
Chapter 53

Things had been going so fast, even for me, and I was the one who liked to take things fast, damn it! I wanted to introduce Aria to my folks. I knew it might not be possible until after this whole thing was over, but introducing her to my big brother and his wife might be good for her

I paused for a moment, my steps suddenly coming to a standstill. The crunching of snow. Someone was following me.

I spun around, hand on my blade, to see a pair of inquisitors. Our eyes locked for a brief second. Aw crap. I turned my head back as they walked away, or so seemed.

I could’ve gone back into the church. In fact, I probably should’ve gone back to the church to tell Aria that there were patrols moving before nightfall.

However, we desperately needed to salvage whatever weapons we had left and get new ones.

The rest of the walk was filled with tension and darting eyes as I made sure I wasn’t getting snooped on or followed. It might’ve been a hunch, but I’ve learned to trust my hunches.