
Chapter 983. Beyond the Fist

When the Tiger Demon was reeling, Leavemealone used the chance to dash away.

The Tiger Demon was extremely furious. Not only had it been denied its prey, but it was also humiliated by getting blown away by a lowly creature. It slammed its feet hard on the ground as a sign of displeasure before chasing after Leavemealone.

A tiger-man suddenly flew in front of its path, causing it to stop again. The tiger-man dropped to the ground some distance away. Its HP was zero. It soon disintegrated.

The Tiger Demon turned to where the tiger-man had flown from. Domon was there fighting with his one remaining adversary. His hair was red.

Domon had used the wrath of the beast king, which starting roar stunned his opponents. Domon exploited the window and used the heart-exploding punch, instantly killing one of his opponents.