
Second life in Multiverse

Disclaimer: My story is shit, i just try to write one since I always wanted to write one and now I always bored with my fav novel have no updates. Updated is inconsistent and most chapter will consist of 5k to 6k or above words. Also story will all be AU since i can't trust myself to make it consistent with the source. New Synopsis: A nameless smuck want to meet ROB suicide and coincidentally (or is it) a ROB notice him, gave him a contract to live second life but it went downhill when he fail a contract/quest in Date a Live world and receive a Penalty Contract. Now stuck in Bloodborne world and through his odd personality and mindset plus willpower, he survived and now start a new life as a full fledged multiverse traveller with his 'exotic' harem. World: Bloodborne ReZero Date a Live (again) DxD (Now) Also have +18

Daoist_KittyKat · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
28 Chs

Chapter 22

(I would first like to apologize if the story is jumbled up. In the last few chapters, I rewrite the stories a few times and end up mixing up the events in my head that things that I didn't add, I thought I added into the story. My birb brain has difficulty remembering shit. Even this one I have to rewrite because I fked up the event and write using the story I removed.)

Chapter 22

Three days after he managed to recruit Ophis to his side, he cooped up inside his lab. He remembered his true problem that always limited his true potential. His physical body is weak. Very weak that most of the time he has to limit his power to reduce the backlash of the power he used.

Human body in the end is weak. Don't get him wrong, even if humans are weak, they have their own perks like evolution. Evolution allows the weak human to easily adapt to their environment, new power, new energy.

Humans are always portrayed as the race that will survive regardless of changes in the environment. Precisely because they are weak, their body easily adapts to the changes. Their will is strong, strong enough to resist the hardships and evolve into a superior species.

When the Great War of three factions ravaged the land. Humans were able to survive and created many strong heroes that defended the human race and weathered the war. While the angel, fallen angel and devil struggle to even repopulate their race, the human race easily repopulates faster and ends up thriving while the supernatural race struggles.

However when the war subsided, the human race entered the age of peace. They will become dull and broken, the heroes can no longer be born and they end up becoming like cattles for the supernatural race. They are only preserved because they are the source of faith, the energy that gives power to the supernatural races and factions.

The evolution ability allowed Ray to adapt and gain power when he became a Great One. However now that he has already risen in power, his humanity that once gave rise to his power now becomes the very shackle itself to his power. His human quality had outlived its purpose.

Because of that, Ray is creating a better body to house his soul unless he wants to use his true form instead which in itself will create a lot of issues.

(Note: The very first issue is his true form as an infant and you can imagine the problem he will face with that. Then, his Eldritch Physique that can induce unsavoury negative effects. Also visually unappealing to most people.)

Ray stayed in his lab to create a body that can withstand his power. He used Ophis' flesh that she very willingly exchanged with more new delicious food as the base for the body which very effectively withstand the effect of backlash to almost none negative effects.

Ophis's aspect of Infinity allows him to have infinite potential for growth. Ray focuses primarily on withstanding than empowering his power. Power isn't a problem for Ray since he has the entire cosmos to give him power. He basically has an entire cosmos of power to draw from but his vessel to contain the power is very small, like comparing a small drinking cup to the entire cosmos.

That's why he wouldn't even bother with the pathetic amount of power boost and go all out on creating a body that can best withstand the power and bigger capacity. He also added some of Albion and Ddraig parts to increase his affinity to their power.

"Alchemy, the foundation of creation, disassemble, meld, reassemble, fusion!"

"Alchemy, the foundation of creation, disassemble, meld, reassemble, fusion!"

"Phew, finally done with increasing Albion's and Ddraig's affinity…"

"Fuck, I hate doing the micro process of alchemy… is there no automation function for this!"

Ray keeps complaining as he has to do the final small adjustments to his new body. He only has to replicate the command seals and magic crest before his new body reaches 100 percent similar to his current body.

Taking out a magic stylus, he started replicating the 'slot' for the said seals and crest to allow them to be slotted into when his soul transferred to his new body. When he finished carving out the 'slot', he looked at his body before he stared at his dick.

"Should I enlarge it? No no no, why should I enlarge it in the first place…" Stuck in his dilemma, he turned to his wives.

Artemis and Tsukuyomi appear to answer him while the rest use magic to ask telepathically. The majority answer is yes however the size recommendations are varied.

Among the few is Artemis who recommended at least 20 inches. He didn't know if Artemis genuinely had the fetish of getting gouged inside out or she just felt adventurous and wanted to try. In the end he selected 14 inches which is the median of the length his wives recommended.

(Note: I use a lottery wheel with 10,12,14,16,18 and 20 inches on the wheel cuz why not, it spice up the writing process for me and Artemis get the max number lmao XD)

After that he lies down on the surgical table next to his new body and starts a blood transfusion to turn on the body and start the heart. The process isn't complicated and easily completed which turns the dead body into a living body but without consciousness.

(Do user want to initiate the transfer of soul to new body?)

(Be warned, abilities and skills that isn't innate, weaker or low proficiency have a very high risk of being eliminated to prevent complications during transfer. However, the remaining power will be fused or evolved.)



(Permission obtained, soul transplant initiated.)

As soon as he heard the notification, he could feel his soul being ripped from his body. The pain feels like having to be amputated while awake but on his soul instead of sawing off bone where the pain is magnified tens to hundreds times over.

(Cosmic Physique, True Body Descent, Cosmic Empowerment and Eldritch Physique are fused)

(Skill Created, Elohim Physique created)

(Kinesis, Psychic Manipulation, Battle Aura, Touki, Haki, Battle Instinct, Psyker Abilities, Esper Abilities, Domain are fused)

(Skill Created, Divine Will created)

(Astromancer Ability, Cosmic Attribute, Cosmos Forbidden Knowledge, Cosmic Secret, Space Manipulation, Cosmic Empowerment, Cosmic Guidance are fused)

(Skill Cosmic Embodiment failed to create due to insufficient exchange…)

(Skill God of Cosmos failed to create due to insufficient exchange…)

(Skill Lord of Cosmos failed to create due to insufficient exchange… possible sacrifice detected)

(Alternative skill created Cosmic Lord created)

(Cosmic Magic, Astromancy, Metamagic, Stellar Magic, Psyker Spell fusion failed)

(Detected high level evolution skill…)

(Cosmic Magic, Astromancy, Metamagic, Psyker Spell are used to change evolution path. Stellar Magic evolved into False Magic Authority)

(Multiple skills designated to be eliminated… elimination stopped)

(17 skills are used to upgrade False Magic Authority to True Magic Authority)

(Note: Not to be mistaken as Fate true magic. True Magic Authority allows the use, disable, deny, remove, create and destroy magic. Just below Omnipotent Magic since there is still a cost to use.)

(Skill fully sorted, recalibrate soul to body… Calibration successful, reading status…)

(Transplant successful, status screen is retranslated.)


NAME: Ray Elliot

RACE: Great One Dragon God Hybrid


TITLE: Caretaker of the Dream, Odeon Beloved Child, Loved by Moon, Spirit King, Pale Blood King, Cosmic Lord, False Elohim

LEVEL: 74 (Iron)


STR: 130

VIT: 150

AGI: 110

DEX: 110

INT: 300 (added 70)

WIS:260 (added 120)

LUK: EX (Unquantifiable)


HP: 202,000

(Hub Points)


True Magic Authority -

Divine Will EX

Elohim Physique EX

Cosmic Lord EX

Thought Partition B

Quickening B

Dragon Aura B

Presence Concealment EX

Boosted Gear B-EX

Divine Dividing B-EX

Incinerate Anthem A

Ouroboros Artificial Gear F

Innate Ability:

Beast Hunter

Marked by Death

Divinity E*





Unchained Fate -

One Beyond Stars -

Moon's Grace EX

Hunter's Dream A*

Odeon Beloved Child -


When his status screen appeared, the pain finally stopped but the small phantom pain still lingered for a few moments before it stopped completely. Before he could relax however his Cosmic Lord flooded his mind with knowledge which felt like his brain became bloated before nearly exploding but Elohim Physique prevented it by literally upgrading his brain.

Ray quickly uses the Cosmic Lord skill to stop flooding him with knowledge. The knowledge that flooded his brain is entirely about his new skill that he obtained. One thing that caught his immediate attention is Elohim Physique.

The skill has a lot of eldritch related sub-skill that it made him question if the Biblical God here is an eldritch being. Like the very foundation of this skill is derived from Eldritch Physique which allows him to basically become a biblical accurate angel kind of creature but since he already has his true form, it transforms him into his true form.

When sealed it still provide the effect of the fused skill like what he currently feel and thank whatever being higher than him to not do this on earth and instead did it in the planet light years away because his body right now is like a blackhole that greedily devour all energy around him which already snuff out the nearest sun as it breaking down into energy and absorbed into his body.

His Cosmis Lord ability constantly and automatically fed him energy to fill his reserve and made him become bloated with magic. Inside his own body, he can see his divine core which is usually filled with cloudy air which indicates mana are now basically being filled with silvery gray sand which is his condensed mana that greatly improves his firepower.

To compare the gas state mana and sand state firepower is like comparing energy produced by coal to enriched uranium. The sand state simply contains more energy per unit which allows faster casting, stronger effect and costs less mana.

After assessing his gain, he noticed that Divine Will is basically all his psychic related ability merged into which allow him to use all of the previous ability and more with lesser restrain and greater effect. For example, he just tried to use will to recreate techniques like Chibaku Tensei or Tengai Shinsei from Naruto and he was able to do it. The floating mass half the size of the moon floating above the lab proves he succeeded.

He decided to stay here until his body stopped absorbing energy from around him. While waiting, Artemis and Tsukuyomi appeared before hugging him. Apparently, when his soul is being transplanted, Artemis and Tsukuyomi, who is closely bonded to Ray's soul, are able to see the process of his skill being sorted.

They describe it like someone is cutting up multiple sculpting before using all of it to assemble a new one which is the end result he assumes is the skill he obtained.

Ray also checked the dragon duo and Ikaros since they are also closely bonded to Ray's soul. Ikaros is in standby mode constantly during his transplant but the dragon duo seems to be forced into sleep because a large influx of energy keeps coursing into him. The weapon souls are fine because they don't take in his mana unless for attacking but the dragon duo does take mana even when not used.

The dragon duo are put into sleep to familiarise themselves with the new concentration of mana by the system.

He at first simply idling while waiting for his body to stop absorbing energy but after seeing a whole sun get sucked dry and he is barely 10 percent full, he uses his Cosmic Lord ability and shifts to a galaxy with a higher amount of suns before absorbing them until his divine core is full.

Meanwhile, the scientists from earth in the distant future are baffled when the Godzilla galaxy millions of light lightyears away from earth suddenly has a quarter of it become dim as Ray absorbs its star's as energy.

"Weirdly enough, I feel nothing changed after I absorb that many planets into energy…" Ray then ignores it before returning to his lab and checking on the dragon duo.

'Ddraig? Albion? Are you both awake?' Ray broadcasted his thoughts into his mindscape before both greeted Ray.

"This power increase is ridiculous! Your psychic power didn't change much other than durability but your magic… What is that divine core! That shouldn't even be possible to exist!" Albion commented in shock.

"I also agree with Albion, master Ray. One grain of that condensed mana is enough to cause a high class to die due to mana overload."

"I suggest master to abstain from using magic for now." Ddraig added.

"Why?" Ray asks with confusion as his hand that is about to catch Ddraig stops.

"Master Ray should try to cast a basic fireball… outside the lab!" Ray, about to cast as Ddraig ask then stopped before exiting the lab to continue casting

The supposed fist size fireball spell he casted turned into a 100 meters wide fireball of destruction. He simply apply the same amount of mana like he did as he normally would but seems like he will now have to find the exact needed value of mana for the appropriate effect rather than the usual one. Thankfully now his psychic power has become stronger and he can replace magic with that temporarily until he fixes his magic.

"I wonder now that I have become way stronger, how useful are you both in combat now?"

He asked because his power is already stronger now, how effectively can Ddraig boost my power? Can it still double it? Since Ray right now can basically throw a planet on his enemies. If Ddraig boosted his attack will the planet enlarge? Or become two? Or the kinetic force affected the planet double for stronger impact?

Ray has too many questions piling in his head which is the effect of his brain having a hardware upgrade by Elohim Physique.

Ddraig felt shiver down her spine when she saw her master in his research mode. Albion, who is oblivious about her fate, looks at Ddraig with a questioning gaze.

Did Ddraig feel cold that she shivered? Albion thought. She and Ddraig are a dragon even in the human body they inhabit since the body is made to translate the soul's features into the physical body but Ray can customize the body to have whatever feature he wanted.

"Albion, use Divine Dividing to half my power." Albion about to ask why but saw the face he usually has when immersed with his research.

Albion summon Divine Dividing to her back before touching Ray's palm and use [Divide]. When the skill activated, the Divine Dividing instantly glow brighter before it spewing out mana like crazy. Ray managed to catch Albion before she fell to the floor as her legs turned weak from absorbing half of Ray's power.

"T.. That absurdly high amount of mana… it makes me feel bloated like I'm going to explode." Albion struggles as the Divine Dividing wings glow brighter from transparent blue to almost fully white from the copious amounts of energy it releases.

"As I expected… the fatal weakness of Divine Dividing."

"Master Ray, please help Albion first before you experiment on her… her core will really explode if you let her be." Ddraig urged Ray.

Ray then touched Albion chest where the core is located before absorbing the mana back to him. With his upgraded eyes, he can see through the flesh and sees the magic core of his body which has fine cracks. The crack mended itself after the mana was absorbed back into Ray.

"Done… anyway, the weakness. Divine Dividing takes half of the target power which include their physical power and magical power. The power it takes isn't discriminated against and will take everything unless specified… however if the power could be harmful like just now."

"That is the host's own responsibility to know what's harmful or not. Besides, I Albion is a Heavenly Dragon known for my poison and [Divide] is a technique I created in my prime, Division and Absorption. If I still have my dragon body then this is a trivial matter as my Divide can even be used against Great Red and suffer no backlash like this."

"Albion is correct master Ray, when our flesh is destroyed by the Biblical God and uses our soul to create us, many of our original abilities are locked or unusable. Even now, half of our power is locked and inaccessible in the gear by the Heaven as precautions."

"Then you two also suffer the same problem as my previous body…"

"You could say that." Albion instantly replied.

Ray then moved from the surgical table that he previously lied on to one of the terminals at the side.

"Say… if I remake your current body with Ophis flesh, will that fix the problems? I still have a third of the tail she gave me."

Ray asked them why very quickly typing something on the terminal while the dragon duo looked at each other as new cabinets appeared near the surgical table from the wall.

"Probably will fix some of the issues since a Dragon God flesh is way better than this artificial flesh master Ray created."

"Good then come here, lay on this table." Ray walks toward the surgical table and starts selecting his tools from the cabinet while Ddraig lays on the table and Albion looks with great interest.

Then Ray disconnected Ddraig soul from the body and returned it into the Boosted Gear before he stopped the heartbeats to shut the body down first. An annoying rule in alchemy where the material cannot be alive or it will not work at all. This forces Ray to go through extra steps that he feels is a waste of time.

While Ray waited for the organs to shut down, he started portioning the Ophis's flesh like preparing steak. Ddraig who is looking through Ray's mind and Albion are curious on how much this upgrade can increase their power.

When organs fully shut down, Ray uses his magic to preserve its freshness before he cuts open the chest area and starts the arduous task of using alchemy to upgrade the body.

"Alchemy, the foundation of creation, fuse, mix, meld, Synthesis!"

"Heart done…"

"Alchemy, the foundation of creation, fuse, mix, meld, Synthesis!"

"Lungs done…"

"Alchemy, the foundation of creation, fuse- shit I forgot to remove the blood first."

Ray panicked when blood suddenly flowed out of organs when he was upgrading the blood vessels. He uses Hemokinesis and gathers the blood into an orb on the side before continuing.

"Alchemy, the foundation of creation, fuse, mix, meld, Synthesis!"

An hour later, he finally finished every part of the body except the actual flesh. For the flesh, Ray wanted to add the scale to perhaps allow Ddraig to have a dragon scale for better durability.

"Alchemy, the foundation of creation, fuse, mix, meld, Synthesis!"

"Then the scale…"

"Alchemy, the foundation of creation, mix, fuse, reform, Composite!"

The final one looks very disturbing as when mixed, both old flesh and the scale look like being minced then when fused, it looks like being finely blended before it reforms into normal but with scale on the flesh and a layer of dragon skin above the flesh.

After that, Ray put back the blood from the heart before booting the body and insert Ddraig back

"How do you feel Ddraig?"

Ddraig is speechless as she could feel that she is one fifth back to her prime. Although they look small, that much power is still stronger than a dragon king like Tannin or Tiamat in physical power. That however is pale in comparison with what she did next.

An orb of fire appeared but the heat from that small of a fire is comparable to a sun as the lab quickly heats up and the metal starts to glow immediately as the fire appears then she removes the fire before more damage can be done.

"That's your Scorching Flames!" Albion shouted in disbelief because that's the very flame that can burn gods to death.

"Yes, I regained my Scorching Flames and my dragon skin." Ddraig said while looking at herself as if she could not believe what just happened.

"How strong do you feel now?" Ray asks curiously while sizing up Ddraig. From his observation using his magic and physical senses, he only feels that her body is more dense and can exert way more force. There is also a dragon aura which is similar in function to Touki and her dragon skin gives the feeling of invincibility.

When looking with [Observation], he saw the Welsh Dragon Scorching Flames and Welsh Dragon Skin on her ability list.

Ray suddenly gets an inspiration for Ddraig Balance Breaker. Since he doubts he needed the armor suit and only needed the boost from Boosted Gear. Ray thought, why not let Ddraig herself use it and fight for him like an Avatar type Sacred Gear. The same applies to Albion.

Ray put it aside since he needed to return to earth. He ordered the AI to clean up everything and put his old body into the Cryo stasis chamber.

"Let's return."

Ddraig easily agrees before unsummoned herself into Ray's mindscape but Albion keeps staring at him like she wanted something but didn't dare to say.


Albion kept staring at him and he already knew what she wanted.

"You also wanted the upgrade?" Albion nodded. "Well, I don't think I will do it for you."

"What! Why? I'm also you Sacred Gear right? This is clearly favouritism, this is unfair, injustice! " Albion said with clear dissatisfaction but Ray didn't care about it at all.

"It is and for your information, unlike Ddraig who made a pledge to me, I cannot trust you to not use the power I give you later against me." Ray spoke with finality before forcefully unsummon Albion then tore a hole between dimensions and returned back to earth.

The reason for this is Dimension Shift is a magic and magic are temporarily unusable and his current Kinesis from Divine Will is enough to rip holes through dimension to use Dimension Shift manually.

Immediately when he arrived at home, he instantly heard that a commotion was happening from the direction of the kitchen and dining room. He hear rapid footsteps coming to his direction before *bang*, the double door is slammed open. He saw Ophis rush towards him while being chased by his wives.

Before Ray could ask what happened, Ophis already looked at him with her eyes squinted slightly and demanded her sweets.

Ray facepalmed when he remembered that he forgot to tell someone to give food to Ophis.

Ophis then sniffed Ray before looking at him weirdly. "You smell like me…" Ophis said when she noticed Ray's changes.

"Yes, I changed my body to make me more powerful." Ray replied before taking out more food for Ophis.

Taking a seat on the sofa, Ray is asked many questions by his wives which are mostly about the changes to his body while Nia asks him to show his True Form which is one of the Elohim Physique sub-skill.

This is essentially his True Body Descent which turns into True Body Possession after he is able to house his true body inside his soul to possess his body for power boost and enable Eldritch type abilities to be used.

Before he transformed, he made sure to use his Divine Will to protect them from the Eldritch Physique effect which is part of Elohim Physique. The effect is killing anyone that gaze his form without his permission

Ray thinks of wanting to activate the skill before the knowledge is shown to him how to activate the skill. He then activates the skill and his body starts to transform into his true form but with extra changes. He gained a draconic horn, talons and tail. His 4 pairs of wings have half turned into dragon wings and the end of each tentacle has the shape of a barbed spearhead.

His current transformation is in the size of a human to fit inside the house since the actual size is way bigger. Everyone looks at Ray in awe as his form looks majestic even if in actuality it should be terrifying.

Elohim Physique effect is very straightforward, it allows the person to have the physique of an Elohim which also means god in Hebrew language. Elohim is usually used to call the Biblical God but it actually used to call the heavenly being that is created before the universe is made. One such being is the Biblical God, a being exist before the creation of the universe as he is the creator of everything.

However, the Biblical God or Yhaweh is Elohim but Elohim isn't Yhaweh as Yhaweh has another title which is The One True Creator Elohim or One True God of Every Creation. A being which is conceptually Omnipotent and Omnipresent. Elohim also title for the lesser gods subservient to The One True Creator Elohim.

However there is a catch to this, Biblical God Yahweh only created everything in a universe while there is bigger like multiverse and omniverse where. DxD Biblical God isn't Omnipotent at all as he even struggled to seal Trihexa.

Thus DxD Biblical God isn't The One True Creator Elohim and instead is one of the lesser god of True Heaven which located in the omniverse where The One True Creator Elohim reside along with his lesser gods instead of angels because in the True Heaven, lesser god replaced the angels to carry out True Elohim's will.

The skill allows Ray to turn into, to possess and to gain the lesser gods characteristics. This means that whatever physical characteristics DxD Biblical God has, Ray also has which one of them is the 20 pairs of wings made of golden light that Biblical God have. Ray can't even imagine how to fit that many wings on his back. He instead changed the wings into a 2 meters wide magic crest of ophis and 20 pairs of wings made of purple light attached.

Unlike the DxD angels, the lesser god basically looks like a biblical accurate angel that is usually depicted in the bible. They all possess eldritch appearance and thus give Ray Eldritch Physiology. Ray can even take ownership of any Heaven that isn't the True Heaven willingly or by force.

Beside that, it also gives many other abilities that a Elohim would have like immense strength, defence and speed, godly presence, godly charm, godly intimidation and many more. With just this one ability, Ray can already reach gold rank or on par with Outer god in terms of his physical body.

He officially became capable of surviving in the void as his body can reproduce its own energy and sustain itself which is the defining features of a void dweller like most Outer gods but invade worlds because it couldn't sustain its followers. However, he can survive in the void and not thrive in the void.

Ray tries to flex his wings and tentacles which feel very unnatural for him. The wings take some time to get it right but the tentacles lower limb is easier to manage as he can walk just fine which feels just like walking on his knee. Ophis plays with Ray's tentacles before trying to pluck out one and makes Ray instinctively try to push away Ophis with his tentacles swipe.

'What are you trying to do?' Ray talks to her using telepathy since his normal voice will only screech.

Ophis then appears with a magazine in her hand which shows the pictures of Takoyaki. Clearly Ophis thinks Ray's tentacled leg as food which causes him to sweat a bit even if this form didn't have sweat glands.

Ray then undo his transformation before returning to his normal body. He then brings everyone to the dining room before telling the maids to cook whatever for Ophis to eat while he talks with his other wives that he is rarely able to spend time with.

Sitting on the other side of the long table, Ray looks at the opposite side which is filled with a lot of different types of sweet dessert and baked goods kept being inhaled by Ophis while the maids keep carrying out more food.

"Nia, Kurumi, how are you two doing? You two almost never take part in any of the supernatural stuff that happened."

"I love my life right now. I can practically spend my whole time on novels, manga and anime without any worries about anything else. You can say I'm living my dream life right here."

"Me too!" Kurumi said as she play with the tea spoon in her cup while looking at Ray.

"I don't really like violence and quite enjoy managing the restaurant. It's quite relaxing and sometimes fun when the maids that work in the restaurant gather monthly to create new recipes."

"Nia and I are very content with our present lifestyle if that is what you want to know." Kurumi said while Nia nodded.

Unlike Artemis, Tsukuyomi and Shinano that are either always with him or a few steps away from him. Nia and Kurumi rarely have time to spend with him. That's why both of them usually have more time at home with him compared to his other wives like Artemis, Tsukuyomi and Shinano.

"Speaking of which, two days ago your friend Azazel came to find you but you are away. I told him that I will inform you about this when you return."

Ray, who was about to lay back and relax for a few moments, had to straighten his back as he remembered that he promised to clear Kuroka's name and free Vali from the prison since he already gained Ophis, Vali doesn't serve its purpose anymore as bait.

Ray bid Nia and Kurumi farewell before tearing a shortcut to Kuroka's current location. He let Ophis stay because it was not time for her to be revealed to the others yet.

When he exited the portal, he arrived near the ORC building and saw a black cat on a tree branch stalking Rias's peerage that are having a mock battle with Sona's peerage.

Ray silently moves closer to Kuroka in cat form ready to catch her. Ray established a telepathy link and shouted 'boo' through it while simultaneously moving his hand to catch her by her body with two hands.

"Nyahh" Kuroka is shocked and almost retaliates before she hears Ray laugh through the telepathy link.

'Ray? Nya' Kuroka asked even after knowing that only Ray would do this and use telepathy.

'Yeah, Why didn't you get closer, didn't you want to watch your sister?' Ray asked while taking a seat on the branch and pet Kuroka cat form.

'I can't, Shirone can detect me using senjutsu if I get too close to her. Also when will you fulfill your promise of clearing my name? It's been half a week since you promised to do it.'

'Don't worry I will definitely keep my word, I was busy with something for the last four days but now I'm going to do it. That's why I'm here looking for you.'

Ray then jumps down from the tree branch before tearing another portal to Lilith, the capital of the devil race. Arriving there, Ray walks toward Serafall, which is the closest to his current location.

"I am the Maou Shoujo Miracle Levia-tan! Arrived to save the world from the evil monster Amygdala!"

Ray arrived at a filming set to find Serafall for the first time in her magical girl outfit while fighting a family friendly version of Amygdala. The set is quite… magical to say the least. They can create any terrain realistically with magic which makes the end result very good.

Ray sits silently at the side patting Kuroka with Presence Concealment activated while waiting for Serafall to finish.

Ten minutes later, Serafall finally takes a rest and sits next to Ray coincidentally which is the resting area for the filming crew. She is reading the script while taking a drink from a bottle.

Ray then deactivated his Presence Concealment and instantly appeared in Serafall's vision which caused her to squeal in surprise and chuck the water bottle at his face as her immediate response.

"Ray! Don't do that to me again." She finally realised it was Ray and calmed down.

Ray raises both hands in surrender before apologizing. He also explained that this is totally a coincidence since he happened to sit here not knowing it was a rest area for the filming crew.

"Anyway, why are you here Ray? Azazel is looking for you two days ago, he told us that there is a chance that the Khaos Brigade will lose its support from Dragon God Ophis."

"How did he know?" Ray asked in surprise since he knows that it's impossible to find out that early, maybe after a few weeks since Ophis herself rarely even oversees the organisation activity and often wanders somewhere else.

"He said that he met Ophis at your house and she said that she no longer leads that organisation. He didn't find out why she did that since it's impossible for her to lie about it."

"Oh… I was away for 4 days so… I didn't know about it." Ray pretends he didn't know about it at all.

Serafall however didn't believe him at all and looked at him suspiciously.

"The day you suddenly become unavailable is also the very same day Ophis suddenly at your house. Reya of my sister's peerage saw Ophis inside your restaurant attended by your wife Kurumi…"

Serafall intertwined her fingers and lowered her head behind it as she looked at Ray, like she was interrogating him.

"Tell me Ray, are you involved in this. With the weird stunt you did lately, it isn't impossible that you also be the one behind this."

Seeing that Serafall won't budge from this one, Ray could only sigh and nodded.

"I did but let's not discuss it here, I will tell everyone later after I deal with another issue which I need the Maous help to resolve."

Serafall agreed then went and assembled the group while Ray went to Sirzechs office which had already turned into their usual meeting room.

On his way to Sirzechs office, Ray stumbles upon Sairaorg Bael, the heir of House Bael and Rias's cousin. He was followed by his queen Kuisha Abaddon.

He thanked Ray for the Cure Potion which healed his mother Misla Bael from the Sleeping disease which causes many devils to fall asleep and never wake up from it.

He feels very indebted to Ray that he offers to do him a favor which Ray can use to request Sairaorg to do anything for him. Although Ray only reluctantly accepted it because he would not let him refuse the favor.

When everyone assembled, Ray brought up the issue of Kuroka being unjustly labeled as a criminal and asked the Maous to help clean her name off the crime she didn't commit.

When asked to prove his claim, Ray used the illusion magic which is fine because this magic will not cause an explosion when overloaded with Ray's very condensed mana. It instead makes the illusion more realistic. He accesses Kuroka's memories with her permission and plays it in the illusion for everyone to see.

They saw the cruel experimentation done to her just to create Artificial Super Devil by the House Naberius in hope to help the kin of Old Satans to rise in power to seize control of the devil race from the current Maous of New Satans faction.

Sirzechs gladly help since he and Ajuka were actually in charge of handling this incident when it happened but they lack proof since all the research data is destroyed and they have no solid proof to unveil the cover ups made by the Old Satans faction.

Ray also pointed out that not all research data had been destroyed as Koneko hair clips actually hide the only remaining research data of Artificial Super Devil creation by House Naberius.

After the Kuroka issue is resolved, Kuroka who hides under Ray's clothing, feels very relieved and happy that she no longer has to hide when meeting her Shirone and no longer has to hide in the shadows like she usually does as she is no longer the SS rank stray devil criminal.

Then immediately Azazel and Serafall address the rumors about Ophis leaving Khaos Brigade and they both suspect Ray is involved in it.

"Do you admit you did it!" Azazel slammed the table which caused the tea prepared by Grayfia.

Azazel is annoyed that Ray keeps dodging the question with vague answers. Serafall's motive to pressure Ray to answer however is purely because she gets too into acting like a detective solving crime.

Ray actually didn't want to answer because he didn't expect Serafall to invite Ajuka too. Ajuka's Kankara Formula will allow him to find an answer by feeding it bits and pieces of clues to form a complete answer.

He is basically cornered because regardless if he answers or not, both will prove that he does take part in it. Only difference between the choices is how much he will need to admit.

Ray wanted to keep it a secret because revealing it will make the alliance instantly become the strongest faction than other mythologies. This is beneficial to absorb more faction into his growing alliance but it will also make the enemies become desperate and might resort to extreme measures.

However, a faction with decent information gatherer would already know about Ophis sighted at Pale Blood faction and honesty didn't really matter much in the long run since it's already been discovered. Only matters of time before his enemies obtain the news.

Ray sighed before creating the magic crest of Ophis on his hand and showed it to everyone. Most are confused as magic crests are basically biological identification for supernatural worlds. Only way to obtain it for example of the devil is marriage between clans or joining peerage.

They are confused how Ray can obtain a crest belonging to a dragon by becoming its master like Tannin that joined peerage but its master already own its own clan crest and never use Tannin's own crest.

"Hah, you are caught red handed by Miracle Levia-tan. Surrender yourself to be arrested because you are found guilty." Serafall, still in her Miracle Levia-tan outfit, said with great excitement.

Azazel and Ajuka however are more confused than surprised unlike Michael and Sirzechs. Azazel and Ajuka quickly form their theory on how Ray could obtain the crest while the others ask him instead of forming their theory and speculation.

"How did you get the crest Ray?" Michael asked first while Sirzechs and Serafall expressed their curiosity on the topic.

"I make her mine." Ray replies without thinking about it and only realised how wrong that sound is considering Ophis's current appearance.

"No, I mean that I bribe her into making a contract with me." Ray quickly corrected himself.

"You bribe her? And her? Last time we met the Dragon God, she was a male." Serafall said

"It isn't something uncommon since Ophis is a shapeshifter that is capable of taking many forms."

"How did you bribe her then?" Sirzechs asks with a serious tone because he wanted to know what Ray had offered to the Dragon God to make her willing to be bribed.

"I bribed her with sweets and desserts."

The room becomes silent instantly, even Azazel and Ajuka stop strangling each other to prove their theory is superior. Then the sound of a glass breaking was heard when Grayfia accidentally slipped the cup in her hand after hearing what Ray used to bribe the Dragon God.

"Excuse me" Grayfia apologized before quickly cleaning up after herself.

"Can you repeat again Ray, I think I missed what you just said." Azazel asked

"I bribed her with sweets and desserts." Ray repeated the exact answer.

"I can show you proof if you want." Ray then called Ophis to his side before Ophis appeared next to him with stains on her mouth that tell him she was eating when he called for her.

"Why you call?" Ophis asks Ray with a confused look since there isn't food or enemies nearby.

Ray extends his hand into a gaping void before pulling out a strawberry shortcake that he bought in bulk sometimes before and offers it to Ophis.

"Do you like this dessert?" Ray asked but before he gets his answer, half of the shortcake already gone before Ophis reply with *mhn* as she continues to inhale the food.

"See! She likes it." Ray tells the stunned people in the room as his hand keeps taking out more dessert and stacking it up on the table for Ophis.

The first two to wake up from the stunned state are Azazel and Serafall.

"This is bullshit! Why will a father damned Dragon God be bribed by mere foods." Azazel is having a mental breakdown.

Serafall however keeps teasing Ray if she should call child protection service or if she should call the FBI on Ray for bribing a child with sweets to follow him.

Ajuka is able to use his Kankara Formula to find out the reason. He was able to actually make logical assumptions by Ophis's appearance and her likes of sweet food but due to sheer disbelief, he checked it with Kankara Formula and confirmed its true. He shares his finds with everyone except Azazel who is still having a mental breakdown.

When Azazel calmed down and accepted the truth, he then asked what are they going to do now that Ophis is with them and Khaos Brigade now are headless chickens. Ray replied that it doesn't matter since the real leader is Rizevim and Ophis is only a puppet leader under his influence.

Rizevim will not give up with his goal of bringing chaos to the world and now that he has 'mysterious sponsors', they should be even more wary as those sponsors are beings more troublesome than the evil dragons and Trihexa combined.

Using the Cosmic Lord, he used the ability similar to Cosmic Guidance but more powerful to check on Khaos Brigade's movement. What he found is very distressing, Ray assumes Rizevim is going to lay low after failing to obtain Sephiroth Graal but he is actually attacking every faction beside the alliance right now.

He can see the scene of the battle projected directly to his mind. The Khaos Brigade is using insect monsters to attack every faction to collect bodies to grow Ba'al Zebub's insect army. One of them is the Kyoto Youkai faction who are currently being harassed by multiple small groups of giant mantis led by Khaos Brigade members on several locations.

"We can use her name to make it easier to recruit other factions into our alliance. Just now, I confirmed that the Khaos Brigade is making their moves on almost every faction and mythologies other than us for some reason."

"We should use this chance to convince them that they should join our alliance. We can start with Youkai of Kyoto and Asgard as we previously tied with them. That should make it easier to convince or negotiate with them." Ray told everyone before he dissolved the meeting.

He along with Azazel and Michael decide to go to Kyoto immediately to negotiate while the devils will negotiate with Odin of the Asgard faction.


True Magic Authority -

-Can use, manipulate, disable, deny, remove, create and destroy magic and the magic law itself. Example of use is to bend the law of magic to skip all steps needed to create the magic and directly produce the effect at the cost of extra mana used.

(Note: Let say he saw someone use a magic Ray didn't know how to use but wanted to. He pays 50 mana to skip the step needed to use the magic. If there is an extra requirement like a different energy system needed or specific rules to follow, he pays another 50 mana to remove that. Then he pays the actual cost of the magic 50 mana and if he wants to boost the firepower, he adds more mana.)

Divine Will EX

-His will is law basically. He only needs to will anything to happen and almost anything is achievable.

Elohim Physique EX

-allow the user to turn into, to possess and to gain the Elohim's characteristics.

Cosmic Lord EX

-All the effects of Astromancer but on steroids.