
Chapter 41

Regardless, when I tried to get up, I felt a soft hand on my own, beckoning, but not forcing me to remain seated.

“You are still a child, Aria. You ought to take your feelings into consideration.”

That statement stung a little bit more than I knew what to do with. With a sharp twist of my hand, I reeled upright, imposing my glare over him. The anger passed quickly. There was no need to shoot the messenger. If it wasn’t him, it was going to be Charlotte.

“My point stands.” I realized that I was being too grim, which meant I must’ve looked absolutely depressing. With a sigh, I lightened my tone, my expression softening in kind. Maybe it would be better to admit defeat and say that I was tired. To fight someone I had already convinced was petty at best.

“Sorry.” I tried to chirp it out, but it still came out a bit glum. To my surprise I was met with chuckles.