
Second Chance (a new life)

Waking up in as a female, a really hot one after living a shitty life as a man does not sound so bad right? This is the life of Anastasia Tiana Snegov, her second chance and her slice of life. Mc was previously male and may or may not have been bisexual. Gender bent mc, male to female mc, gender swapped mc,

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21 Chs

Something good is coming




The sound of the alarm clock brought me out of my peaceful slumber and I reached out with my left hand while my head was still in the pillow to turn the alarm off. After turning the clock off I slowly sat up and yawned as I stretched my sleep riddled body before taking a deep breath in to enjoy the vanilla scent within the room. I got out of bed and turned around to spread my lavender bed covers before putting my pillows as well as my giant teddy bear on the bed.

I smiled to myself as I wore my home slippers and walked into the bathroom white wearing my green tube top pyjamas as well as a pair of matching green short shorts that were silk with plant prints. My hair was tied up inside a bonnet because it was much better to sleep with it that way. I got into the bathroom and sat down on the round shaped loo to answer nature's call.

As I did this I began thinking of what had happened over the last month and a half since I moved to my apartment. I had moved in on the 31st of January which was a Sunday and the girls had come over along with the guys from work to celebrate the new place a week later. I had bought all my furniture from my savings and I got probably the most expensive gift for having a new apartment from Josh who was now my boyfriend.

Josh had gifted me a pretty expensive bag that I really loved, speaking of Josh or just thinking of him made me smile a lot because he was just simply perfect in my eyes. We had gone on several dates over the last month and a half, we even had a date here a couple of times but had never gone beyond just kissing and touching as Josh said something about deepening a connection before taking the plunge. I had finally gotten my first salary as the company paid monthly well they paid weekly but I only looked through my money after the first month.

I set up some savings accounts and budgeted the rest of the money to buy much needed clothes, shoes, bags, groceries and some furniture items. On the note of clothes, I had asked if it was really OK to just dress however way I wanted and Mr Wilson had said as long as I didn't show up to work naked or in just underwear then I was good to wear whatever I wanted. I really felt like dressing in a way that showed off my body but I had to ask my boyfriend first because I did not want to do something that would throw him off.

After talking to Josh about it I went to buy some clothes with him that I was going to pay for so he could see what I meant about the outfits I wanted to wear. He was OK with them which made me happy and he even offered to pay for the clothes I had bought, I first didn't want him to but eventually he did and I paid for lunch. With my new clothes I was turning heads as always but now more than ever and while I enjoyed the attention I made sure to never respond in a way that would suggest I was interested.

I finally finished with my business and brushed my teeth before taking a shower after which I did my skin care routine before I started with my make up. I applied my foundation on my face before applying my concealer and then the contour. I moved on to the blush and then the brown definer before applying the eye shadow after which I applied my eye liner.

With those done I moved on to applying my mascara then lip liner and lip stick before finally applying my setting mist. It took me almost 30 minutes just to get ready and I soon stood up to go wear my outfit for the day. I decided to go with a white top which showed plenty of cleavage and a blush pink skirt which was pretty long but figure hugging around the waist as well as hip area.

Wearing the outfit after taping my boobs and wearing a pair of sexy panties, I wore a pair of heels before letting my hair down. I picked up three bracelets and put two of them on my right wrist along with a small analogue watch while wearing the other bracelet on my left wrist. I didn't wear any other jewellery and I just picked up my bag which was deep pink before adding my usually stuff inside it.

I walked out of the bedroom and towards the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I decided to make myself some oatmeal with yogurt and toasted almonds but not a lot of it. As I ate I got a text from Josh which I read as I ate my food.

Can I confess something? JoshðŸ'–

I thought for a bit as I ate before I replied sure!

Your smile is the prettiest smile I have ever seen. JoshðŸ'–

I smiled as I saw his reply before thinking of something to reply as well.

Can I confess as well? I asked.

Oh sure. JoshðŸ'–

This smile only exists when I'm with you. I typed and sent my reply before getting up to put my empty bowl in the dishwasher.

I smiled at Josh's reply and I soon locked up the apartment so I could go to work. I met up with the girls and we walked to work which was one of the few times I got some sun on my skin during the week. Today was a Friday and Josh was coming over to finally take the plunge so I was really excited.

We talked as we got to work and I soon found myself in my cubicle working on my last task of the week. The stares at how I dressed had died down by now so I sat comfortably while doing my work and I soon finished up with everything for the day. I then spent the remainder of the day checking to make sure everything was correct before sending it to Mr Wilson.

After I sent everything I packed up my stuff and walked with the girls back home. When I got home I decided to just take off my clothes to slip into something a bit more sexy for tonight. I had big plans for the night and I had already ordered some food since it would take too long to cook.

I put on some relaxing music as I went into the bedroom to slip into something good. After looking through the sets of clothes I had picked before I went to sleep yesterday I decided on one which I thought would be great. I just smiled as I thought of the face my boyfriend would make once he saw me in this.

Josh was 31 years old which meant he was 11 years older than me since I would be turning 21 a few months after he turned 32. Apart from us getting along pretty well we had the same values and the age wasn't something I was worried about at all.