
Chapter 1435. The Original Plan

"Tell me, are bloodshot eyes one of the characteristics this blood army has?" Jack asked.

"That's correct," Horatio answered. "You shouldn't underestimate these blood troops. Because of the demonic possessions, these troops are stronger than what their level and grade indicated. They can easily defeat an opponent of similar level and grade to them."

"You said before this blood army is tied to this capital?"

"Yes. That's because once activated, the Chalice of Blood has to be stationary," Peniel answered. "If it is forcefully moved, all the enslaved subjects are freed."

"The enslaved subjects also cannot stray far from the artifact," Horatio added.

"So, they can only stay within this capital," Jack concluded. Jack thought this blood army was similar to the tethered puppets.

"Wait! This blood army can die, right?" Jack asked.

"They can, but they are harder to kill than your average soldiers because of the demonic possessions," Horatio said.