
Secret Doors

Billionaire Levi Everett is a well known businessman who kissed Portia Zira on a masquerade party. That one sinful passionate kiss turns into a blooming affair, An affair behind close doors where no one should know but the two of them. How will Levi Everett sacrifice everything for the woman he adores and how will Portia Zira do everything to meet the standards of Levi's world.

Scarlet_Chrome · Urbano
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206 Chs

Take him to the Airport

Portia's P.O.V:

"Did you already have dinner?" I asked him after I gave him a peck. "Yes but I'm still hungry." He complains. Maybe he didn't get the right amount of food. "I see. I'll make some snacks for us." I told Levi because I know what he wanted. He wanted cookies and tea again. This guy is kinda being sweet tooth. He just looks at me like he's watching my every step and I am aware of it.

Levi has this habit of adoring my movements and dominating me. I go straight to the kitchen and prepared our snacks. I prepared a tray of cookies and a set of tea after that I bring it with me to the living room. But I didn't find him on the couch so I go straight upstairs to my room. I put the tray on the tea table and I don't find him in the bed either so I go near the bathroom. I heard the water running. He must be taking a bath.