
Chapter 32

“Okay, okay! I won’t die,” I pleaded as Aria backed off, her eyes softening up again, her smile returning. Her other half was scary. Time to defuse things a little.

“So…does this mean we’re a couple?” I looked at her expectantly as it was her turn to let out a slew of embarrassed and confused noises.

“That’s such an embarrassing way to put it…it’s too soon.” She hid her face, forcing out the words one by one.

“But you love me back, right? Right?” I elbowed her with a stupid grin on my face, as she hid her blushing face more and more. “Come on. I already promised you that I wouldn’t die. You got to do something for me.”

“I love you…” she weakly whispered as I let out a giggle. I wanted to tease her more, but figuring out next steps was higher priority.