
second marriage/ wan

Marrying your own sister's husband is an unthinkable and reasonable thing suggested by your own father, mother and older brother. Why is that ? Marry your sister's husband, and give your husband to your sister." Like falling over the ruins of Joy hearing Lina's mother's words, am I dreaming that mother told me to divorce my husband and marry my own brother-in-law .. "Mother.. are you aware of everything you said? Mother told Joya to give Joya's husband to her own sister Joya and take brother-in-law as Joya's husband? Asked Joy confused. Lina looked at Joya with a straight face. "Mother is aware, you and Windy will change partners. Tomorrow I will call the prince to marry you off. Leo will marry Windy and Irwan will marry you.”

Wan_Lung · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
44 Chs

Married Again

When they saw that Joya had fainted they carried Joya's body in their arms and locked her in the room. They were afraid that Joya would do things or even run away.

The next day, the wedding time arrived. Faintly, Joya heard a noise outside her room. He was sure his marriage contract would be initiated. Joya wanted to stop him, but her parents locked her bedroom door.

" Open up!

Joya screamed with emotion. He felt that this was all unfair. Within a night Joya became a widow. And within a day Joya would be another man's wife. She will be married by her own ex-brother-in-law.

Throat! Throat! thump

Joya was banging on the bedroom door, hoping someone would come to get her out.

" Open! I beg you to open the door! Maa, paa, Windy, Leo.. I beg you to open the door," shouted Joya while sobbing.

Joya continues screaming. But no one cared about his screams, let alone opened the door for him. Joy's body slumped. He was getting desperate. Joya cursed her weakness and helplessness. "Why are you doing all this to me? What's wrong with you guys? " wailed Joya in the middle of her sobs.

Joya sat hugging her legs. She was crying while covering her face. Joya recalled the conversation she had with Leo last night.


Leo approached Joya who had just woken up from her fainting. He sat on the end of the bed.

"Leo.. why do you have the heart to do all this to me? Have you forgotten our struggle for the past five years? asked Joy.

"Our struggle? Leo sneered by raising the corner of his lips. "All this time, I was the only one struggling. I work hard from morning to night. Nothing you do. You're just having fun. Stay at home spending the money I make.

"Isn't that your duty? You work for a living, while I take care of the house and your needs. If you mind, how come you never told me? "

"Joya, I told you. I don't need a wife who can only serve me at home, a maid can do that. I need a wife who is beautiful, smart, good at getting along and I can definitely be proud of when I hang out with my friends. You'll only embarrass me." Leo replied. Joya's heart ached hearing her ex-husband's answer. He was crying while squeezing his chest tightly. Leo had truly been blindsided by his position.

" That's enough. Don't cry, just accept your fate to be married to your ex-lazy brother-in-law," Leo said as he got up from his seat. "Oh yeah, if later your husband doesn't meet your needs, just come to me, I'll warm your body and give you money," continued Leo as he walked away laughing.

Joya threw a pillow on Leo's back. "You bastard Leo! You think I'm a slut, you asshole, "Understood Joy.

Flashback end

As long as she knew Leo, Joya thought Leo was a kind and sincere man. Because of that, Joya accepts Leo's proposal and is willing to marry him. But now that Leo had changed, he had become a haughty and arrogant man.

Click! Click!

Joy heard the sound of the door lock being opened. He got up and immediately grabbed the door handle. As soon as the door opened, Joya saw her parents in front of her room.

"Maa, paa! Joya please don't force Joya to marry. Let Joya be a widow. Joya is not ready for another man's wife," said Joya pleadingly.

"It's too late, Irwan is legally your husband," said Windy who came with Leo and Irwan. Windy looks beautiful with the white kebaya she wears. Likewise Leo, he looks handsome in his suit. They are compatible.

Windy walked while holding Leo's hand tenderly. "Leo and Irwan have made their consent granted. Now, Leo is my husband and Irwan is your husband," said Windy proudly.

Joya's heart ached hearing her brother's words. He was jealous of the closeness that Windy and Leo showed. Even though Leo had hurt his heart, Joya's love for him was still there. It is impossible to eliminate the love and affection that has grown for five years, just overnight. Joey felt like he wanted to die.

"Windy is right, Joya, now Irwan is your husband. Even though you didn't witness Irwan saying directly, your marriage therapy has been carried out," said Agus as he brought Irwan closer to Joya. "Now kiss your new husband's hand," she begged.

"You are all selfish! Why do you have the heart to do all this to me! I have the right to make choices about my life. You are ruthless!

Joya was crying, her body slumped to the floor. Joya poured out her uncontrollable tears.

Windy glanced at her sister cynically. There was not the slightest bit of guilt in his heart. Windy is actually happy, because she finally managed to marry the man of her dreams. Windy loves Leo, she really admires him.. they both work in the same office and make them spend time together while working. It was from there that Windy's feelings of love developed.

Windy aggressively approached Leo, and in order to melt Leo's heart, she helped Leo lobby for Leo's promotion and became director of the company.

Agus and Lina looked at their daughter with pity. Their hearts were touched to see Joy's condition. But selfish defeat their feelings. Lina helped Joya get up. He is supporting his daughter's body." Don't be a crybaby like this. Don't embarrass us. Come on, kiss your husband's hand now!" Lina stretched out Joya's hand and joined it with Irwan's.

Lina pulled Irwan's hand and brought the back of her hand closer to her daughter's lips. He forced Joya to kiss her husband's hand. Even though Joya's tears hit Irwan's hand, Irwan's face remained flat. Didn't change a bit.

Windy approached with a folder, "Here is a marriage certificate and other documents. You just need to sign it. Your marriage is legal before the law. So if you want a divorce, you have to file a lawsuit in court.

Joya takes out her marriage certificate, then reads it carefully. Joya's tears spilled again when she saw a photo of herself and Irwan in the marriage book. Joya really has become the wife of her ex-brother-in-law. She had already married her brother's husband.

Joya's heart was broken, her legs went limp, almost Joya fell backwards. But Irwan's hands supported his body. Like it or not, Joya clings to the man who is now legally her husband

"Ohya.. I've ordered Aunt Ijah to pack up all your stuff from Leo's house. Later this afternoon someone will drive him here, "said Windy." I don't want any of your stuff left in there. Because now that house is not your home anymore. You are not Leo's wife," she insisted

Windy turned around. She smiled sweetly at her husband. "Come on Leo, let's rest in the room," said Windy

"You guys too, get some rest!" said Agus. He and his wife left Joya and Irwan.

Joya looked at the back of her parents. Neither one of them understood his feelings or sided with him. Unknowingly, Joya turned around and cried on her new husband's chest.