepped out, the obvious shape of a wand leading the way.

"Well Mrs Malfoy, how lovely to see..." the man's voice drawled on in a taunting manner but trailed off when Hermione stepped into the light. She couldn't see the man's face yet but knew he could see hers. It was silent for a few minutes until a dark laugh erupted from his mouth, flooding the room with a cold atmosphere and making Hermione's skin crawl.

"Now this is classic," the man said, taking a few steps forward. Hermione tensed as his face emerged from the dark corner and entered the space of light that shined around the centre of the room. His face was grubby, as was the rest of his body which was easily seen through the ripped shirt and stained trousers he wore. His hair was matted and coated with grease and what looked like mud, his eyes were bloodshot and when he laughed Hermione could see that his teeth were either yellowing or missing. He had a cut lip and a huge gash across his forehead. It was obvious this man had just escaped from Azkaban. His faded dark mark lay with a certain pride upon his forearm as he lifted the wand slightly further up.

This was Antonio Dolohov.

Hermione tried to stand tall but the ex-Death eater's laughing was making her uncomfortable. Her wand felt limp in her hand but she still held on as tight as she could, ready to shield herself if a curse was sent her way.

"Oh this really is classic, here I come looking for Draco Malfoy's secret wife and look at who I find, this is even better than before. I bet Potter and Weasley will be rushing to help when they find out that their precious mudblood is missing,"

Hermione gulped "Why...why do you want me?" she whispered, knowing full well the escaped convict would be able to understand.

"Uh uh uh," Dolohov taunted "Questions later, petrificas totalus,"

Hermione could do nothing as the limb locking jinx was sent her way, she didn't even have enough time to lift her wand, let alone use it, before she felt her body fall backwards. She let out a hiss of pain as her back collided with the solid floor, her wand falling from her hand.

As Dolohov neared her she could hear him muttering, then he circled her twice before smiling again.

"And what have we here? Not only Hermione Malfoy but a soon to be mini Malfoy inside of her whose father would surely do anything to protect; my plan is turning out better than I even expected," he clapped his hands together in some kind of mad frenzy before grasping Hermione's wrist in his grubby hand and apparating out of the Manor. Leaving Hermione's wand lost and forgotten on the floor.

Ginny banged loudly on the front door of Malfoy Manor for the fifth time when there was no reply from Hermione.

"Do you think she's gone out?" Pansy said but Ginny just shook her head.

"No way, Hermione wouldn't go out without leaving us a note on the front door," she replied to the raven haired woman. Pansy sighed before reaching into her bag and pulling out a set of keys. She fumbled through them until she held out the key to the Manor in front of Ginny's face. Ginny frowned.

"Why didn't you tell me you had this?" she snapped "It could've caused a lot less hassle."

"Draco said it was only for emergencies, I didn't want to break in unless it was completely necessary."

"And you didn't think this was necessary?" Ginny fumed.

"Look, do you want the key or not?" Pansy snapped back. Ginny glared before snatching the key from her hands and ramming it into the lock. It clicked open almost immediately and the two women tumbled into the massive house, their children following after.

The house was silent apart from the distant ticking of the grandfather clock that lay in the living room of the house. Ginny suddenly felt very uneasy about the whole situation, wondering if they should've done this at all.

They were just about to call out for Hermione when a cheer from Quinn filled the room.

"Look, I found mummy's wand."

Quinn and the other children seemed overjoyed by this aspect but Pansy and Ginny knew this was a bad thing. Hermione would never go anywhere without her wand, it was just something she would never do. Ginny was the first to react, running up the stairs two at a time whilst calling Hermione's name. Pansy did the same downstairs, telling the children to stay where they were as she pushed open the kitchen door.

After about half an hour of searching the huge manor, Ginny and Pansy returned to the entrance hall with identical looks of worry and horror evident on their faces. Neither of them could find Hermione and her wand was stranded on the floor.

"Where could she be?" Ginny asked trying to sound stable but her voice wavered slightly "I've checked the attic and every room on every floor."

Pansy gulped and handed something to Ginny; it was this morning's paper. Ginny hadn't had time to read it since she had rushed to Hermione's. Scanning through the newspaper her eyes landed upon the same article Hermione had come across that morning.

"I found this as well, snagged on one of the dining room chairs."

Pansy lifted the fabric up as Ginny examined it. Sure enough the fabric was grubby and striped, just like the shirts they had to wear in Azkaban.

Ginny sent a horror struck look at Pansy before rushing to the phone and dialing the number.

"Harry! It's about Hermione! She's been kidnapped!"