
Chapter 51

“Mmm…my head hurts…” she finally whimpered, turning to her side and trying to drag me along with her. She wasn’t trying very hard, but I had stuff to do rather than be her body pillow for the rest of the afternoon.

“H-Hey! I’m not your pillow!” I whispered, as she flopped onto her back. Our legs were still wrapped around each other, shifting about as she stirred awake.

“If you knew that you couldn’t hold your liquor, then why did you chug all that fancy booze?” I let myself have a free joke at her expense, but instead of laughing, she jumped out of bed, eyes wide in shock. I winced as her knee hit me in the shins by accident.

“Wait! So you…I…That wasn’t a dream, was it.” Her stutters turned even more frantic as I pointed to the garments flung carelessly across the room.

“I mean, unless you’ve gotten some new-fangled magical powers from being drunk, then no. That was most definitely real.” I let out a pained smirk. “Also, you’re naked.”