
Chapter 80

“Charlotte! What in the blazes was that!” Kennith’s shout blared across the snow-covered field as I let out a nervous chuckle.

“Just practicing my shot! With guns! Nothing to worry about!”

I knew it worried them. After Aria left and we had settled down, they began noticing that I had brought home a sword, guns, among other equipment that I’d never had. Myrtle didn’t hesitate to interview me with starstruck eyes, even as I informed her that swords were generally useless, and that dragons were fabulously unrideable.

I decided not to tell her that Aria was built like a giant tank on legs, though the massive wingspan was something she adored. She also loved the imagery of Aria blotting out the moon as she rescued me from that shootout in Arlond. Kennith spent that entire story looking at me like I was giving him a heart attack. Considering the things Aria and I have gotten away with, I wouldn’t blame him.