
Chapter 94

“While that is true, I don’t think our version of a dragonslayer has slayed any dragons, and some idiot has tried. I can bat away whichever moron thinks having a fancy sword will kill a dragon.”

I could confirm, despite having never been stupid enough to point a sword at a dragon. Even if you weren’t scared at all, a dragon was too huge to be any more than mildly inconvenienced by sword stabs. That and it would only be a matter of time before you were hit in the face with a paw the size of a building.

It wasn’t long before we heard footsteps approach. A familiar squeaky voice ran through our ears as our heads snapped around to see who it was.

“Hey lovebirds? Liking the new gun?”

It was Ashe, which usually meant trouble of some kind. I whipped around to see him carrying some new clothing, completely black, alongside a nifty cap that seemed to shimmer. Were those goggles?