
28. She's My Future Wife..!

Ramel, Reista, Renand were already sitting on their sofas. Ramel sighed tiredly because his son was upset by Kate's behavior...

"Kate's parents are filing a report to the police, it looks like Nafisah will be taken to be investigated. They gave the report as a case of abuse and bullying, evidence in the form of a video that has been spread.", Ramel said quietly while supporting his head with his hands.

Waiting for what reaction Renand will do in the case that will befall Nafisah.

"So the Berenices are challenging with me? They don't remember nearly begging me to invest in their company? You crazy wealthy parent!" Renand's words were indeed very quiet, but they had deep emotions.

The knock on the door made Ramel and the others look at the door. The door opened, the maid led Kate's family into the room.

There's Kate, her father and mother ..

Renand looked at them with scorn, Kate was even afraid to see Renand's face at this time.