
Chapter 45

The entire restaurant was lined with family pictures, completing that home restaurant feel. The table had actual tablecloths and utensils already laid out, a sign of a fancy place to eat in the Central Tangles. Aria was too busy rushing to the back where the menus were, both of us letting out a chuckle at her childlike behaviour.

“You’re her escort, right?” The large man grinned, offering a hand to shake as Aria chewed through the basket of bread on the counter. The guy was even taller than I was, which was pretty rare.

“Clover.” He nodded as I shook his hand. Always such a tight grip when guys see a girl who can handle themselves, but I’ve learned to give them a bit of a squeeze in return.

“Charlotte, and in a manner of speaking,” I gave a nervous chuckle before continuing, “We’re actually having a date here…” Aria’s entire face flushed. I watched as Clover’s grin drained to an apprehensive frown.