
Chapter 1375. Three Sisters

The freed angel came to Master's side, she cast High Heal on Master before adding a prismatic shield on him.

Master glanced in Aglea's direction. He had known about Aglea's condition from Jack's story. He rose and started barking orders.

"You, keep that mad woman busy!" Master commanded Talia. To Jack, he said, "You, hold that dead woman down. Keep her in place, do not damage her!"

"Motherf*cker, can you at least be courteous when asking for something?" Jack said with annoyance, but he still did as Master asked. He was already fighting Aglea, anyway. He cast Acceleration on himself, Therras, Master, Talia, and the high demon.

His Therras' ultimate beast condition had already ended, but Jack still had other skills to empower it. He used Gigantify Pet. Therras' frame doubled in size. With increased endurance, it should be able to better withstand Aglea's attacks.