
Second Life's Revenge

===== "What do you have to say for yourself, sister?" Tine Alvarado looked down at the small girl whose body was covered with scars. The small girl looked at her hands trembling while all eyes were on her. She didn't understand why this was happening to her, nor didn't understand how this all happened. "It's not my fault." "Laura Alvarado the jury has decided to execute you as you have attempted to murder your own sister who is the fiancee of the second prince. And hereby you are found guilty and the court shall be adjourned." Just like that her life had ended after being falsely accused. Not until she had gone back to life. A second chance to live. And her second life's revenge. ===== NOTE: HEAVY EDITING WILL BE DONE ONCE IT IS COMPLETED. Will be updating 1 chapter a day. Commissioned from Lay_lee

anlaS0 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
137 Chs

3 Words

That may explain the reason why Tine's sudden personality change was showing in public. So it means if Tine didn't have black magic she wouldn't be as evil as she is now. Tine would be a well-known person if she had not acted like this. It's truly a pity.

"We need to find evidence of her. I can't marry her and I won't," Prince Winston said as he pressed both his hands on his forehead.

Laura looked at the Prince with sadden eyes and almost forgot she wasn't the only suffering from Tine. Even he was not to mention the reason he pushed Serena away was to protect her. It changed her perspective about him. Maybe it's time to bring up the topic.

"We just need to wait. Wait until the right time comes," said Laura while Prince Winston looked impatient and wanted to speak up but stayed quiet waiting for Laura to continue. "We will wait for her to do something bad towards me."

"What do you mean? Like a crime?" Prince Winston asked confused.