
Second chance: immortal wolf’s revenge

Abused, used and then discarded when she has no purpose, a young girl named Snow due to her silky white fur was integrated into the white snow was left to die a lonely death. Believing this was the end, believing her most looked up parents were actually using her, despite seeing how they always favoured her sister despite not born from the same mother. Snow was too naive, she believed that as long as she provides benefits to the Liu family, she would finally gain the love of her parents but she was thoroughly mistaken. Her cultivation pearl was taken, her appearance was ruined, her life was coming to an end, the snow slowly enveloped her into the coldness, the time she closed her eyes, believing if there was a next life, she would live differently, a second life where she would gain revenge, a life where she would let everyone see that she is powerful and not a commodity that should be played around with. And like a dream, she wakes up in this run down room with the reminent of her past life in the 21st century. And as if the gods has heard her plea, she was brought back to the time she was still a teenager of the age of 10, the time before the death of her brother. However the only difference was that there was an entire different entity that lives inside her as if like a system but in the form of a cultivation god who speaks to her as if they have known each other for all eternity. Pretending to be the same at the outside within the dens of these devilish family but in secret trains with all her might till the supernatural academy enrolment which is in 2 years time where she would show everyone her strength but before that day comes, she needs to train and become stronger and ensure that she doesn't die, keeping herself low-key and out of the business of the Liu family. She was slowly but shortly forgotten in the abandoned Yin house. Follow the journey and see how Snow would gain her revenge and what changes follows with a second chance of life. This is the first time I’m writing something to do with Chinese cultivation so if there is anything wrong, please comment, it would be a great help. Thank you (Note: any poison or treatment method are all made up and through imagination so if you never heard of it then just note it's not real).

Zhen0214 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

4 - framed by the evil schemers

Liu Zhen Zhu / Snow's PoV

It's already been a week since my reincarnation, the poison within my body was slowly pushed out of my body, and some of you may be wondering how I am nearly to full recovery. Well, I found out that the alchemist pot has a special trait which is that 1 month within its internal space accounts to 1 day in the real world and unconsciously it made me think this is like one of those mangas I've stumbled across despite forgetting its title, it presents a cheat when cultivating and now experiencing it, I understand that it's amazing and very handy when coming to situations like myself.

And as I kept on taking the medication, I've also started to do some meditation to focus on my internal Qi allowing a wider internal pool within my mind to form but also slowly increasing my cultivation rate which is currently at 3rd layer first stage which is way better than my condition before reincarnation where I was treated like the trash of the Liu family that was easily used and discarded as an object that comes and goes when there is no use for it.

And for about a month or so within the internal space, I started using the alchemist pot to form some easy to use medicine including those to increase the health of my brother and cultivation's pills which is equivalent to that of the 5th layer, heavenly stage and with about a few thousands of them, I quickly used up my Qi but despite all the hardship it'll be worth it. Knowing how these pills and medicine can help gain quite an abundance of money.

All I need now is get a cape and disguise myself well and go to the night market to sell it.

And with the 2 months I've stayed within the alchemist pot, I found that for some reason my cultivation is harder to train than that of the ordinary supernatural beings, maybe it was due to the system that my sister set up.

When looking at it, it presents me a format like that of what you see in games in modern society but me being the player with my details on it such as:

Name: Snow (Zhen Zhu)

Status: wolf

Level: 2

Skills: detection (used to see unique and special objects like the alchemist pot).

Poison (understanding the range of poison and its effects)

Remedy (knowing the cure of the range of different poison along with knowledge of the use of different herbs)

Sleep meditation (able to meditate and collect Qi whilst asleep)

Insight (able to understand vast knowledge by looking at it once and remembering details within)

And there were other features however I wasn't able to unlock it due to my level being low. However even with my improvement in cultivation stage, my level only went up by one so I guess the only way is wait till Flame comes back.

Seeing how it has already been 3 days since I've locked myself in my room, I got out from my internal space and as I opened my eyes I hear voices coming from the front yard.

Listening closer, I knew without opening the door that more trouble was awaiting me.

'I wonder what play the Liu family has in store for me this time.' As I slowly got off my bed and made my way to the door.

Getting my act together and after taking a deep breath, I slowly opened the door and went out to see my father's butler, 'What wind brings you here.' I joked whilst searching whether the sun has risen up from the west or east. To emphasise how rare it is to see the butler of someone who doesn't even care of my existence and whether I die or not come to see me.

And to joke even more, I gasped, 'Oh my, have I got hit on the head? Am I about to die? Oh my god, Xiao xian, quickly come and help me balance properly.' I said sarcastically to my so called fathers butler who was speechless with my overboard acting ability whilst my brother tried to hold back his laughter and as usual Xiao Xian was too innocent to understand the meanings behind my words.

The shocked butler of the house coughed and regained his composure whilst looking back at me, 'please second young miss, master wants to see you.'

And with that I stopped joking, 'reeeealyyy...' I said pulling out the word to show my massive surprise which seems to be amusing to my brother who was standing at the side lines watching the drama slowly unfolding before him.

Despite I don't want to, I bursted out into a large smile and for my brother I may look like a colossal wreck or even a maniac with such a devilish and untrue smile that dazzled everyone.

For a normal being who doesn't know me, such smile may look beautiful and appealing but for those who know me like my brother or Xiao Xian, it is a forced smile that looks ugly in the words of my brother.

But seriously who calls their siblings ugly, especially those with blood relations.... sheesh.

'Oh why didn't you say so earlier.' I said joyously, 'lead the way' I said still pretending my memories hasn't completely been regained.

As we walked further and further away from the Yin garden, we slowly approached the inner building where the higher ups of the Liu family resides in, including my grandmother and father who luckily was sitting down in a happy mood drinking their tea... not.

In truth they were actually angry, well it was clear on my fathers face but for my grandmother, it was like her usual face, there was no clear emotions present in her facial features to tell me what she truest feels but with my skills I don't see any dangerous auras from her so I'm guessing I'm not on such a bad term with my grandmother.

And even as I think back to my past, the only person in the family who treats the children equally would be grandmother, she even treats my brother extraordinarily well which I was grateful for and at times she would help me out however my past life, I was blinded with helping my useless father that I didn't think about my grandmothers hard work. But knowing how this is my second chance of living such a life, I will change everything.

I walked in the tranquil room where my step-sister was crying on the shoulder of step-mother whilst father was sitting at the centre master seat along with grandmother next to her. And the maids and servants surrounding the place, 'I guess this has something to do with her.' I said internally whilst looking at my step-sister and I could feel a mischievous smile creeping up her cheeks but it was in father and grandmothers blind spot.

I instantly knew she was scheming something but no matter what she does, I would face it straight on as I am no longer my past self.

Looking at my so called father and grandmother, I kowtowed to them showing my respects to my elders, 'Liu Zhen Zhu greet father and grandmother.'

And with that, fathers anger started to fade away maybe due to my good manners and weak health which made him rethink his manner of speech towards me or that it reminded him something of my mother as I was told I am a lot like her.

'You May take a seat.' Father said and I abide whilst sitting down on the opposite seat of my step sister.

'Do you know why I've called you hear' father asked.

Pretending to be dumb but also getting more pitiful points from them I smiled at them, ' I know' I said standing up with joy present in my voice.

' so are you sorry about it' He asked.

I looked at him pretending to be confused, 'what do you mean?' I asked still acting dumb

'Aren't you going to confess?' He asked with anger fuming his body which made my step sister smirk under her fake tears.

And seeing how she wants to play it this way, I gave a pitiful look directed at myself, 'father... I thought you called me in to see how I was doing since it's been so long since you called, I was excited to finally see you since my poor health wasn't convenient for me to come but it seems this wasn't the purpose of today's meeting.' I said looking sad and with that it easily manipulated my father's anger and turned it into pity.

'I... I mean, yes that was part of the reason I called you in.'

'I heard from the maids that due to your health, your memory became blurry.' Grandmother said worriedly whilst gesturing me to come closer to her.

I smiled, 'yes that's true but no matter what I won't forget the faces of father an grandmother no matter what.' I sweet talked them which made grandmother extremely happy but for father, there was a sense of guilt.

'So anyways I've called you here to talk about the necklace you've taken away from your sister.' Father spoke in a calmer manner.

I looked at him confused, 'are they pushing such a false accusation on me, well no matter it is an easy case to get over with.' I though to myself.

'What necklace?' I asked innocently.

'Don't pretend and say the truth, I won't blame you.' He said and from his aura I could tell what he said was the truth.

'But I didn't take anything from sister. Since the day when sister rushed into my Yin garden and demanded to see me, my condition has gotten worse and I haven't been out my bed till this morning but seeing how father wants to see me, I eagerly got myself together and presented myself here. You could even ask the 2 maid that was with her that day.' I said which made Qiu Xia really nervous and one of the maids was banished from entering the Liu family' territory. And if father find out how his most adored and filial daughter treated the servants and if this was known to others, her reputation would go down the drains.

'Father, it's fine. I may have been mistaken.' She quickly said and looked back at me, 'I'm sorry sister, it's just that it was a precious present from my mother and I got overly anxious as I lost it when coming out of your Yin garden' she said with fake tears in her eyes.

'Oh my, sister that's not good, I'll tell my people to look around the garden to find it but seeing how there could be some suspicions with your maids, it may be better if we bring them in for question as they may know something since they're the closest to you and with father and grandmother here, it'll be fair.' I said worriedly.

I could clearly see her annoyance present in her features but I couldn't loose this match.

'No, thank you for second sisters concern, I would thoroughly check them when I get back. I shouldn't bother father and grandmother to do such trivial matters.' She said

'Oh but it is something really precious and we are all family, it won't be a bother.'

And seeing how she was getting anxious, father suddenly cut in stopping the argument, ' ok, that is it everyone should go back to our rooms'

I looked at him, he sure dotes on Liu Qiu xia massively that he even helped her get out of her awkward situation which I was about to win.

And with that grandmother, father and my so called step-mother went back leaving with me and Liu Qiu Xia.

'You'll pay for this.' She said in a threatening voice whilst making her way out.

I smiled, 'let's see how that goes'

Note: to provide information of the level of alchemy cultivation within this story to clear some content would be discussed below:

For an alchemist, there is 9 layers like that of our deity cultivation however instead of all having 9 stages within each layer. For alchemy training it has stages of rareness embedded within each layer from the order of lowest to highest:

1) mortal stage

2)flowing Qi stage

3) Qi fusion stage

4) pure foundation stage

5) heavenly stage

6) nascent stage

7) deity stage

8)Immortal stage

9) transcending stage

The higher the pill or elixir is, the more rare and hard it is to produce.