
Chapter 98

Come on, one shot. With a flash of the muzzle I saw him stagger slightly, the bullet having grazed his muzzle. So much range! With my opening shot Aria had taken the initiative, lunging at Lazarus with wings outstretched.

“Go get ‘em, girl!” I shouted before bracing myself against her, feeling her massive wings thrusting forward.

Before the fight, I had hooked my gun onto my shirt just in case I lost my grip on it. Now I was using it to attempt a one-handed reload. There was no real way to not hold on for dear life with Aria in the thick of combat.

I leaned down as much as I could, bracing the rifle against my right arm while holding on for dear life. I could hear crashing of stone and crystal as Castle Mithil crumbled from Aria’s impact. Sprays of building material bounced off Aria’s scales as plumes of dust rose from the two dragons duking it out.