
Chapter 81

“Kennith, I can’t beat that. It makes me sound like a petulant child whining that she isn’t getting a piece of the action. I’m not arguing that I should be out there. I mean, I am, but not because I think I should be.” I pointed at the door with surprising vigor.

“I’m saying it’s hopeless, because there’s nothing I can do to beout there. Before, I could have a better shot. I could learn how to read formally. I could adapt. Now? Nothing. Look at me Kennith, I’ve been reading this stupid book, taking notes, and getting nowhere!” I slammed the weighty church text onto the desk to make a point.

“I’ve never seen you try this hard to play catch-up, ever.” My brother took a sip, bemused. When I was younger, I did indeed have a bad case of trying to do things that I should’ve saved for when I grew up a bit more. Lots of scraped knees and a few broken bones.