
Chapter 2

“Spoken like a true hero.” I gave her a thumbs up, all the while rewriting her introductory speech. She gave a stupid grin.

“Really? I thought I was supposed to say something really long and dumb, sis!”

Getting made fun of in my own introduction was really the only way this could have ended. If it wasn’t her, it was going to be my husband.

I’d normally say the Trinity blessed us, but when it’s dragons fighting each other, then it really is up to us to change the tide. So, I wish us luck. Most of all, I wish you luck, Charlotte.

I’m cheering for you, goofball. I hope your future readers are cheering for you too.

Myrtle “Mari” Innings

Grand Chronicler as appointed by the Pre-eminence Council 1: Those Silver Eyes

“One room, please! With two beds…”

The voice in front of me was chirpy as I looked up.

“…if you have them!” Standing in front of me was an excited girl. She was dressed in the usual brown and dark green traveler’s garb, yet there was something more to her. Maybe it was the way she carried herself, hands behind her traveling skirt with her body leaning curiously towards me. Maybe it was her smile, soft and genuine. Maybe it was her white hair, flowing strands of silver that effortlessly brushed past her shoulders.

Even though her face was partially obscured behind the hood, I could tell she had a sheltered birth. Tailored leather gloves that looked brand new and no backpack—that was for the person behind her to carry.

I wanted to let out my usual dismissive sigh and milk her very full coin pouch, but her smile had a way of drawing you in. It didn’t help that she looked a few years too young to be traveling. It made me want to pinch her cheeks instead of taking her coin.

Maybe she was one of those nice nobles that I keep hearing about but never meet. I returned the smile before leaning over to see who was keeping her alive and fed. I tilted my head slightly to see a gruff man standing behind her, just far enough to feign ignorance. He carried himself like a predator, scanning the area for threats. He wore a red hunting cap to block the sun, and a drab winter jacket that looked like it had seen better days. He was also armed to the teeth. I spotted at least two axes, a sword, and several guns at first glance. Didn’t help the intimidation factor that he casually carried two backpacks of gear. He looked old enough to be my dad too, if my dad had spent the next year buying guns and wrestling bears for a living. Had the same nice tan too.

“Of course we have rooms with two beds. How many nights?” I asked, but it was a formality

She probably could afford any number of nights. As she looked up at me, I gasped. I could see her eyes now, and they were beyond words. Her eyes were a dazzling silver, otherworldly and ethereal.

I almost felt my jaw drop, taken aback by how beautiful they were. They were jeweled diamonds compared to regular eyes and surrounded by tiny motes of light. Each eye was a container for a single shimmering star, and they were looking right up at me.

Her soothing voice returned me to reality. “Hello? Are you all right?”

I quickly tore myself from her gaze. Oh, that would be the absolute worst conversation starter. Hi, I think your eyes are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen. Please let me stare into your eyeballs because I have no reference point for pretty things.

I felt my voice stuttering as I tried to get a grip. “Y-Yeah. It’ll be six gold a night unless you need something else.” She didn’t even seem to notice the accidental stutter, nor my flushed cheeks. It was better that way.

“Would we be able to get night service?”

“Nine gold a night.”

She reached into her coin pouch and placed nine gold coins in my hand. I could see the man behind her shaking his head in disappointment. I only gave a knowing smile, trying to placate him before returning to business. Three gold was murder for room service.

I reached behind me and grabbed key number seven and a copper bell, and placed them on the counter. We did overcharge for room service, but the only people who wanted room service were the fancy nobles. Just one of my mother’s many schemes.

“Rooms are up the stairs; yours is further down the hall to the left. Have a nice stay!” My smile came easy, but for her it was effortless.