
Chapter 64

“I hate to break it to you, but my wife does not write high literature. Thank the Trinity she’s not actually here to hear that, but it’s the truth.”

“Ya, sure, but her stuff is actually fun to read! If I try to read the church’s volumes, I am going to fall asleep. Might as well read something that’s fun!”

My brother seemed doubtful, but he didn’t want to argue. “Knock yourself out.”

I spent the first day in what seemed like forever lying by the fireplace with a cup of tea and reading. Aunt Mur-Mur had written a new volume of her new book series White Wings: Trinity’s Blade. While I would’ve been absolutely delighted at the book before, reading it now was quaint.

It told the story of a dragon and dragon rider pair on their quest to meet up with Cestra after the events of the last book. It was probably insensitive to directly reference Cestra in such a way, but I could see why she did it. She wrote a pretty good scene of Cestra coming down and kicking villain butt.