
Chapter 1636. Ass-whooping

While the Themisphere players and their guild armies engaged the Liguritudum army and the zombie army, the mobile fortress followed from behind. As it approached, explosions after explosions happened within the enemy ranks.

These explosions were caused by the mana cannons installed around the mobile fortress' battlements. These mana cannons were not the ones Themisphere produced. Themisphere had only finished the research and only started the production when Jack departed.

These mana cannons were from Palgrost. After the country leader meeting, John asked Thelgrun to lend Themisphere their mana cannons. After returning to Palgrost, Thelgrun instructed his people to transport their remaining mana cannons, ten of them, to Themisphere. When Jack completed the mobile fortress using his ruling powers, these mana cannons already arrived. John installed them into the mobile fortress then.