
Chapter 824. A Robbery

"You…! How can you be so uncivilized?" Sonny scolded. "You people are acting like gangsters!"

"Oh? You only realized it now? You are unbelievably dense, eh? Yeah, we are gangsters who claim this territory now. Do you want to leave or do you want to fight us?" Straightpole asked. He aimed his strident menacingly at Sonny who was still on the ground.

"This goes for all you Growth Aid Agency people. Pack up now or face the wrath of Corporate United!" Straightpole bellowed. "As for you who are looking for service. You are welcome to stay but please prepare ten gold coins for payment."

"This is a robbery! I don't have that many coins!" One of the low-level players uttered.

"I don't care," Straightpole said. "You can stay here forever then."