
Phantom Side (1)

Following the events of what happened, After the old man priest returned home to Little Wing. Alziel has been overthinking ever since he heard that magic also existed in this world and there are possibly even more creatures deadlier than the existence of Demons(From his world),Magic Gods.

He was wondering if he has the power to fight against them.

'True I now have my Original calculation capabilities back, But do I have the means to deal with Magic when it's as troublesome as the Magic Gods? I can only deal with it a little but when it comes to something like the Water Angel, I might run into some problems.'

Later on he looked at his phone because it vibrated, indicating that he received a message. Alziel then took his phone from his pockets and looked at the message.

[From: Unknown #

Hello there Mr. Alziel Hiragi,

I would like to inform you that you are excused in school till afternoon and your visit at Hosea Academy. I'll have someone to pick you up at 1'o clock at the nearest Starbucks at Shuchi'in Academy. If you have any doubts about if you're really excused, Then just go at the Faculty and ask about your visit at Hosea Academy.

I hope that you have read this message and I also apologize if I ever disturbed your night.]

In the end Alziel didn't bother and just sleep instead as he still has school tomorrow.


Once he woke up he took a bath quickly, Cooked breakfast for himself since he thinks that eating outside will beat the purpose of him buying ingredients to make food.

After eating, He later changed to his usual school attire. The Shuchi'in black uniform with a white hoodie inside.

Time went by quickly as he was now inside class 2-A. As soon as Alziel sat down in his seat the class began to talk 'silently' about Alziel.

Of course it didn't escape his notice and then breathed in a exasperated sigh.


By that one word the class realized that they were talking out loud about Alziel and thought he was gonna do something as he pulled out something from his pockets.

But contrary on what they expect he took out a earphones and put it on both of his ears. If there's anything Alziel took a little interest in his new life, It's Music and Cooking.

Later on, Time went by and some people can't even believe that the so called Deliquent 'Accelerator' is freaking smart at all subjects most notably math.

It was when the teacher was talking about Vectors and Alziel was woken up with the still intact earphones which the teacher didn't saw, but he did saw some Vector equations in the blackboard.

He clicked his tongue and explain the boring easy topic in front of him. With a click of Alziel's tongue, most of the surrounding students thoughts was 'Annoyed because you can't explain it?' but later on their expression turned a 180 degree turn as he made the complicated subject more complicated as he even included it's connection with Physics having the Teacher stop him from almost explaining all that the teacher's supposed to teach them.

What they didn't know is that This guy is dealing with Vector calculations everyday his whole life including his previous life, and sure did everything to control his powers back in his previous life.

The others where still surprised that this deliquent is smarter than he actually looks. In the class the one that noticed him the most is Kaguya Shinomiya.

'Is he really a deliquent people make him to be? He's surprisingly Intelligent.. Does Chika knows of his reputation?'

Todaya events and yesterday have really caught Kaguya's attention. Why? To her Alziel's a threat. A threat that might possibly snatch her chance to beating Shirogane leading her to become the Top scorer of the exams.

As Kaguya now deems Alziel as a possible obstacle to her soon to be relationship with Shirogane, Alziel was currently leaving the room.

"Wait it's lunch already?"


Back to Alziel

After dealing with the teachers at the faculty he decided to hang out at the Student Council for a while and on the way he saw Fujiwara.


"Ohh Al-kun, Good afternoon are you going to the Student Council Room?"

"I'll just stay for a while, I'll leave to go to Hosea Academy for their scouting."

"Ohhh Al-kun got scouted?! What got their interest for the scouting?"

As Chika was barraging Alziel with questions, He somehow can't stop himself from getting irritated.

'I swear she acts alot like that kid.. Alright I'll just head to Starbucks instead'

"AL-KUUNNNN... please don't ignore me!"

"TCH, it's piano. By the way Chika tell the President and the other members of student council members that I won't be able to attend today, I'm actually supposed to be there by now."

After saying those somehow 'believable' words, Chika was somehow doubting him but she shrugged it off as her childhood friend is going back to play Piano again.

"Mouu! We rarely hang out but I'll agree just this once because you're going back to Piano. You better make up for this Al-kun!"

"No promises."

After convincing the Clumsy girl Alziel went on his way to Paradise and he somehow heard a loud scream from the Student council about a cockroach, He shrugged it off and walk much more faster to Starbucks with both of his hands in his pockets.


At Starbucks

He ordered: "Tall coffee, No cream, No sugar."

Then the cashier asked: "Anything else?"

Then Alziel said: "That's all."

After ordering Alziel just waited for his coffee before finding a seat and eventually got the coffee and sit in a open table. But then he noticed something in his table.

'What.. a Nintendo Switch? And the game is Monster Hunter World.. who would left this gadget here? No matter might as well play it.'

It wasn't before long Alziel learned of the controls and played with what seemed to be in a Co-op with someone but he didn't bother and just played the game.

Soon after he was hooked in the game before him and played it strategic-wise and calculative which sooner lead him to complete the mission successfully even though it's his first time.

"That was interesting.." muttered Alziel and the moment he said that someone spoke from his back.

"Right! It sure was, I didn't know you can do that with a light bowgun."

Then Alziel turned to his back and saw a boy with light golden-brownish hair with blue eyes and seemed to be older than him by few years. The new guy suddenly said.

"Thanks for playing the Game for me! I wasn't able to hold it in and went for the bathroom and soon remember that I'm playing with Kou-chan and hurried as fast as I could but then I saw you playing it perfectly well."

Although Alziel was introvert he didn't get annoyed because he was satisfied by the game and just nodded.

"Right, The game was interesting once you memorized the attack speed of your weapon and memorize the attack pattern including memorizing buffers of all animation you can beat this game easily."

When the guy heard of it he just scratch the back of his head seeming to not understand all of the given tip and just said.

"Right umm, I'm Naoya Nifuji a University Student and also thanks for playing the game and staying here by the way."

Alziel just nodds and introduce himself.

"Alziel Hiragi, No problem. I'll leave now and thanks for the time."

Although Alziel might seem acting cold he was actually not deep inside.

'What an interesting game.. and an interesting carefree fellow. Thank God I played this guy's game.. I just found myself a new source of entertainment.'

Then as Alziel went outside he received a text from a random number once again.

[ From: Unknown #

Please wait outside Starbucks our student is on the way to fetch you.]

Alziel complied and stood there and put on his earphones waiting for his fetcher.

Naoya Nifuji


Eruamcreators' thoughts