
Reborn? Or Back in time?

In a flash, he suddenly remembered, "Artemis" was the name of the game he had thought of playing right after he graduated college.

It was a game that gave the players real consequences to their actions in the game, not only could you make real money in-game through in-game business. At the same time, if a town was destroyed or an area of the map was fully explored, the town would move and change depending on how it had been destroyed, and the things you could do in the explored area of the map would be different.

Tang quickly took out his wallet and found his ID, which showed he was only 23.

He had been 36 when he was shot in the office and he had been working at the company for 13 years. In fact, today was the day that he was going to apply for the entry position for the job he would get 3 months later.

"That's right today I decided not to play this game with Wang Fen and began my life as a workaholic."

Wang Fen was Tang Tang's roommate in college and had asked him to buy the game so they could work full time as pro gamers. After Tang joined the company he eventually lost touch with Wang Fen and only heard about the game a few times throughout the years.

Then the company that made "Artemis" announced a year into the game that players could win real-life rewards, that covered everything from cash and equipment to positions in the company and even ownership of it.

After the announcement, many people quit their jobs to play the game and it became a real-life battleground were large corporations build guilds and pro teams to try and win everything they could.

From then on the idea of pro gaming changed and more and more companies partnered with the makers of "Artemis" to offer there own awards and attract more customers.

Over the 13 years Tang had worked, it was estimated that 1 in 3 people on the planet played "Artemis" or contributed their income to the game in some way.

"And that's how you play, between you and me I don't really like games but the company that makes "Artemis" is also the one that designed the NEST System and they have really put great effort into advertising the game."

"There has to be something special about it if they are willing to spend so much money even before the game is out."

"Not to mention the amount of time it would take to design and build the NEST." The salesgirl said.

Tang was still shocked at the realization that he had somehow traveled back in time into his 23-year-old body. Even more shocking was that he had traveled back to the day that he had made the decision that would determine a great deal of his life.

Slowly a smile began to form on Tang Tang's lips.

"I'll take it and the NEST system please," he said.

"That's great let me ring that up for you." said the salesgirl as she walked to a register to finish the order.

Tang clenched his fist as he thought. "It doesn't matter what happened or why I'm here, since I have another chance then let me live a life that will let me smile."

He paid for the system and the game took everything back to his house right away, currently he lived in a 1 bedroom studio apartment that was barely furnished but the NEST only required you to have a comfortable place to relax.

After setting up the system and setting "Artemis" to install Tang began to get worried, he found a notebook and pen and started to write down everything he remembered about the past that might help him.

"If I remember correctly the main goal of "Artemis" is to become a king and rule over different kingdom's."

That was how the best players were able to win the best prizes and become owners in the company, making millions of dollars.

"But in order to get there everything I do in the game counts towards how strong I can become and there is no way I can do this on my own."

"I have a year until the company makes the announcement and the competition really starts."

While Tang had heard some of the big events that would take place in "Artemis" in the future he really didn't know much about the game at all, suddenly a new worry began to grow in his mind.

"What am I going to do for money if I'm not working?" Tang thought.

He quickly took out his phone and checked his bank account which had little over 10,000 dollars in it at the moment. This was all the money he had saved from the day he started working part-time jobs in high school, as well as the gifts his family had given him for birthdays and holidays.

His rent was only 3 thousand a month but with food and daily expenses he could end up broke in just a couple months.


Ring! Ring!

Tang's phone started to ring, he checked the number and say that it was his old roommate Wang Fen.

He quickly answered the call.


"Tang Bro, I know I asked last time and you said you'd think about it but I really need you. "Artemis" is going to be huge and we need to be on the ground floor, come on bro buy the game and we can help each other make some real money." Wang Fen said.

Now Tang remembered Wang had spent much time planning to play "Artemis" and he was planning to do it full time. While Tang didn't know if in the past life Wang had made anything of it, right now it was a gift from above that he had someone to work with.