
Second Chance Love

Ralph Wellington stays in the U.S.A. He serves in the United States Army, as a Brigadier General. Adira Jordan is a girl with a broken heart. She has had an unsuccessful marriage, with Lucifer Borges, running a multi-million dollar business in South Africa. She has a little daughter Raven. Peep in to know how she meets Ralph. Will Ralph and Adira fall in love with each other? Will she find true love?

Dr_Saleha_Mundia · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
17 Chs


After seven days of waiting in Kuwait for transportation, escorts finally arrived to drive Brigadier General Ralph Wellington and the rest of the soldiers to a village halfway between the drop point and Kandahar. They would be meeting local leaders to enhance their relationship with the locals and make it possible for building roads and water and other supplies to be delivered.

Ralph and his team were given the task of bringing everyone into the twenty-first century. It was their main goal now, and they were to get them on their side in the fastest way possible.

Ralph then wondered, "Gee, why didn't we think of that when our 'War on Terror' operation started? Instead of throwing candy, we should have offered those people iPhones. They would have come fastest on our side. A little humor would not harm, he thought to himself." But he thought, 'I am not bitter, I swear... Fuck it. I am bitter as hell.'

He was tired of the endless deployments. He was tired of the setbacks, the nightmares. Closing his eyes, he leaned against the window as they bumped along a mostly paved road. It was foggy outside, with snow on the mountains in the distance. He thought he could fool himself into thinking he was on a ski trip. But instead of carrying a snowboard for the trip, he was carrying explosives on his chest and hips that could easily wipe off the mountains, if they exploded. He thought he might be exaggerating a bit. But he didn't give a damn. He decided to take a short nap, leaning against the window.

He then dreamed about Adira.

(Mon chère, I have missed you, Ralph said. He reached out and caressed Adira's cheek as he gazed into her beautiful green eyes. She seemed to be upset. For a moment, he wondered what had upset her. He had to taste those soft lips. So his fingers started playing with her red hair flowing down her back in lustrous, thick waves. Carefully, he cupped the back of her head as he slowly brought his lips to hers. He relished her, gently sliding his tongue along the seam of her lips to encourage her to open to him... Ralph heard her say 'Oh, God!' in his mind. A wolf shifter was only able to hear the voice of one person in his mind. And that was the 'Mate!')

He opened his eyes with a start. What the hell! Where did she go? The dream ended abruptly. He knew that he was done with his stint in the Army. He saw that his friends were very quiet. They were sitting with their earphones plugged into their ears. Ralph thought they were either listening to music or watching downloaded stuff on their mobiles. They were not very far from civilization, but no signals were available. Although, Verizon had an exclusive contract from the American government to provide services to the military men.

Ralph had a movie downloaded on his mobile. He was not in the mood to watch. But then he realized that he needed some distraction to uplift his spirit. 'Fuck it,' he swore and grabbed the phone from his front pocket. But instead of going to the Netflix app, he went to the gallery where the pictures were saved. As soon as he saw Adira's face, he felt an easiness in his chest, and his mind cleared up. He felt relaxed. He swiped the pictures and grinned whenever Adira or Raven's picture appeared on his mobile screen.

He wondered what was special about Adira. There was something sweet, innocent, and pure about her, he thought. He was sure she would be his lucky charm in Afghanistan. But he would not tell her about it. Because she would think that to be strange or weird. Though, he had sent her to live with his family. He had ordered them to take care of her in his absence. He also had asked his brother to open an account for her so that she need not have to worry about anything.

Ralph checked for the emails to see if she had emailed him. He checked his inbox. Sure enough, there was an email from Adira sent two days back.

Hi! What's up? Anyway, I have been settling down nicely with your family. Well, it is nicer than I thought it would be. As you know, my experience with family is not great. But I can say that your mother adores Raven and loves to spend time with her. She takes so much care of her. I feel I have become a lady of leisure since I don't have anything to do.

I also want to give you some good news--- I got a job! It is at your sister's salon. At least I will be earning some money and not taking it from you. For your information, there is no way I am touching your account except to pay the bills of your house whenever they come in. It will be until I have enough money to take care of them.

Ralph chuckled and replied, "Good luck, sweetheart. But those bills are on an automatic withdrawal."

I wanted to tell you something, Ralph. I am in love with your house. It is so pretty. But it reflects more of a manly decoration. Raven and I love the pool with those lovely dolphins playing in it. We love to watch it. Once it gets a bit warm, I think we will go for a picnic on the beach. I think she will love it. Right now, Raven is trying to sit up on her own. She can lift her head when I place her on her tummy. Your mother had taken an appointment with your old Pediatrician and had a long-overdue checkup for Raven. Though I tried paying his fees, they said they would bill me. Hopefully, they will wait until I get my first paycheck from work.

Ralph realized he didn't think about health insurance or medical bills for them. He could not add those bills to his account because they were not legally married. Also, the government had stringent laws about fraud. He backed out of the email and immediately texted his brother, Liam. He gave him instructions for paying the doctor's bills.

Hopefully, he thought it wouldn't ring the alarm bells in Liam's mind. Hopefully, his brain does not take off in a direction it has no business going.

Ralph, I think Raven and I could make a life here. Maybe it is too soon to say it or to send it in the mail. But I am tired of running, Ralph. I want to settle down, even if they are--- well, you understand what I mean.

"Yeah, I understand," Ralph uttered. He understood very well what she meant. She wanted to make a life there, even if it was under pretense. Ralph knew once he was back, he was supposed to fix everything. But he could not imagine what would happen if anyone from his family or on the San Juan Islands came to know about their perfect lie. But then he corrected himself that it was not 'their' but 'his' lie. As Adira did not belong to that place, everyone would think she was taking advantage of him, or even worse.

How are things with you, Ralph? I checked on Google about Kuwait and Afghanistan. It seems it's cold there. What would you rather be, too hot or too cold? Do you think you will get things done there sooner? Forgive my ignorance. I am not familiar with the military.

Write back when you get a chance. I have attached a photograph of Raven and me. Violet took it. She has added a filter, as I have bags under my eyes. I am missing you, Adira.

P: S: Your Mom seems happy that we are here. Everyone also says that. But, everyone does not include Liam, Mike's wife Liza, and her daughter Yana. I am already an expert in who's who around here.

PS: Stay safe because I want to see you again, and not just over FaceTime.

PS: Write back to me.

Ralph grinned and hit the reply button.

What's up, Sweetheart? That is how you start a letter. I am glad to hear that everyone is treating you very well. Seriously Adira, I wouldn't have sent you there if I didn't think it was a good idea. As for my mother watching over Raven, if that is ok with you, I don't see there is any harm. She needs the distraction, the hope, and the joy that a baby can bring.

When my father died, Yana brought joy to my Mom in a way that no one else could at the time. Maybe there is something about a baby that makes people think positively and think about possibilities in the future. They feel that there is still hope, and not everything is lost. There is still goodness in the world when around it seems so bleak and dark.

Ralph then looked up, not seeing anything in particular. But he had the same feelings (what he had described to Adira) when he had held Raven in his arms. But when he held Adira, lifted her and laid her on the bed and -- fuck. It was not the time or place to fantasize, he thought.