
His Ice Heart

Ashley was waiting for her Boyfriend, Chan-yeol, to pick her up. When he arrived in his car, Ashlyn got in with a mad face.

Chan-yeol: "hey, I'm sorry for being late, something caught up on the way," he said with a cold voice while concentrating on driving.

Ashley fake coughed,

Ashley: what is it that came up at this hour!?

Chan-yoel: That's none of your business.

Ashley kept quiet and looked out the window

When they arrived, Ashley opened the door and was about to leave but then Chan-yoel fake coughed,

Chan-yoel: Forgetting something?

Ashley quickly pecked his lips and left.

Chan-yoel POV,

She thinks she can leave me with just a peck!?... I hope she understands that something really important came up, I know I'm cold towards her but I'm trying my best to open myself to her, After what my mom did to me and my dad It's hard to trust anyone.

Ashley POV,

First of all, He was late and then wouldn't even tell me what happened...sigh, Though I hate this side of him, I'm too attached to him to leave him.

The bell rang and she went to her class and of course, She was LATE

Ashley slowly walked in and bowed to the sir saying sorry

Ashley: Sorry Sir, there was so much traffic on the way.

Sir: I'll let you pass this time but next time detention

Ashley: yes sir

Lia: "Sir, I think it's my time to read," she said to change the topic.

Sir: uh yea, Miss Lee, go take your sit.

After the classes were done, They went to the cafeteria to have their lunch.

Read the "synopsis" to know more about these two lovers :)

notyour_wafacreators' thoughts